This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
Thank God No One Tried To Hoard This Cake
At the beginning of the pandemic, everyone was hoarding toilet paper as if that would be the only thing they needed. It looks like a couple loved the idea so much, they decided to turn it into a wedding cake.
Who knows, maybe this couple was at the forefront when it came to hoarding toilet paper during the coronavirus outbreak, or maybe they asked their neighbors and relatives for toilet paper when they ran out. By the way, there is nothing wrong with the execution of this cake.
Jenga Cake
Jenga is a game in which there are 54-blocks stacked on top of each other, and players have to take turns removing one block at a time. It seems like the lucky couple is a big fan of Jenga, or maybe the baker who designed this cake loves the game.

There is also a possibility that someone assembled the cake wrong. We want to know how you cut this wedding cake. Do you have to remove one piece of cake at a time?
Did They Pick It Up At The Grocery Store On The Way To The Wedding?
We hope whoever ate this "Weeding" cake actually remembered afterward that they ate a cake (if you know what we mean).

At least the flowers look great, and we are pretty sure the bride and groom were very mellow about it.
Or You Could've Written, "In Love We Thrust"
You saw the happy "weeding" day cake, and here's another one that highlights the importance of spelling.

This one is a little forgivable because we are sure it was the reason for many laughs at the wedding. But, out of curiosity, we really want to know how someone can mix up trust with thrust?
A Couple That Slays Together Stays Together
You can say that it was a cake to die for (wink-wink). We are pretty sure this couple is a big fan of zombie movies and shows. Do you have a fantasy of locking yourself in a mall during a zombie apocalypse? We have it, and someday, it might come true.
Honestly, this cake is awesome. However, not everyone is a fan of zombies and having a wedding cake covered in violence and rotting corpses.
And Down Goes The Cake
Just as this couple was about to cut their cake, the bride knocked it over, and the whole thing came tumbling down. Although it was a disaster, at least the bride and groom can still say they looked good.

Given how the top part was never really secured to the bottom one, this accident was inevitable.
That's One Sweet Dress
This idea looks bizarre, and somehow they perfectly executed it. However, we think it is super impractical because she became the tray herself.

It wouldn't be a surprise if this lady didn't sit down the entire evening or felt a bit dizzy.
They Had A Fun Time
This spot-on wedding cake is hilarious, and we have become fans of those 'Love Boxers.' They must have had one hell of a fun time there.
The tiny champagne bottles show how much effort has been put into designing this cake.
You Got What You Wanted, Now Stop Complaining
It is amazing how people get confused when you tell them what to write on a cake. There are so many examples of it happening that we can make another list on it.

So now do we have to blame it all on miscommunication, or does the baker need some common sense? We hope they learned from the mistake, and it all ended well for everyone.
Never Ask Again What's At The End of a Rainbow
There is this riddle, what's at the end of a rainbow, and the answer is the letter W. However, we think this cake is the correct answer to the puzzle. This is the answer we never really expected.

