This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
How To Take That Cute Fall Foliage Picture
When you see these pictures on Instagram, you are probably wondering how they managed to get the right amount of leaves and a good angle. The reality is the person had to look really dumb to get the picture.
Do you think it is worth it to stick your head in a tree to get an Instagram? You will get a few likes and then what? What is the point?
Walking Out Of The Water Expectation Vs. Reality
On the left, she is so unphased by the waves and every other environmental factor. On the right, "OMG, I touched something. Something definitely touched my foot!"
There are tons of pictures of celebrities perfectly posing in the water, and they somehow are unphased by the waves hitting them. Realistically, it probably took a while for them to get that perfect photo.
What Having A Dog Looks Like On Instagram vs What Actually Happens
Having a little puppy is all fun and games until you have to train them to make outside. While it may be nice to show off how tiny and adorable your new puppy is, you probably aren't sharing the gross side of it.
On average it takes between four and six months to fully potty train a puppy. It doesn't seem so fun now, right?
When Birds Don't Cooperate
First of all, why anyone would want to get that close to pigeons is mind-blowing. You have to be a brave soul to get near pigeons because you never know when they are going to get scared and fly away.
She looks like two completely different people in the photos. In a few seconds, she goes from pretty and dainty to the trollface meme.
Flower Power
Why does every girl on Instagram feel the need to put a flower in their mouth as soon as summer starts?
Flowers do not taste good, and if you are picking them right out of the ground, they might have bugs on them. So, if you feel the need to take this picture, have fun eating bugs!
"Cold, Cold, Cold!"
Waterfalls are great because the water flows hard and quick with a lot of pressure coming down on you, so you are trying to look cute and not drown at the same time.
In reality, you probably look like the right picture more often than you think. How did she even manage to look cute in the left picture?
Makeup Vs Natural
It is crazy (and amazing) how we can completely change our look with makeup. There are ways to use makeup to change the entire structure of your face.
As fun as makeup can be, it also takes a lot to show off your natural skin on social media. Challenge yourself some time to post an all-natural selfie.
That Takes Talent
Have you ever seen a picture of someone lying down, and both their hands are in the shot, so you question how it was taken?
Either they have someone taking the picture, or they have monkey-like abilities to take selfies with their feet.
Road Tripping
When you go on a long road trip, you probably want to be the person who gets to sleep the whole time rather than driving.
There is probably a 1% chance that you look like the left picture during a long-haul car ride.
When You Have To Ruin The Coffee Art
To make intricate coffee art, it takes a while only to be ruined on the first sip. You can get take a few photos, but after that, it is gone forever.
Also, it is hard to sip out of a cup and look cute. Take a look at the right picture for example. You take a sip and somehow look like you grew an extra three chins.
Sadly You Have To Walk Your Dog In Every Type Of Weather
Dogs are like little furry children that cannot go to the bathroom inside. No matter what the weather is, you have to take them outside.
Whether the sun is shining or it is a gloomy rainy day, you need to drag yourself to make sure they are taken care of because you love them.
Behind-The-Scenes Support
Remember in the Wizard of Oz when the wizard said, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" because his whole persona was a big lie? This is similar to that concept.
When you see a picture on Instagram, you never know what is going on behind-the-scenes of the photo.
When Someone Splashes You In The Pool
When you are just trying to take a peaceful dip in the pool, and some small child jumps in and splashes water all over you.
Your peaceful swim is then completely ruined, and you are all wet when you just wanted to take a quick dip.
Not Everything Is As It Appears
It is hard to go on Instagram and not compare yourself to the people who look like they have perfect bodies. It can really mess with your head to see pictures like that.
Fortunately for you, the "perfect bodies" that you see can be contributed to the right pose and a little bit of editing.
I Woke Up Like This Actually
Listen to us when we say this: Nobody, we repeat, nobody wakes up perfectly primped and photo-ready.
If you have had an actual good night's sleep, your hair is messy, you have marks from your pillow on your face, and you probably need a cup of coffee.
Poolside Problems
When you see a cute guy by the pool and try to get out gracefully without slipping. Most of the time you're going to end up looking like the right photo.
Your hair is wet and stuck to your face, and you struggle to pull yourself out of the water.
How To Survive A Heatwave
When it is so hot outside that your skin feels like it is melting off, so you try to pour some water on your face without ruining your makeup.
Unless you have a great waterproof mascara, you are going to come out of that situation looking like a panda rather than cute and refreshed.
Bath Time
Please raise your hand if you have ever successfully taken a bath and read a magazine without getting the pages soaking wet? We are going to assume that you aren't raising your hand because it is an impossible task.
Baths are fun in theory, but when you actually take one, it is a whole process that ends up not being relaxing. You waste so much water filling the tub, and then you sit in it, and it is only enough to cover half your body, so the other half freezes until you give up and shower.
An Eye For An Eye
These artsy Instagram pictures are a cute way to spice up your feed, but have you ever thought about what goes into making those cute posts?
