This article was originally published on TrendExposed
When Your Wedding Is the Same Day as Your Circus Performance
Your wedding is supposed to be one of your most special and memorable days. And what else is more important to a woman than her wedding dress, after all? Regarding decor, balloons aren't very common at a wedding but considering it's a celebration, why not? However, combining the two is a whole other level you can't be prepared for. An entire wedding dress made of balloons, oh dear. Props for creativity, but please, this dress must go away and never come back.
Is her wedding on the same day as her debut performance in a circus? Either way, just hope a balloon doesn't pop!
It's Not Spilled Coffee, It's Fashion
Whoever designed this dress clearly failed at their tie-dye interpretation. It just looks like the person wearing the dress either fell in a puddle of mud or spilled their entire coffee on themself. So, if you're always spilling something on your clothes, then this is the best dress for you. You can just start saying, "No, that's not coffee on my shirt. It's fashion!" What a unique and not well-thought-out design.
Finally! It’s so hard to find muddied and stained clothes nowadays. There are only so many times you can roll around in the mud and spill on yourself to get that chic dress look before it becomes exhausting.
Just in Case You Somehow Couldn't Tell She Was Pregnant
Patience is a virtue. Sometimes people just can't wait and insist on doing things even if the timing isn't right. In this lady's case, it seems she had to get married before she had a baby. So either she bought the dress already designed like this or cut out a giant hole in the middle of the dress so it would still fit her. Whether it was the designer's choice or hers, it's the opposite of fashionable.
So if someone wasn't sure whether she was pregnant or not, there's no denying it now. Surely a dress she'll want to pass on to her children.
Well Going to the Bathroom Will Certainly Be Easier
Just when you thought this dress was already wrong in the front, she turned around! In what world would someone want to be fully covered in a dress with just their hips, nether region, and buttocks exposed? This has got to be one of the strangest dress designs ever seen. What was the designer possibly thinking about when they decided this was the final look? What a waste of perfectly ugly fabric.
It does look like a onesie a toddler would wear for easy on/off potty training. At least designers for children's clothing can take some inspiration.
You'd Be Covering Your Face Too if You Were Wearing That
If you see this dress and think to yourself, "I just don't understand fashion." Don't worry, because neither do the designers. Cleary with this look, they just put together whatever was lying around the factory and called it a day. It looks like a vacuum cleaner mixed with fungi. Or maybe it was inspired by the appearance of intestines. Or, like the designer sewed a bunch of wasp's nests together. Regardless, you can imagine it's probably really comfortable!

Of course, you should wear whatever you love and whatever clothing makes you feel good. Just hopefully, it's not this dress.
This Is What Wedding Dreams Are Made of
What was the inspiration for this bride and groom? Maybe they wanted their outfits to resemble peach and lemon sorbet, or perhaps they just had questionable fashion sense. There is so much wrong with this image that it might as well be cursed. Is it the dress that might look like an undone toilet paper roll, the bright orange tuxedo, the colossal crown, or the groom wearing a ball cap to his wedding?
Do you think they like the color orange? Regardless, someone should probably have a stern word with the designer because this is appalling.
When Your Entire Wardrobe Consists of Two Pairs of Jeans
You've heard of dress pants, but have you ever heard of pants dress? This sleeveless and off-the-shoulder dress looks like an old pair of distressed jeans you'd find outside of a Goodwill store that you turned into an art project. Sometimes DIY projects are taken a tad too far, and this is undoubtedly added to that list. Either way, it's very obvious that this girl wears pants in her relationship.
In all seriousness, this isn't too bad for a 6-year-old operating a sewing machine for the very first time. But if the designer wasn't a preschooler, then what on earth were they thinking with this design?
When Someone Unexpectedly Tickles You
Shoulder pads were a huge trend in the 1980s, but even this look would've been too much for those times. It crosses the line from a pretty slightly 80s-inspired dress over to Frankenstein Halloween costume vibes. Is this dress exclusively for a member of the Addams family? Sometimes, it seems fashion designers are playing a sick joke on everyone else. Who would actually purchase this, and where would you even wear it?
