1. Lessons Were Learnt That Day
This photo gives one lesson loud and clear: never let your child use your laptop.
Although the laptop looks a mess (somewhat in a good way), it is really amazing to see the dedication of the kid to color every single key differently.
2. Peekaboo
This parent went to the bathroom and forgot to shut the door. Prepare to see this when you become a parent.
The kid looks like a salesman on the door who uninvitedly tries to enter the home to take a look inside. The kid must be like" excuse me sir, have you tried this new book titled: Let Your Child Do Everything?"
3. When Your Kids Call You Out For Your Gas
Sometimes dads can be a little extra flatulent, but we still love them. They embarrass us, but at the end of the day, they are our best friends.

Show your dad how much you care with this hilarious shirt. BUY IT HERE
4. Imagine Waking Up To This
Kids are so innocent and they do whatever comes to their mind. This kid thought that the horse was feeling too hot and needed a fan.
One wonders did the parent told their kid "stop horsing around."
5. Impressive Climbing Skills
Kids love to do things which they are told not to do by their parents. This kid did exactly the opposite of what he was told not to do: not to be a Spiderman.
This sight could give any parent a heart attack. The look on the kid's face shows that he knows he messed up.
6. Best Dad Ever!
Being a new parent is extremely difficult. You have to stay up all night and deal with sleepless nights, but it is all worth it because you have brought new life into the world. Even when you have to deal with spit-up and dirty diapers, you can't help but appreciate the joys of parenthood.

Make sure everyone knows how awesome of a dad your husband is with this onesie. BUY IT HERE
7. The Best of The Lot
This list would've been incomplete even after thousands of pictures without this one. This is pure gold and you can see why.
Most people who are parents must be saying, "Been there." This is going to happen one way or another, but make sure you try not to carry your toddler over the shoulder.
8. Toddler At A Wedding: What Could Go Wrong
Bring a toddler to a wedding they said, it will be fun and super cute they said. But they never said it could look this scary.
It looks cute, but here is our different take on this photo: this is actually an alien creature disguised as an attractive woman who absorbs children into her body.
9. Going Opposite
We know that playpen is a great thing to protect kids from crawling away or self-harming. But we didn't know it could protect the parents from kids as well.
This parent found a perfect way to keep his work environment safe from toddlers. If you are planning on becoming a parent, you might be trying this method as well.
10. Two Peas In A Pod
Have you ever been told that you are just like one of your parents? You might hear that you look just like your mom, or you are your father's "mini-me." We suggest taking it as a compliment because your parents are pretty awesome.

Make sure everyone knows that your child is a replica of heir father with these "copy-paste" matching sets. BUY IT HERE
11. That's One Way To Do It
You find TV remote close to you whenever you are doing some other work and just when you want to watch TV, you can't find it anymore.
With kids in the house, losing remote can be a normal occurrence. This is one of the best ideas you'll find out there to prevent remote from losing.
12. Bedtime Madness
This sleep-deprived father finally got one child to sleep, but the other one seems super stubborn. The look on this dad's face shows that he has had enough for the day. He just wants a peaceful night's rest without being kicked in the face.

Celebrate your first Father's Day in style with this adorable matching set. BUY IT HERE
13. Little Girls Love Fashion and Junk Food
Any parent can tell you how much little girls love their fashion stuff and junk food.
These parents were out on a camping trip with the daughter and that's how she woke them up every morning.
14. It is So True
You may laugh at it now, but you won't be laughing anymore when it'll happen to you.
And yes, this is the real photo of a parent waiting for his daughter to finish her homework.
15. Every Parent Has A Favorite
When you have siblings, it is sometimes a competition to figure out who is the favorite child. If you are sick of arguing with your siblings, just tell your parents you are the favorite, and they might start to believe it.

Show your dad you care with this hilarious mug. BUY IT HERE
16. They Ask So Many Questions
This parent decided to keep track of how many times her 3-year-old asked her "Why" in one day.
We could’ve asked her "why" did she do it, but we can understand that it happens a lot. And it can't just be this word; it can be "mom" as well.
17. Keep Your Things Away from Them
As a parent, the first thing you need to do is to keep everything away from kids, even the smaller things like lipstick.
This toddler found his mom's lipstick and made sure he used it all on his baby sister and himself. And it all happened in a matter of a few minutes.
18. They Wouldn't Be Parents Without Children
Every year, we celebrate our fathers, but they wouldn’t be dads without their awesome children. Sometimes you have to remind your dad how awesome of a daughter you are when he forgets.

