1. Ride The Rollercoaster They Said, It'll Be Fun They Said...
This guy forced his wife to go on Splash Mountain, but she wasn't impressed. She is like, "I had fun once, didn't like it."
So we can say that this is one of the most determined grumpy faces ever. She's like, "just let me get home." Our recommendation to this couple (which hopefully is still together) is to frame this photo and hang it on the wall because it is priceless.
2. Don't Drink And Ride
This person was with his brother and found out that there was a camera on the roller coaster. So, they did the most obvious thing.
We really loved seeing this picture! It is not only very creative, but funny as well. We also really admire the beautiful relationship these brothers have.
3. Somebody Call An Exorcist
This is what the face of FEAR actually looks like and we have to say that this particular face of fear is so hilarious and relatable.

Hey, we feel bad for the lady, but she pretty must’ve known what she was getting into before taking the ride. So if you ever wondered what a possessed person looks like, you actually saw one now.
4. Now That's What We Call A Proposal
In romantic movies, you see how guys propose by going to the airport or other lame ways, right? We feel this one is simply the best because it is as real as it gets.
And is Lindsay the one in the front? We are pretty sure she said, "Yes." How could she not? This is so adorable.
5. Karen, It Was Supposed To Be A Fun Ride!
If laughing at this photo makes you or anyone a bad person, so be it. After all, this kid looks like having not the best time and his facial expression is priceless.
As far as we know, his hair refused to come down for two weeks. We hope it wasn’t a traumatizing experience for the kid.
6. Hakuna Matata
This person seems like a big fan of The Lion King, and always does a 'silly picture while on a roller coaster.' Only this time he nailed it.
So this is another reason to be on a rollercoaster because one thing we know for sure that it can be freakin' amazing.
7. Why Me God, Why?
This looks so epic. We don't know about you, but it seems like he's screaming in opera voice. You may disagree but it is our humble opinion that this is a meme-worthy photo.

This is the feeling you get when you've binge-watched your favorite show and you find out at the end of the last episode that you’ll have to wait till next year to see how the cliff-hanger turned out. Any Game of Thrones fans here who felt this way so many times?
8. That's One Adventurous Grandpa
These young ladies paid $10 to have their photo taken to look casual on the rollercoaster. But guess who stole their thunder: the grandpa. It seems like they got much more than what they paid for and we're sure no one complained.
And hey, is nobody noticing the little girl's safety bar in the back that is apparently not keeping her safe? Maybe she's using her teeth to have a firm grip.
9. The Best Family Rollercoaster Pose Ever
This is one of those rollercoaster poses we would buy without asking any questions. It looks great that all four of them are going through their morning routine, but what about the guy in the back? Is he trying to poop?
By the way, the guy with the shaving cream has a high level of commitment. Mad respect for that guy!
10. "Well, You Wanted To Sit In The Front"
The facial expression on that young girl's face tells (in Morgan Freeman's voice): That moment when you realize the survival of your family rests solely upon you.

One thing we know for sure is that they might never try to sit in the front ever again. Lessons were learned that day.
11. Young Luke Skywalker Didn't Enjoy The Ride
His mom uploaded this photo, and she knows very well that the rollercoaster ride and the photo will haunt her son forever.
She even uploaded her son's normal photo for reference. The irony is that "Smile more" is written on his t-shirt and it seems like it's some advice he could use while on this adrenaline-pumping ride.
12. Reason #1 To Keep Your Arms and Legs Inside The Rollercoaster
This photo is pure gold. Two guys can't believe their friend lost both of his arms during the ride and one guy that looks like Kevin Hart is laughing in the back.
Then the lady in the front looks like she's faking it for the camera and the guy in the front looks like he's sleeping. And that's not all because someone at the top left corner looks like they're praying. This photo is too hilarious.
13. An Upcoming Sport In The Olympics
We have a strong belief that a new game will be introduced at the Olympics in which one team will have to throw their keys in the air on a rollercoaster ride and the other team will have to catch them midair.
It is happening in this picture and the guy at the back actually caught the keys. Is that the start of a new bromance?
14. If Regret Had A Face
This was the day the young boy learned what regret truly feels like. Now we feel a little bad for the kid.

This photo is a combination of soft young cheeks plus wind plus terror. Poor kid!
15. 5 Stages of Reaction
So this girl at the back came out at Disneyland and the 5 stages of reaction sum up everything about it in a perfect way.
So it is like, "Fun," "Meh," "Meh," "Meh," and "Fun." The three girls in the middle look like they've been dragged on to take the ride for the 20th time by their friend at the front.
16. How You Doin'?
It seems like this person is hitting on someone or maybe he's the new supervillain in the making.
Well, this guy is a ridiculously photogenic rollercoaster enthusiast. And who else noticed the rosy cheeks of the guy in the back?
17. Jenga Level: Pro Max
Playing Jenga requires a lot of concentration and calculated moves, but not if you achieve a level like these guys - that's when nothing is impossible to you.

These two have done something that no one could possibly think of achieving. They’ve glued it together and now they got the perfect photo.
18. A Ripped Grumpy Clown
It seems like this clown no longer wants to make new friends and is tired of the world. All the muscles make us wonder what’s underneath the face paint and wig.

