1. Meanwhile in China
Okay, first of all, this isn’t a parking lot so let’s get this thought out of your head. Secondly, it isn’t some scene from a Chinese movie as well.
This is considered one of the longest traffic jams in the world that lasted for two weeks!
2. Meanwhile in Singapore
This funny sign in Singapore highlights the importance of not going out in the summer season.
This is the kind of skin tone you get when you are out in the sun for more than three hours. One commenter even said, “come to the US with this tan and run for president.”
3. Meanwhile in Japan
“Hey, we heard you gave some food to our cousin and we were just wondering if…”
One thing can be said with absolute certainty that this guy has been down this road with these deer before.
4. Meanwhile in Canada
Canadian people are just the nicest in the world and this is another example of that. It seems like such a caring gesture.
However, there is a possibility he planted a tracker in the box or even a bear trap underneath it.
5. Meanwhile in Bosnia
Well, it can be said that this car driver needs a new pigtail light.
And hey, is that cute little piggy being used as the indicator? It must be like “hey, the car is turning left.”
6. Meanwhile In Australia
Wildfire and bushfires in Australia are quite common, so this sign kind of makes some sense.
But it is still odd because you can never feel relieved in other parts of the world if the fire status is ‘HIGH.’ We bet these Australians must be like “oh, there is nothing to worry about, the fire danger rating today is just High.”
7. Meanwhile in London
This is so considerate that they have not tried to vacate the goose that is not friendly at all. We have a suggestion: just play some music and it’ll fall asleep.
In case you are not familiar with the Goose warning scale, here you have it. Level 1: The goose is sleeping. Level 2: Goose is not aggressive. Level 3: Goose is a bit puckish and annoyed. Level 4: The goose is protecting his nesting partner (approach at your own risk).
8. Meanwhile in Texas
Well, we thought you need a car to go through the Drive-Thru. Apparently, in Texas horses will work too.
We feel that it’s all fun and games until one of these girls spills hot coffee on their horse.
9. Meanwhile in Finland
As we know by now that people in Finland really give a lot of importance to personal space, this photo just confirms that.
There are benches in the country made for one person facing away from each other so that…yes, you’ve guessed it right…there is no issue of personal space.
10. Meanwhile in India
When there is a sign that has a tiger head and crossbones, don’t even think about doing something stupid.
Apparently, a lot of people went near the tiger that they had to come up with this sign. As a lot of Hindus believe in reincarnation, this sign is quite ingenious.
11. Meanwhile in Japan
We have a harmless question: how does one urinate elegantly? Okay, this is a really hilarious sign but just imagine what really forced them to put this sign in the first place.
It must be placed in a public washroom of boy’s high school because ‘mature’ men know how to urinate with precision and elegance.
12. Meanwhile in Japan
We did know that Japanese people are very respectful and are not quite straightforward, but this contradicts with that belief big time.
If you are fat, they will tell you that you are fat and they won’t sugarcoat it.
13. Meanwhile in Australia
Given that this happened in Australia, it is no big deal because this kind of things is a common occurrence there.
We really loved how this person mentioned the important details like the red fangs. We wouldn’t go near the box even if there was a dead spider.
14. Meanwhile in Japan
Don’t blame us for including most “meanwhile in” memes from Japan, some really uncommon things happen there and we have no control over any of them.
Even the mannequins in this country are not like they are in other parts of the world. Nevertheless, they look cool.
15. Meanwhile in Florida
This picture reminded us of the famous sewer scene from the horror movie “IT” in which Pennywise tries to lure Georgie into it.

We must say that this croc doesn’t look as scary as Pennywise and we are sure it doesn’t have similar convincing power as well.
16. Meanwhile In Minnesota
Thank God now whenever people hear/read about Minnesota they can think of something else other than Fargo.
And hey, at least they have turned tennis into a much “cooler sport” right?
17. Meanwhile in Canada
Ever felt embarrassed at accidentally walking into other gender’s washroom? You won’t if you are in Canada.
As we all know that Canadians have earned a reputation for being the nicest people on the planet, this actually didn’t surprise us at all. Keep on reading to find out more about nice Canadians.
18. Meanwhile in Florida
If you are a little pissed that you cannot read the full quote at the bottom of this picture, here you have it: "As I have grown older, I've learned that pleasing everyone is impossible but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake."
We must admit that Florida is a really fun state. Where else you can find this type of humor, right?