Show your dad who the best daughter is with this hilarious shirt. BUY IT HERE
19. Children From The Cartoon World
When a paint party was hosted at their daycare, they thought "what could go wrong?"
After a few hours, these children look like a cartoon character when a bomb explodes. All we'll say is that, hang in there kids as we've all been there.
20. Kids Are Smart Nowadays
When the kid asked his mom to play army guys, he said something that was spot on and it shows us how much kids are smarter these days.
The kid said to his mom, "Mommy, let's play army guys. You can be this guy because he's vacuuming." That's so cute and spot on.
21. The Face of Betrayal
The kid made this face when he was fed real food for the first time. He won't ever trust his mom again.
If we make a wild guess, we think that the kid experienced the horror of Brussels sprouts.
22. Three Generations Of Macho Men
As a child, you looked up to your dad for how wise he was and how he could always make everything better. Your dad had to learn that from somewhere, and it was probably his father who taught him everything he knows about parenting.

Show your grandpa how much you love him with this awesome t-shirt. BUY IT HERE
23. Keep Everything Away from These Little Monsters
This is how it looks (and feels) like to parent a 3-year-old. RIP innocent strawberries.
On a bright side, we think that it is good because at least the kid ate some fruit and not candies.
24. Kids Are Like Little Angels...Really?
Every parent out there can relate to this photo and even hear the kid crying as well.
This parent used a decibel meter to show that parenting is not a bed of roses (but it is 1000 times more beautiful than roses).
25. Double The Babies Double The Diapers
What is more fun that one newborn baby? Having twins is way more exciting because you get double the diapers and double the fun. This guy is so happy to have two babies to carry around the house.

Show all the new dads you care with this adorable onesie to celebrate their first Father's Day. BUY IT HERE
26. The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from The Tree
Kids learn a lot from their parents and this smart kid learned something that is cute and must've saved him from the trouble as well.
This kid wanted to tell something to his lawyer dad, but before doing that he wanted his dad to sign this contract. We keep on saying that kids are way smarter now.
27. Diaper Duty
Changing diapers for your first child can be overwhelming. You might need a gas mask to survive and an instruction manual to figure out how to put the diaper on, but you will get through it. After the first few times, you will be a pro.

Make sure dad knows where every body part is supposed to go when he is dressing the baby with this adorable onesie. BUY IT HERE
28. Time To Change Bathroom Doors
These parents got bathroom doors like this one because they were of the opinion that they were trendy. However, their opinion changed when they had a toddler.
By the way, we are not big advocates of these doors as anyone can see inside the bathroom. These are weird, that's all.
29. Ah, That Tired Look
Any parent out there has experienced the same (or more) level of weariness quite a lot and the expression on this woman's face tells you the entire story.
She had been baking and prepping for her 1-year-old's birthday party. And we are not going to talk about the mug in her hand (wink).
30. Mother’s Day Gift
This mom was cutting her daughter's skirt out of a scooter on mother's day and the look on her face tells the entire story.
The mom must be like, "Why don't you do this? Don't just stand there taking pictures."
31. Over-Protective Much?
We have heard of a shot-gun wedding, but we have never heard of a shot-gun prom. This man is not letting his granddaughter go to prom without letting her date know that he shouldn't try any funny business, or the consequences will be severe.

Show your grandfather you care with this hilarious t-shirt. BUY IT HERE
32. A Glance At What It Looks To Be A Parent
If you want to look at any picture that encapsulates any parent’s life, this one perfectly fits the description.
As both brothers are fighting, the look on the daughter's face somehow says, "Who told to be a parent?" This is hilarious.
33. Little Darth Maul
When this 4-year-old found permanent markers, he knew what he had to do.
He loves Star Wars and it looks like he is a fan of Darth Maul. It is close enough, good job kid!
34. Memorable First Cooking Experience
When the kid told her mom that she is going to boil an egg to have on toast, the mom knew her daughter would create a mess. But she didn't know how much mess.
Just when the mom yelled back from the bathroom "just give me a sec and I'll show," there was a "Boom!!!" and this happened.
35. King And Princess
Have you ever looked at your daughter and realized how spoiled she is, but you wouldn't have it any other way. She is a little princess, and you are fine with that because you love her so much.

Let the world know that you are the king and your daughter is the princess with this matching set. BUY IT HERE
36. Parenting is So Fun
Ah, these are the joys of parenting that many people are not experiencing (where are the tissues?).
Some people may say that this is how the kids build their immune system, but we are more in favor of playing outside than licking the cart.
37. The Irony
Oh, this is probably one of the most hilarious photos in our list. This book is not baby proof anymore and we can't stop laughing now.
By the way, the parent walked into the bathroom to find her precious child "washing" a book he found.
38. "Grandpa, Can You Fix This?"
At times we turn to our grandfathers for help with handy work around the house. Need a shelf hung up? Call your grandpa. Need Ikea furniture put together? Call your grandpa.

Let your grandpa know that he is the "fix-it man" in your life with this hilarious mug. BUY IT HERE
39. A Perfect Illustration
For those people who wanted to know what it's like to have four children, here is a perfect illustration. You can thank us later.
The mom took apart the vent in the girls' room because it wasn't getting warm. This is what she found and at least she knows where all find all the missing socks and toys.
40. Saving It For Later
Have you ever as a kid saved your favorite candy for some other time while eating other candies that you didn’t like much?
Well, the mom gave her 2-year-old a slice of cheese to eat while she was watching some Paw Patrol. She came to find the cheese on the wall.
41. Papa Bear And Baby Bear
When you have a small infant, it can be hard to get housework done while keeping an eye on them. This dad thought of an innovative way to keep his child in place while he does the dishes. It's unconventional, but it works.