Whoever created this masterpiece (if that's what you want to call it) tried to get every color of the rainbow into this wedding cake. We have to say that they pretty much succeeded in doing it.
What A Disaster!
This groom's cake was a total disaster in more ways than one. However, the left cake is the one they wanted, and the other one is what they actually got.
Why do you want a cake like that anyway? Have you noticed the groom looks like a 19th-century police officer? Hey, at least they had a good laugh... hopefully.
They're Lovin' It
This couple eloped during quarantine and decided to have a hamburger wedding cake to celebrate the big day.
We’re curious to know what the cake tasted like? This is a cool cake, and we don't see how this could have detracted from a wedding.
Till Death Do Us Part?
This couple wanted to have a beautiful wedding cake, but the woman looked like a pregnant sumo wrestler. How could you mess this up? The one on the right seems harder to make.
Honestly, it looks more like a cake for Halloween. It is terrifying beyond imagination. It might even give you a few sleepless nights.
A Mushroom Island
If you are thinking, "The cake on the right does not look like a sandcastle," we hope you change your opinion about it. Yeah, the color of the cake is not helping at all, but we're 100% sure it is a mushroom island.
The lady had a destination wedding in Mexico and really wanted a sandcastle cake. The baker insisted it would be three tiers, with the sandcastle on the top. It seems like the baker didn't understand the part where she said she loves sandcastles.
A Trophy Cake?
A bakery in East Earl, PA., crafted a life-size, deer-shaped wedding cake for a couple. That is some impressive cake decorating/sculpting.
The cake may be a bit "unconventional" and would have been amazing for a "stag party," but you've honestly got to admire the craftsmanship.
What Is This Monstrosity?!
Imagine getting charged $300 for a cake that looks like a fancy chicken that might give you nightmares. The second one looks like the bird had an accident on the cake!
Seriously, we'd rather have no cake at the wedding than show this abomination. This shows that you have to be careful because there are so many imposters who pretend to be qualified cake decorators.
Gold Cake? Looks More Like Algae Cake
Someone shared a photo of the "gold" cake at their sister's wedding, and we really feel bad for her. Imagine what she must have gone through when the cake arrived.
Is this some kind of bad reaction from the ingredients with the gold color, or someone barfed on it? Even if the cake was delicious, the color alone is really off-putting. We’d probably never eat it.
That's One Long-Necked Bride
When they asked the baker to send them a picture of the cake topper, they got no response. When this abomination was delivered on their wedding day, they soon found out why.
We're sure the bride looks beautiful, but the cake made her look like a creature from another world. That is pure horror! Did he splash some holy water on his wife?
Lord, Forgive Them (We Doubt The Bride Will)
We can understand that it is never easy to make a bride-size cake, but the face and neck are not even close. That is not how a human neck is supposed to look like.

Why would someone want this in the first place? We wouldn't want people cutting apart the bride and eating her on her wedding day.
Not The Best Start
What would be your reaction when you want to start a new chapter of your life and this arrives on your wedding day?
They wanted the cake on the left and paid $135 for the mess on the right. And yes, those are cardboard bits in the middle!
Let It Go, Let It Go
You saw the mushroom cake earlier, and even though that looked like something else, we played it safe. Here, we can say without any doubt that the cake looks like an igloo (but we all know the TRUTH).
It was meant to be a castle tower wedding cake. It is fair to say that people need to stop ordering castle cakes.
A Cringe-Worthy Wedding Cake
As we always look on the bright side, we think it is probably a private joke between the couple, who deliberately chose it for their wedding cake.
However, some may think that It's cringe-worthy for several reasons. For starters, it implies that all the groom cares about is his video games, while the woman is shown to be dragging him into marriage (physically and metaphorically).
Why Bother Trying
Given that the bride and groom initially paid for this cake, we feel bad for them since the baker obviously thought they didn't need to make any effort. Luckily though, after receiving this very unattractive lump of frosting, they ended up getting a full refund.
That is pure laziness because the cake on the left is not hard to replicate. Even the colors are wrong!
Something Smells Funny
We are sure there must be a private joke behind this wedding cake, and we want to know the whole story.
Maybe it has to do with how the bride and groom first met. Technically, it is a brilliant execution.
It's All In The Details
What is this monstrosity? The baker had to drive an hour and a half to the venue to deliver this cake that they thought, "Oh, making it would be a piece of cake."
We seriously hope the rest of the wedding went well because this was a horrible start. We have a feeling it never looked good, and the baker did this on purpose.
Why The Heck Not!
Who wouldn't fall for a wedding cake that has rice Krispy treats with fruit flowers. Most importantly, the flowers are so detailed and awesome.
After seeing people spend hundreds of dollars on cakes that ruined their wedding day, we think this one is the best. It is cheap, and who hates Rice Krispies.
It Was Supposed To Spell "Wiser Wedding"
If you are into the cake-making and decorating business, learn one important lesson: Always WRITE DOWN the message first.
It is just a classic case of miscommunication. However, this person must be happy they didn't spell it "their." As some weddings can be awkward, this cake is a perfect ice breaker.
Looks More Like A Termite Hill
Oh God, this wedding cake looks awful. Honestly, we are worried about the shape and hope that no insects come bursting out of it.

