1. The Best Resting Spot in The World
Oh, this picture is so adorable. The infectious smile on the infant’s face has pure emotion in it. After all, the infant has found a way to get on the back of the family Labrador. The doggo doesn’t mind it as well and seems to be pretty relaxed. The young child is certainly having a great time and why can’t we get this beautiful picture out of heads?

2. Caught Red-Handed or Red-Pawed?
This little kid just wanted to play with Buster, the family pooch, in his parents’ room. It is still unclear why he decided to bring all the food to the room when his initial intentions were to play with Buster. Well, the look on their faces says everything.

3. Friendship Despite Difference in Sizes
It gets really tiring to run all day and play different games. So, taking a break and sitting somewhere comfortable is a good option. As Great Danes are considered one of the biggest dogs in the world, this magnificent creature found no difficulty in sitting with its human friend.

4. A Perfect Companion To Play With
Trampolines provide an endless amount of fun. But it can get a bit sad if you don’t have any friend to join you on the trampoline. This young girl was sad that there was no one to play with her on a wintery morning. Lucky for her, Billy couldn’t see its friend sad and joined in to have some fun.

5. Sharing is Caring
It seems like even puppies love the smell of fresh laundry. The puppies found freshly dried sheets and couldn’t resist the temptation of taking a nap over the sheets. But the best thing about this picture is how the young boy joined the puppies to share a peaceful sleep.

6. An Uncomfortable Start to A Long Journey
This Labrador wants to show his affection by licking the face of his little friend. But it clearly shows that the child isn’t really comfortable here and his facial expressions tell the entire story. The doggo is clearly testing the limits of this child. It is best for the child to get used to it as they’ll have to grow up together and have lots of fun together.

7. A Friend Like No Other
The parents of this kid were desperately looking for someone who could become his great friend. As we are Living in a world where finding something as pure as friendship is difficult, the parents knew exactly what to do. They went ahead and found a companion that would love him like no other and be beside him no matter what happens. This friend is a doggo that won’t even complain and would always give him unconditional love.

8. Matching Outfits
As Halloween only comes once in a year, everyone tries to make the best of it by choosing a great-looking outfit. Adults come up with unique ideas when it is about choosing the outfit for Halloween, but hats off to this young girl who wanted to dress just like her beloved doggo. It goes without saying that her decision was really unique and these two look absolutely adorable in this picture.

9. Inheriting a Best Friend From His Great-Grandfather
Jamie’s great-grandfather departed just before he was born. He never got the chance to meet his loving great-grandfather. However, he got the second best thing as he inherited his great-grandfather’s best pal Peach the Pomeranian. Now they love going to joy rides together and these two definitely look just inseparable.

10. ‘Hey, Call Off The Search For The Babysitter’
Little Laura parents were on a search for a babysitter for their beautiful daughter. As one day they went to the kitchen to make a snack for their daughter, they left Laura with the dog, Roscoe. When they came back in the room with chopped carrots, they were surprised to see that their dog had appointed itself the role of a babysitter and seemed to be doing a pretty good job as well.

11. Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover
What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear about the dog breed pit bull? It is unfortunate that many of us have a wrong opinion of this breed. We believe it to be an aggressive and powerful dog breed and no family should have it in their home. However, the nature of pit bull depends a lot on its upbringing. And this picture is a perfect proof of that as well. At first, Emily was afraid of this pit bull. However, the warmth of the doggo was enough to win Emily’s heart. Now, they are often found taking naps together.

12. A Few Minutes of Friendship Means Several Years For Dogs
Johnny was super excited to go to the shelter to meet his new companion, Leela. Even the dog was excited to meet its new best buddy. As Johnny’s family got Leela and headed to home, it was just 20 minutes into the drive and mom looked back to find both of them sleeping onto each other. It seemed like both had been good friends for years. This picture just melted our hearts. That why you should consider adopting rather than buying puppies… #adoptdontshop

13. There is No Look of Remorse
As we know that children and dogs are playful creatures, we are quite familiar with a feeling of coming back home to find everything in a complete mess. In this case, the parents learned the importance of not leaving this kid and doggo alone. They made the mistake of leaving them unsupervised and now they have to clean the mess. However, this also gave them an opportunity to capture a life-long memory.