Oh, don't be alarmed; it's just Frankenstein's younger cousin on his mother's side. This dress is a huge fashion don't; the designer must be stopped.
Sometimes You Just Gotta Tell Your Stylist Absolutely Not
This dress raises so many questions. What was the vision that the designer had in mind? Is it supposed to be a dress that looks like a menstrual pad, bags of blood, or tumors? What are the red blobs of fabric believed to be? Answers are needed! If that's the intended look, then she nailed it. If not, then what on earth is going on here? Surely this was for an organ-donation fundraiser, right?
This isn't even a Halloween costume; this is simply a strange dress. Didn't the designer have a style-savy friend who could've stopped this dress from being made?
You Probably Have This Dress at Home, It's Called a Towel
Don't you worry; for only $600, this dress could be yours too! You did notice that it's a dress and not a towel, right? Although it looks like any ordinary towel lying around someone's house or even a reusable baby burping cloth, it's not. Someone actually went out of their way to invest time and effort into designing and creating this dress. The real question is, who is actually wearing this?
Wait, isn't this what they make you wear in the hospital? Though it also resembles an old tablecloth most moms had in the 80s. It's unclear what is going on with this dress; just know it cannot be called fashion.
Sure, a Trash Bag Can Totally Double as a Dress
Emma Corrin is an actress best known for The Crown, but for the recent premiere of The Policeman, she sported a dress that looked like a trash bag holding a fish. It was definitely quite a weird choice. Maybe some will say this is creative. The real question is, how did a designer come up with this idea, and why would someone actually wear a dress that looks like a plastic bag full of murky water and a goldfish?
This dress definitely has to be one of the boldest and strangest dresses ever created to this day. Of course, you must be dying to know where you can get one just like it.
This Is a Sure Way to Guarantee All Eyes Are on the Bride
The glamour model and media personality Katie Price got hitched on the beach in a dress you'd wish she had never found. Usually, brides who happen to be rich and famous can buy the most extravagant and beautiful wedding dresses ever. She could have even afforded a stylist to help her out! Unfortunately, she opted for a short dress that left her pretty exposed. Oh Katie, you had so much potential to avoid a fashion disaster.
Her dress was far from traditional and, in fact, didn't really look like a wedding dress at all but rather something an ice skater would wear to a competition.
Julia Fox Must've Gotten Into a Fight With Her Shower Curtain
Everyone knows her; everyone loves her. Julia Fox has been making tidal waves with her fashion looks and never fails to produce something unique. This time, she's in a dress, although it resembles raw chicken wrapped in saran wrap. Or maybe it's just her shower curtain because she was running late and had no choice but to throw it on. Don't forget about her purse; it seems to be just a pile of plastic.
Oh, how the world of fashion is special. This dress is pretty terrifying; hopefully this design is stored away and forgotten about.
These Designers Must Make Dresses With Their Eyes Closed
The talented A-lister Vanessa Hudgens decided to go all out for the 2022 MTV Movie and TV Awards. She couldn't just wear a typical dress; she had to push barriers and challenge what people thought was really fashion. Although she looks beautiful, this feels like when you let a toddler choose what to wear. Before you know it, they try to get dressed by themselves and come out in mom's shirt.
This might just be a dress disaster, but who is to blame? The designer, the stylist, or Vanessa for wearing it? A proper lesson on fashion is needed immediately.
Just Be Thankful the Bikini Was White
Usually, a soon-to-be bride is most concerned with finding the perfect wedding dress. But in Pamela Anderson's case, it was easy. Pamela and Kid Rock tied the knot on a yacht, and the bride arrived in a bikini. Yes, you are reading and seeing that correctly. A teeny tiny bikini that was a white one, nevertheless. The swimsuit designer probably never thought her tiny bathing suit would accompany the Baywatch star while she was getting hitched.
Though this may not be a wedding dress, it surely is a pretty bad replacement for one. It definitely was a look to remember on their extraordinary day of holy matrimony.
Sure, Wear This if You Want to Look Like a Banana Peel
This dress designer must've sat at a pool, eating a banana and looking around for inspiration. When they saw the inflatable pool mattress and the banana in their hand, they knew exactly what they had to do. So they created this dress, and although you could definitely call it a dress, it's not necessarily a good one that people should wear. Though if she fell in a pool, she would surely float with that thing on.