Wear your papa bear badge with pride with this adorable matching set. BUY IT HERE
42. It Won't Happen Again...You Wish
This naive parent thinks that she forgot to put up the baby gate and it won't happen again. We want to tell her that it will happen again and she is going to clean up the mess again.
Keep in mind everyone, kids look for opportunity and if they don't get it, they create one.
43. Another Lesson for You
By now, you have learned a lot about the do's and don'ts of parenting. Here is another lesson for you.
The mom forgot to put the diaper cream away from the reach of her children. This is how she found her daughter. Learn people learn!
44. Cool Baby
This baby ordered 94 dollar worth of pizza of an app called Slice that doesn't ask for payment info verification when placing an order. That's not cool, right?
Well, if you are Joey Tribbiani (from TV show Friends), then what this baby did would feel like a blessing in disguise.
45. One Simple Mistake and You Pay
This father used to be very careful with items in the house as he knew there is a kid on the loose who would try to get his hands on everything.
So, he made a big mistake of leaving the Nesquick out in the open. Fair to say, the kid looks more shocked here.
46. Kids Are Masters At Hiding Things
Kids know how to hide things from their parents. This child managed to hide a sippy cup for three weeks. Who knows what is growing in there now.
After three weeks, the milk has probably turned into cottage cheese. This dad is taking all precautions when it comes to touching the hazardous waste.
47. Time to Make Mismatched Pair
This parent found 30 pairs of her kid's socks and not a single one was complete.
She doesn’t even remember buying so many socks. Well, the best solution is to start making the kid wear mismatched socks.
48. You Can't Argue With Them
Convincing your kid is one of the most difficult things for parents because they'll cry, roll on the floor, and don’t get us started on the tears.
This kid was upset because mommy didn't let her have the corn oil. She was sure that it was indeed apple juice.
49. As If Parenting Wasn’t Hard Enough
When parenting is already presenting many challenges, why go shopping with kids. This is what this mother is trying to tell everyone.
This parent decided that it was time to stop negotiating with a toddler and see what happened next.
50. This is Called Thug Life
We won't go into how the kid was able to find and use a shredder without supervision because the parents learnt their lesson in a big way.
Losing money is one thing, but have you noticed the look on that kid's face? He looks like he has no regrets whatsoever.
51. Banana-on-a-cob!
This parent swears that he doesn't know how and when his kid learned to eat this way.
Maybe the kid thinks there are seeds in banana and doesn't want to eat them. The truth is that we'll never know.
52. Hey, Anyone Want To Eat "Pancake Soup"
Here is a future chef in the makings. This kid came up a different idea and we have to respect it.
The parent decided to let her child pour their own syrup and he came up with an invention called "pancake soup."
53. When You Bring Your Child to Work Day
After this incident, the office came up with an official announcement to end their years of tradition of bringing a child to work day.
By the way, why would you want to let your child ride a scooter in the office? That's just asking for trouble.
54. Try Again In Almost 5 and a Half Days
Instead of you going through the trouble of counting 7,810 minutes, we did it for you.
This photo was taken when the dad realized that the toddler spent 30 minutes trying to unlock his iPad.
55. The Smile on Her Face
We can understand what this mom must be going through when she saw toys of worth $300 getting delivered to her home.
What about the evilest expression on that kid's face? Always try to keep your electronic devices away from kids because they are getting smarter with each passing day.
56. It's All Just Garbage Places to Them
This is a perfect illustration of how kids see your car whenever they look at it.
And don't simply ignore it thinking you will teach your kid to not use the car as a garbage can.
57. It's a Winner
This is what you do when you've got glass shower doors and there is a toddler in the house that won't stay out.
Here is a tip for you: install a lock in your glass shower so you can have a much-needed bath without anyone coming inside.
58. 'Mom, I'm Done Eating My Apple"
This mom told her son several times to eat his apple. So when he said "done with it," she thought he must've eaten at least half of the apple.
This is what she came to find out...just a small bite. If it had been a candy, there would've nothing left.
59. The Look on Her Face
The mom felt that everything is so pleasant in the car because the kid must've fallen asleep.
She didn’t know that her little angel was applying butt paste to her face.
60. "Done With Dishwashing"
When mommy told her 7-year-old to be in charge of dishwasher duty, he said "done with it" in just a minute.
The mom soon found out why it took her son just one minute to get the chore done.
61. She Was Just Helping
The mom asked her little angel to help her with laundry and she was more than happy to help.
Later, the mom found her pants in the toilet. Be specific whenever you give a kid any task.
62. They Sleep Differently
This is how it looks like to sleep with a 4-year-old. All kids love to sleep in different styles and positions.
We just loved how calm and beautiful the mom is and she's smiling as well.