14. We Wonder What’s Going On In Their Minds
As these two beautiful bundles of joys are looking outside, the expression painted on their faces is just priceless. One wonders what intrigued them so much that they have such a precious expression on their faces. Maybe she helped her doggo break some rules or she gave him a treat without her parents knowing about it. We’ll never know for sure.

15. ‘Can Our Daughter Pet Your Dog?’
Rudy and its owners were spending quality time at a local restaurant. A couple and their little princess walked passed Rudy and the little girl couldn’t control her excitement upon seeing such as gorgeous creature. The couple asked Judy’s owners to let their daughter pet the dog. As the owners obliged their request, no one was expecting to witness such a priceless moment. The little girl leaned right in to kiss the doggo and surprised everyone.

16. Learning From The Best
Parents try their absolute best to teach good manners to their kids and yet they find it difficult to do it. One can say that it can be due to peer pressure or just the need to discipline the children in the right manner. Here, the army parents tried their best to teach their daughter to use verbal communication to ask for food whenever she feels hungry. However, this little angel was learning from the best. The picture shows how the doggo is helping the girl use non-verbal cues to ask for food.

17. Therapy Humans?
We all know about therapy dogs, right? Well, this doggo came back from the vet and desperately needed human affection. Just like therapy dogs can heal a human, the same role can be played by humans as well. The doggo was welcomed by a loving human who was ready to give it a lot of love and attention. Hopefully the dog healed quickly with the love and attention of his human friend.

18. The Love and Support From a Furry Friend
Life is full of ups and downs and it is really helpful if you have a friend who is always there to hug you. Whenever little Suzie is upset over something or has a bad day at school, she needs the support and love of someone. And every single time, the doggo steps up to the occasion and provides comfort to the little girl.

19. Giving Affection When It is Needed The Most
We love our pets and are mostly giving them support and affection. When a doggo is dealing with an infection, one of the best ways to prevent it from licking itself is the use of a cone. Although this method is effective, it can be really irritating and sad for the dog. This human friend realized that the doggo is upset and decided to give his furry friend some face time. The affection of a young child can do wonders and hopefully it made the healing process faster.

20. “He Doesn’t Look Like Us But We’ll Be The Best Parents In This World”
This picture shows how these two dogs are intrigued upon seeing a human baby and one wonders what might be going on in their minds. They are clearly thinking about how they are going to give love to this baby and raise it as their own. It can be said without any doubt that they will turn out to be great parents.

21. Tug of War: Gentle Mode
When a young child and overly excited dog are playing with toys, a little tug of war can break out quite inevitably. Although the doggo is bigger and stronger than its little friend, it knows very well that it needs to be gentle while playing tug of war. It is a wonderful boy in every sense as it is gently pulling the toy with its mouth rather than dragging its owner and winning the tug of war in a second. Guys, this is true love.

22. Peacemaker
Children are full of energy and they love to play games with immense passion. This means that fights can break out over toys, attention, and many other things. This brother and sister duo plays together and has lots of fun together, but they do fight from time to time. However, this doesn’t happen when the ‘peacemaker’ is around them. It’s all love and smiles when the pup is around. The parents are happy that the pup ensures the brother and sister duo is not fighting. Give this pup a Nobel Peace award, please!

23. Having A Dog Teaches A Lot About Having a Kid
Dogs and kids love playing and this picture is a clear proof of that. This doggo and the kid are happily playing with their chew toys and everything looks super fun. The kid is clearly learning from his furry friend and hopefully he learns more adorable things in the future as well.

24. ‘I protect my human’
Ah, this picture shows how much relaxed and assured the little girl is because she knows that her best friend is going to be with her all the time. The little girl is all dressed up to play in the rain but she knows that there can be some bullies out there as well. So, the best way to keep the bullies away is to bring your personal bodyguard. If anyone has a personal bodyguard as intimidating as this doggo, don’t go near that person!

Well, we hope you enjoyed these pictures. We believe that these pictures certainly prove the point that kids and dogs are meant for each other. Their friendship is truly heartwarming. If you don’t have a pet dog, we would strongly recommend you to get one. and yes, make sure you adopt a puppy. #adoptdontshop