When it comes to fashion, apparently, it's anyone's game. It must be really easy to get a job as a designer these days.
When You Don't Want to Get Out of Bed, You Take Bed With You
Lizzo came to the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards ready to slay with her iconic dress. Or so she thought. When does something cross the line from fashionable and unique to scary and disastrous? Right here and right now. It really just looks like the pop star is carrying around her sheets and comforter rather than wearing a spectacular dress. Out of all the dresses in the world, this is the one she chose?
If wearing your blankets in public is socially acceptable now, many people would join in on the trend. Clearly, that was the designer's inspiration.
Doja Cat? More Like Doja Worm
Doja Cat has quickly become a queen in the music world. She's quirky and talented, but this dress is simply uncalled for. She looks like a colorful worm or one of those marvelous caterpillars wrapped in a cocoon. She is just awaiting her transformation into a butterfly. It's interesting, to say the least, that Doja bought this dress, but what's more shocking is that someone actually thought this was a good enough design idea to make!
Clearly, slapping together any fabric you get your hands on is good enough these days. Even for an international pop star performing at an awards show!
A Dress That Doubles as a Lamp Shade
There are almost no words to describe how strange this dress is. It is just as confusing as it is genuinely a design mistake. How can someone call this fashion? The poor model looks so uncomfortable, and it's hard to imagine anyone would actually wear this in real life. You can definitely say the designer was creative when they came up with this, but it's probably best to hope this dress doesn't make it to the runway again.
Maybe what really happened is the model couldn't find her dress in time and quickly put a lampshade on before she took the runway.
It Must Be Opposite Day Because Nobody Is Saying Yes to This Dress
This is quite an interesting dress, and although it's not exactly trendy, you can definitely say it's one of a kind. Besides the obnoxious blue ruffles, it has a big fat 'NO' plastered across it. This really would've been the perfect dress to wear out when the Coronavirus pandemic first started and social distancing was implemented. It would've surely scared people away and ensured they stayed 6 feet away from you.
When someone thinks about wearing this dress, the answer is clearly staring them in the face. Whoever designed this dress cannot work in fashion anymore.
For Anyone Who's Wanted to Look Like a Crocheted Hot Dog on Your Wedding Day
Have you ever seen a wedding dress so tacky? Because this definitely takes the cake, wedding cake, that is. If you've ever dreamt of becoming a Russian nesting doll while simultaneously looking like a crocheted hot dog, then this is the perfect dress for you. Then again, why would you ever dream of that? There's no doubt this bizarre dress is an absolute fashion fail, although it sure does look warm.
This could be the perfect wedding dress if you lived somewhere freezing and wanted to have a reception outside. But it's probably best if this knitted dress is forgotten about.
Clearly Designers Are Running Out of Ideas
Thom Browne is a revered designer for his unique streetwear, and fashion designers tend to look to him for inspiration. But what has gotten into him lately? This bad dress design looks like a drunk mouse put on a Victorian-inspired ballgown covered in scraps of fabric and their grandpa's coat. They say fashion is subjective, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes, it's taken a little too far.
Can you imagine someone waking up and throwing this dress on to run some errands? Probably not, and it's best to leave it that way.
When You Have a Wedding at Dawn and a Exotic Dance at Night
This sweet couple is beaming with joy and love on their wedding day, although people can't help but notice the bride's dress. It was definitely a bold choice on her part that requires some confidence, but it's still a dress fiasco. It might just look like someone threw up glitter all over a toilet paper roll and then called it a dress. Not a very traditional wedding day look, but she seems prepared for the night.

This dress is pretty controversial and bound to stir up some opinions, but one thing is for sure. Someone call the dress designer and fire them.
Aladdin Called and He Wants His Shoes Back
Do you know that feeling when you're so shocked by something you have no words? Well, that's the exact feeling this dress instantly induces. This poor lady probably had no idea that when she decided to become a model, she would one day be standing in an outfit that resembled Aladdin or an elf from a fantasy film. Now is this fashion or a costume for a movie that's just not out yet?