You might end up looking like a pen leaked on your hand, but what wouldn't you do for an Insta?
What People Think You Do On The Weekend Vs What You Actually Do
When people think you sit around on the weekends in girly pajamas drinking champagne, but in reality, you are gaming in sweats and snacking.
What you do in your free time is your own business, you don't have to pretend to be someone you are not.
Laundry Day
When you try to make doing laundry look fun and glamorous, when in reality, you wish you could drop it off at your parents and let your mom take care of it.
Doing laundry is tedious, especially when it comes to folding it. Never be fooled by someone who says they enjoy doing laundry.
With and Without Filters
On the left: What you imagine the selfie with your boyfriend will look like. On the right: how it actually turns out. "Oh, shoot, we both blinked!"
How do they look like two completely different couples in each picture? What filter is that because it is very strong.
Squats, Squats, Squats!
Has she been doing 100 squats a day, or is she just posing at a good angle? Based on the second picture, we are going to say she knows how to pose at the right angle.
When you have only seen pictures of a person on social media, you can never know what they actually look like in person because everything is so curated for their feed.
In Public Vs. Being Alone
When you are around your friend and try to make cute, funny faces, but you go home, and your funny faces are actually scary.
How is it that you can go from being cute to scary with one head movement?
When You Move And The Filter Can't Find Your Face
It is impossible to look attractive while brushing your teeth, ask anyone. The first picture is clearly filtered and edited, so you definitely shouldn't feel bad when you look in the mirror and look like the second picture.
Also, does anyone else find it impossible to not end up with toothpaste all over your mouth? Asking for a friend.
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
"Wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy." The first picture is impossible. Who wakes up with their hair perfectly done and a full face of makeup?
The second picture is more accurate because she looks like she woke up and was blinded by the sun, which is pretty typical for an average human.
What You Think You Look Like Eating Vs What You Actually Look Like
There is no graceful way to eat foods on a stick. No matter how hard you try, there will be food on your face.
If you want to look cute while you eat, you can try posing like the first photo and hold food up to your mouth to pretend you are eating.
Saturday Mornings
When you see a picture on social media of someone posed with their dog and a cup of coffee, just know that is not what they are actually doing.
In real life, they are busy binge-watching Friends before it is removed from Netflix and eating a bag of chips while their dog begs for a treat.
Beauty And The Beast
The picture on the left is what you think you look like when you sleep, and the picture on the right is what you actually look like asleep.
As Hannah Montana once said, "Nobody's perfect. I gotta work it!" You don't always have to look good, remember that!
Pool Float Problems
During the summer months, it is common for people to pose in the pool with giant floats. Have you ever wondered how they got on them and still looked cute?
They probably struggled and splashed around till they managed to hoist themselves on the float.
Tip-Toeing Around All The Work You Have To Do
When you see a picture of someone on social media in a unique pose, do you ever wonder how they managed to capture it in the right moment?
There were probably a lot of retakes for this photo. Balancing is a difficult task.
Getting On A Roallercoaster Vs. Getting Off
When you get on a rollercoaster, and it suddenly hits you, "how did anyone convince me to go on this ride?"
At that point, you are already strapped in, and there is no turning back. When the ride comes to an end, you have no voice left because you spent the entire ride screaming.
The Struggle Is Real
When you wear a bikini and go in the ocean, 90% of your time is spent readjusting your top so you don't flash the whole beach.
If you don't move the whole day, your top might just stay in the right place, but that wouldn't be any fun.
Hitting The Gym
When you walk into the gym feeling cute and confident in your new workout gear, then mid-way through your workout, you get a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and gasp at the sight of your reflection.
If you are having a good workout, you are going to look sweaty and gross, but that is how you know you are working.
Some Much Needed Me-Time
Selfcare is very important, but have you ever seen anyone look cute while wearing a sheet mask? You end up looking like a scary monster.
When you are taking some time to pamper yourself, that should include putting away your phone to relax genuinely.
"He Is Worth Melting For"
When you force your boyfriend to take cute winter pictures with you, but he feels the need to retaliate by smashing snow into your hair.

The snow is romantic until it is melting on your head.
Someone Taking Your Picture Vs Selfies
It is always nice when you have someone to take a cute picture of you instead of having to take a selfie.
When you have someone to take your picture, you can show off your whole outfit that you spent hours picking out instead of just showing your face.
Just Fall Things
When you go outside in the fall and expect to find the perfect colored leaf, but you are left disappointed with brown soggy leaves.
Sometimes the pictures of autumn are way better than what you actually get to experience.
First of all, why is she wearing jean shorts to workout? That would probably be the most uncomfortable and restricting form of workout gear.
When you go to the gym, it is hard to stay put together throughout your workout, unless you go there to sit on a machine and not do any form of physical activity.
Random Rain Storms
It is the most frustrating thing when you put on a cute outfit and makeup to go out, and then it randomly starts torrentially downpouring.
You left the house looking cute and put together, and a few minutes later you are a soggy mess.