19. Meanwhile in Korea
“Son, why on earth would you bring a bunny to a subway on a leash? Are you okay?”
Given that people bring all sorts of pets to Walmart, we’ll admit that it didn’t really surprise us that much.
20. Meanwhile in Alaska
We are pretty sure that people in Alaska must be used to this, except for kids (of course).
Well, it is great to see that the moose is just minding his own business. Maybe he is going to meet some old friends, who knows.
21. Meanwhile in Kearney, Nebraska
There is no need to have a man-made refrigerator when there is a natural refrigerator outside, right?
This seems like a cool idea for home parties. And is it just us or the doorknob is a bit far over.
22. Meanwhile in Texas
This person just moved to Texas and it seems like he is fitting in perfectly.
As there are a lot of pickup trucks in Texas, this unusual feeling will remain with him for quite some time.
23. Meanwhile In Montreal
The gun culture among raptors goes way back. They were allowed to run certain parts and there were no restrictions on guns.
However, the population of raptors grew over time and this step had to be taken. Now they are only allowed to carry flowers.
24. Meanwhile in Australia
This sign pretty much says that ‘don’t take the road at all or the wildlife will get you.’
As people were still going out even after these kinds of warning signs, they thought that people will only take them seriously if they include Santa Claus as well.
25. Meanwhile in Russia
We all know about The United States and Russia rivalry, right? Well, it seems like Russia is a big fan of Hollywood.
We must admit that it seems super legit. One commenter even said that “is that Trump hotel in the background.” Damn, that’s cold!
26. Meanwhile in Canada
Most of us know that Canada’s climate is characterized mostly by a cold winter and a cool/moderate and humid summer. But how can you tell you’re actually in Canada?
Well, this picture shows how you can tell you’re in Canada or not. And by the way, he shouldn’t be wearing those clothes because his “nippies” are quite obvious due to the cold.
27. Meanwhile in France
Apparently, the person who posted this photo claimed that llamas delayed Tour de France Stage 8, but that did not happen.
Nevertheless, it is pretty badass because it seems like they don’t care about the world or anyone else. They are wild souls.
28. Meanwhile In Springfield, Ohio
Homer Simpson must be driving this truck. We really admire the driver because at least he is giving a heads up to everyone.
If you ever wanted to come to Springfield as a fan of The Simpsons, just don’t…it’s for your own safety.
29. Meanwhile in Canada
We will only ask one question: why would you do this Canada? Why do you want people to make fun of you?
We are sure there must be many famous people in Canada and you can name these streets after them. We are so confused right now.
30. Meanwhile In Sweden
Well, you have to deal with problems with modern solutions, right? Here is how you do it.
We are quite sure this baby in this stroller goes around the town with background music playing “they see me rollin’, they hatin.”
31. Meanwhile In Poland
We must admit that the photographer shouldn't have taken this picture as it was ‘nun of his business.’
There is a possibility that these nuns have developed a habit and now they are addicted to speed. But they should know that speed thrills but kills.
32. Meanwhile in Texas
If there is Texas, there will be cowboy hats. But thankfully, most people don’t go to construction work wearing cowboy hats.
But this cowboy safety hat doesn’t look safe at all. We just feel that it can easily catch falling objects which means that all the force will be transferred directly to the wearer.
33. Meanwhile in Japan
"I am a Samurai. I ride on a steel horse wherever I go." This guy looks super cool in this costume.
And yes, we just want to clarify that this samurai is not Keanu Reeves after he was done with the shooting of 47 Ronin.
34. Meanwhile in Sweden
Oh, thank God that finally Sweden confirmed that they also have a sense of humor.
We are quite sure the engineer of this train graduated from ‘University McUniversity face.’
35. Meanwhile in The USA
Well, well, well if it isn’t MS. I AM NOT AFRAID OF FIREWORKS. We must admit that we haven’t seen any cat as of yet who isn’t afraid of fireworks.
This cat is not like others. In fact, she loved the sight so much that she jumped onto the window to get a better view.
36. Meanwhile in Japan
Although you can get pretty spooked at seeing someone like this coming from behind, it is still a cool picture.
By the way, this picture reminds us of a 2001 Japanese animated coming-of-age fantasy film Spirited Away.
37. Meanwhile in Finland
Well, this picture shows how much people in Finland love their personal space. It is like they all have mutually decided that no one would come near for as long as the train doesn’t arrive.
It is yet to be found that whether people in Finland have this approach wherever they go or this is only used when they are at places that can get crowded.