Just remember, this went through a number of review phases with plenty of talented designers, and they still thought it was a good idea to wasn't.
Don't You Just Love When Dresses Have Pockets
For years and years, women have been asking for pockets on their pants, skirts, and dresses. So the fashion world gave them pockets, but they were so tiny you could hardly fit a phone in your pocket. So women continued asking for bigger pockets, and fashion designers finally answered their demands! This is the ultimate dress with optimal pocket storage for lipgloss, money, keys, phones, and more. If you wear this, you'll be prepared for wherever life takes you, like jail after the fashion police arrest you.
This design is so bad; it's hard to imagine someone actually sat down and sketched this out proudly. Didn't they have to go to fashion school first?
A Dress That Belongs in a Box Tucked Away Under Your Bed, Never to Be Found Again
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel attended the 2022 Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Gala and came in their best fits. Or so they really thought. Jessica boldly chose to wear a dress with a tier of a single bow and crystals, followed by another tier of fluffy feathers and another tier of a bow and crystals, and the pattern continued. The tiers are truly never-ending! Please, someone, help and make it stop!
Why on earth would someone design this, and who let Jessica buy this? Hopefully, this dress will be packed away forever after that event.
Gracing the Red Carpet in Your Grandma's Favorite Blanket
The actress Jaimie Alexander attended the Thor: Love and Thunder premiere and committed a major fashion no-no! She showed up in a purple dress but can it really be considered a proper dress? It seriously looks like she draped a knit blanket over her and said to herself, "Yup, this is good enough. No one will notice." When she returns home, she can take off the gloves and shoes and go straight to bed!
Although this look is definitely on the top of the fashion police's most wanted list, admittingly, it does look pretty comfortable.
There Is a Lamp Out There Missing It's Shade Because of This Dress
If you're confused about how this model got the dress on, then you're on the right track. Seriously, how did she? Whether it's a lampshade, jellyfish, or parachute, it's definitely not a dress you'll be running to the stores to buy. Who knew fabric could ever make a shape like that? You can admit it's creative, but as a dress, it's probably best to stick to something else, anything else.
In the fashion world, no same design is created twice. But that's okay in this case; in fact, it's encouraged.
Apparently Rubber Duckies Aren't Exclusively for Bath Time
Jennifer Stone played the iconic and funky character Harper Finkle on the Disney Channel TV show, Wizards Of Waverly Place. In one episode, her character had to wear a dress covered in rubber ducks. And who could forget the matching hat? So over ten years later, it was funny when she willingly decided to put this on. What could be worse, that she chose to wear this or that someone designed this in the first place?
Maybe with every step she takes, her dress quacks. Of course, that would be the only thing to make putting on this dress worth it.
Surely This Will Be on Everyone's Christmas List
This dress is on sale so hurry up, run as fast as you can and buy it before it's too late! Or walk very slowly and never make it to the store because this dress design is so bad it hurts just a little. It looks like the designers took parts from 4 different dresses and just sewed it all together. Anyway, it's good someone put those old shower loofahs to use.
Someone needs to sit the designer down and ask them why they cwould commit this atrocity. And then make sure this dress sits in the factory forever.
Scraps From the Factory Floor Put to Good Use
Louis Vuitton celebrated the Annual Academy Gala and dressed the Haim sisters for the occasion. Whoever is in charge of designing new pieces at Louis Vuitton must be getting desperate because this looks terrifying. Why are the zippers and pockets so gigantic? Is it just remnants of suitcases and bags sewn together last minute? Sure, it has pockets which is always a plus, but there's no way they'd make it past airport security in this.
Be on the lookout for the Haim sister's next song; it's all about how these dresses caused them irrevocable nightmares.
When Your Dress Doubles as an Emergency Inflation Raft
This might be one of the most confusing and poorly designed dresses ever, but considering how cold it is this time of year, it might not be such a bad idea. It can be your hibernation blanket, tent, sleeping bag thing for the winter. Plus, if there's an emergency, this resembles an inflation raft, so you're all set. It might not actually work, but looking like one is good enough, right?