This reminds us of the Play-Doh "cakes" that kids make. How can there be so many unnatural colors in one cake?
Just Looking At It Makes Us Tired
Let's admit the fact that wanting this wedding cake is bound to fail on its own. Why did they go with it in the first place?
We want to know if the cake tasted rubbery. Some of you may even say the cake tires look even worse than the actual tires of your cars.
No, God, Please No!!!
Yup, that's a wedding cake with edible sugar oysters. It looks gross, but we have to appreciate the skill required to make sugar oysters.
The groom and bride thought, “out of many many oysters, I finally found my pearl,” which is a cute wedding cake idea. What do you think about it?
We Hope The Wampa Arm Had A Ring In Its Claw
This wedding cake is only cool if you are a Star Wars fan. It's a bit simple for a wedding cake, but we're pretty sure it would be a great fit for a Star Wars-themed party.
You can say that it was a perfect movie night cake that somehow made its place in a wedding.
Who Knew Cakes Could Look Sad
Cakes are meant to make you feel happy, not sad and depressed. The couple ordered a pink, white, and black striped cake and received a black, white, and purple striped cake. To make matters worse, the stripes are uneven.
Whoever created this mess should not be allowed to make or sell cakes at all.
10/10 Someone Stole The Cake
Wow, that's a cool wedding cake. This cake is actually neat and creative. Again, we are sure there must be a special story behind it.
Maybe the couple met at a truck rally. Overall, it is a well-executed cake, and there is no reason not to love it.
That's Not How The Real Movie Ended
This wedding cake is odd and somewhat cool because it took a lot of work to create. We really appreciate the donkey's face. Someone put dedication into this.
However, shouldn't the wife be a dragon though? That would have been much cooler and made sense for the movie.
That's A RARE Wedding Cake
The groom wanted to have this wedding cake, and we initially thought, "who orders a cake that looks like a pair of lungs?"
This T-bone steak cake is rare, and we hope the couple was happy with it. Maybe the groom was like, "I want a big steak, " and the bride was like, "NOOOO, I just want a cake." In the end, they found a middle ground.
Want A Bite of Sushi Cake?
We can understand that the couple really loves sushi, but this is a bit too much. They were like, "Let's have a room temperature sushi; what could go wrong?"

As sushi has a very short shelf life, we hope the taste and texture were good by the time they started eating it.
We Hope That Is Just Chocolate
We get that people love mud and trucks. This one is not that bad, as we can see the creativity and dedication put into it.

We have one question that may seem a bit odd. What is on top? Does it look like the truck is digging a graveyard?
It's The Thought That Counts
They imagined a cake that would move the guests to tears, not tiers that move.

This cake might have been okay if they had made it in their personal kitchen, but they paid a substantial amount of money for it.
Not So Dashing
This "Dashing Groom" cake seemed like a good choice initially, but the wedding cake turned out to be a complete disaster.
It just looks like sweaty mud. The couple got a refund and had to buy a random cake from another bakery— way to ruin someone's special day.
No!! Where Did The Penguins Go?
How does a professional baker not even know the difference between frosting and fondant? We have doubts it was made by a real professional.
Well, at least you can say that they got the crooked bit right. Apart from that, everything about this cake is screaming REFUND, REFUND, REFUND!
At Least They Watered The Flowers
This floral cake is a bit depressing because the original one had much more life to it, while the one they got looks like someone forgot to water the flowers.
If you are a chocolate lover, you might not have an issue with the cake on the right too.
That’s A WHEELY Good Job
Although this wedding cake might not be the style for most people, this one is actually pretty creative, and we like it.
We just have a few concerns about the real wheel they used. Apart from that, the cake perfectly combines elements that define the lucky couple.
A Wedding Cake That Look Like A Corpse
The couple decided to go with a Corpse Bride wedding cake inspired by a 2005 stop-motion animated musical fantasy film.
It’s not fantastic, but given how some of the cakes are on this list, we'll take it. We hope the cake tasted good and didn't have any rotting smell.
Honestly, It Could've Been Worse
They ordered a wedding cake (left one) and received the right cake just before their wedding night. As we have seen how some cakes were complete disasters, we think this one is not that bad.
To make matters worse, the tilt is making us feel anxious. It's like the cake version of a super poofy wedding dress.
Now We Hate Beaches
We get that the cake was meant to represent the beach, but it looks so unattractive that it makes us feel weird and uncomfortable.

Well, given it's a beach wedding, apparently, that's how a beach looks after a rough tide? The only good thing about this cake is the use of little deck chairs.