Given how ripped this joker is, we're sure about one thing; that he is not Joaquin Phoenix.
19. Real Life Troll Dolls
After looking at these two kids, we're sure they should go to audition for the film, How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

On second thought, they should audition for Dragon Ball as it looks like their heads are on fire.
20. Everyone Looks Tiny Compared To the Rock
We know that the Rock is the highlight of this photo, but what about the last guy? He looks like a cardboard cut-out. He looks so flat and we have started to question if he's real or not.
Maybe that guy is Will Ferrell and he can't handle what the Rock is cooking. By the way, the Rock, as always, is rocking the ride.
21. Holding On For Dear Life
This guy found a photo of the time when he took his first rollercoaster ride. It is no surprise that now he hates rollercoasters so much. After all, it was one hell of a terrifying experience for the young guy.
It was his first and only ride. Well, at least now he finally knows why he needed years of therapy.
22. When Mom Needs A Saving
Although this kid needs her mom to step in and protect her, it seems like mom is more scared than the kid.
Or maybe she's trying to protect her child. You got to love her because she thinks her hand is enough to conquer physics.
23. Agents Looking After Neo
The title of this picture is dedicated to all fans of The Matrix franchise. It is because this group of friends pretended to be bodyguards for one of their choir mates all day in Disneyland.
They're like, "Agent Smith, are you sure this is the fastest way to track down Neo?" It seems like their choir mate is still singing.
24. The Three Stages: Excitement, Fear, Nausea
It was the first rollercoaster ride for these kids and the first photo shows how excited they are before taking it. The second and third photo perfectly sums up their ride.
We can also say that the first picture is: Youth, the second picture is: Adulthood, and the third picture is: Old age.
25. Don’t Tell Mom About It
This dad wants his son to have fun, but it seems like the kid had a bit too much of it.
Now, it seems like he had so much fun that he may go home all crying to tell mom how dad tricked him into taking the ride.
26. Is That Buzz from Home Alone?
Well if you ever wanted to see how a carrot looks like on a rollercoaster ride, here you have it.

This is how you react when the vending machine at work runs out of your favorite snack or eats your money.
27. A Date To Remember
When someone tells you that they had the best date ever, show them this wild date photo that will surely top whatever date they're rambling on about.
The waiter is like, "Sir, please, we like our tablecloth dry." And is it just us or the waiter looks a bit like Edward Norton? Maybe they hired the actor to play the role of a waiter.
28. Well, Someone Forgot Sunscreen
It seems like she forgot to use sunscreen and we hope it is true because we don't want to think there was a demon child on the ride that day. We love rollercoasters so much and this can really haunt us forever.

Maybe the dad was teasing her by saying, "Sweetheart, you look like a tomato girl," and she was like, "Ah I'm gonna killllllll youuuu!!!!"
29. Horsing Around Huh?
This group of friends went on Splash Mountain with a clear plan and they executed it quite perfectly.
Are they all big fans of BoJack Horseman? It seems like they love horsing around.
30. Not Like a Boss
This kid is still a thousand times better than the person sitting behind him because he knows how to hide his fear.
However, it does seem like the cracks are starting to show. The good thing is that mommy is having fun there.
31. "Want To Know How I Got These Scars"
It seems like a close shave or maybe the guy really wanted to have permanent scars on his face like the Joker.
Or maybe the guy at the back is Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Disneyland.
32. I Had Fun Once, It Was Terrible
We feel bad for the kid who seems like he's regretting his decision to get on the rollercoaster.

Decisions like these at a young age make you never want to make another spontaneous decision ever again.
33. Rollercoaster Beer Pong Challenge
Beer pong is a fun drinking game, but we didn't know it could be played on a rollercoaster ride as well.

This couple should've won an award for their dedication to making such an awesome memory.
34. Yeah, Thanks Dad
This kid always thought that his dad was a superhero who would step in to save him whenever needed.

But here, the kid understood that he was wrong. The dad just wanted to have some fun. You go, dad!
35. When Grandparents Have A Bit Too Much Fun
It seems like this couple wasn’t expecting the ride to be so wet and fun! It's definitely not like sitting around and watching Jeopardy!
If anyone tells you that grandparents are not fun or that they’re mostly complaining, show them this photo. Or you can show this photo to your grandparents.
36. Can You Hear Me Now?
Some people can’t put the phone down for anything. It seems like this rollercoaster phone conversation must be really intense.

Maybe he was talking to his girlfriend. Nevertheless, we hope he got everything sorted out by making/attending such an important phone call during the ride.
37. Zombie On A Rollercoaster?
It seems like this person is a fan of zombie movies or maybe the scary ride turned him into a zombie.

Imagine if rollercoaster rides started turning people into zombies. It might not be a great movie idea, but it's still better than Twilight.
38. Monopoly Men Having Fun
Are you a fan of Monopoly? If not then you may not appreciate this photo as much as your Monopoly-loving aunt.

They look committed and it seems like one of those Monopoly games that take ages to end. Legend has it that their game still hasn’t finished yet.
39. No Turning Back
It seems like the boyfriend somehow convinced his girlfriend to go on the ride and now she’s regretting the decision.
Our experience tells us that closing our eyes can somehow help a little bit but not if your boyfriend keeps shaking you and yelling at you to, "Put your hands in the air!"
40. HumanZilla In The Park
This guy was bored in line for his rollercoaster ride and decided to kill his time wisely and we're not even complaining.
Now this is a hilarious and wise way to use your time. He's like, "Scoooob, I'm so hungry I could eat a roller coaster."