So yes, this mass of fabric should never be considered a dress, and seriously how are they even selling it? But, then again, it's pretty cold out, so.
The Perfect Dress for Churning Butter Before Your Date Night
Have you ever wished you could find a dress that gave turn-of-the-century cult vibes and just didn't know where to look? Well, don't worry because the search is over and your dream dress has arrived. It's absolutely perfect for every occasion, like choir practice, making butter, sleeping, and even the occasional Halloween party. Truly effortless on the part of the designer that is. How could you ever pass up the opportunity to wear this?
You must feel pretty convinced to get this dress for yourself; it'll only cost you about $800. How did the designer make it this far in the fashion world?
No Need to Buy a Duster When You Have This
Don't you usually remove dust from the upper part of your shelves with something like this, only it's on a stick? No, maybe it's just a part of a car wash brush. The designer clearly had some infatuation with different cleaning brushes and thought, that's it, that's the next bestselling dress! Only they were very wrong. This is something out of your worst nightmare. Hopefully, it didn't haunt the designer too.
Either way, don't let your kids see this dress. They might think you skinned the Cookie Monster and are wearing his fur, which is absolutely terrifying.
Well, This Jacket Certainly Won't Keep You Warm
Usually, the purpose of a jacket is to keep you warm, but this time, the fashion designers wanted to reinvent the wheel. So they took a jacket, cut massive holes in it, and sold it as a dress. Although it really looks like someone got into their grandpa's closet and decided to do a DIY project on his blazer. Maybe that's exactly how the designers got their inspiration; either way, this jacket dress needs to go.
These days clothing companies will really just sell anything. How do these designers get their jobs in the first place? You can't just call anything a dress.
Just Let Your Cat Play With Your Dress for the Same Effect
The designer of this dress was sitting at home one day in a dress of their own when their cat decided to go ballistic. It started clawing and attacking her, ultimately ruining her dress. That's precisely when the lightbulb moment went off in her head! So she recreated the disastrous dress so everyone could get a chance to experience that wholesome moment. It'll only run you a bill of $1,300; what a great deal.
Can a dress design get any worse than this? Well, yes, yes, it can. But for now, this takes the cake.
The Lettuce Double as a Snack for Later
This tiktoker was excited to show off their creative look, and they definitely have a unique style. It kind of looks like they put glue all over their body and then jumped into a bin at the thrift store, and whatever stuck, they wore. Sure you can call it a dress, but it's not very fashionable. By the way, their earrings are starting to wilt, better just eat them quickly.
Maybe this slightly horrifying yet intriguing fashion sense was inspired by the board game Candyland. It even looks like something Little Bo-Peep's crazy sister would wear.
It's Time to Let the Childhood Dream of Being a Barbie Go
The designer of this dress evidently wanted to bring their dream of being a barbie to life. It wouldn't be so bad if they just removed the sleeves, the flower, and then the entire dress, and probably just sent the model home and stopped making unfashionable things altogether. Then, she could definitely pull it off with no problem at all! Once again, a dress so weird, it's hard to imagine anyone would put this on.
How can someone so blissfully design and create this fashion disaster? More importantly, why did no one stop them and let this go into production?
A Wedding on a Budget Calls for Some Sacrifices
Listen, times are hard, and not everyone has an expendable budget for their wedding. This means some sacrifices must be made, and why not compromise on some of the most essential parts of a wedding, like the dress and cake? This bride decided to combine the two and wore a wedding dress made out of a giant cake. It's impossible to think about how she managed to walk down the aisle.
Also, did a dress designer collaborate with a baker? How did they make a cake that was that big, and was it even good? So many questions and so few answers. So glad this dress will never be seen again.
This Fishing Jacket Can Be Yours for Only $900
What's worse? The fact this dress was designed to look like three completely different items cut up and sewn back together or that it costs almost $1,000? The designer clearly got inspiration from a fishing jacket, so now whoever wears this can go fishing in style. But not just any regular style, haute couture style. Anything goes these days for fashion designers! But why did no one tell them this dress design was a fail?
Again, someone, anyone out there, call the fashion police immediately. This dress deserves to be locked away for life.