This article was originally published on Kueez
This Person Is Destined To Join The Infamous Tattoo List
It can be pretty hard to choose a phrase that you want to get tattooed on your body. First, you need to think long and hard about what phrase means the most to you. Then, you have to decide what kind of font you want, the size of the tattoo, and most importantly of all, the placement of the tattoo. Most tattoo artists only do specific fonts, and the writing has to be big enough that the tattoo lines won't fade too quickly.

This person opted for the phrase "Finally Famous" but there was one little spelling error that made this famous tattoo instantly infamous instead.
Always Make Sure A Proper Translator Is Used For Tattoos
A lot of people like to get phrases from their native languages tattooed in English. This makes it easier for English speakers to understand the meaning behind the tattoo. For social media influencer Naz Mila, she wanted a tattoo that read, "Only God can judge my mistakes and truths" but let her tattoo artist do the translation himself. Apparently, his grasp of the English language was a little bit different than hers.

The tattoo she ended up with reads, "I can judge a single god with my wrongs and wrongs" which is a completely different meaning.
Portraits Are Hard To Do And This One Looks Haunted
There are a lot of really talented tattoo artists out there. All you need to do is search the various artists in your city, and look on Instagram to find one that does the kind of style you want. Tattooing portraits is one of the harder things to do, and this guy really wanted his girlfriend immortalized on his arm. It is definitely a gesture that shows his love and devotion.

It's too bad the tattoo he ended up with looks more like the ghost version of his girlfriend who may have fallen on some rather hard times.
How Do You Know Someone Is A Vegan?
There is an ongoing joke about people who are vegan or who do CrossFit. Basically, how do you know someone is a vegan? You know because within 20 seconds of meeting them they casually manage to announce that they are a vegan like it automatically grants them some kind of special privilege. Instead of announcing to every person that this woman meets that she doesn't eat meat, she decided to let a tattoo do the talking for her.

Now the entire world knows that she is a loud and proud vegan. A face tattoo is a very big commitment, and we really hope she doesn't stop being a vegan or she will have a lot of explaining to do.
Tazte The Rainbow All The Way Down Here
Spelling really isn't that hard, but for some tattoo artists, they just can't seem to get it right. Anyone who has walked into a convenience store and picked up a packet of Skittles knows that it ends with an 's' and now a 'z.' All we can think is that this tattoo artist had never tasted the rainbow, otherwise they would have gotten the spelling a whole lot more right.

Judging by the placement of this tattoo, it's more about where the Skittles lead than the spelling so it should be okay in the long run.
Guess The Old Hollywood Starlet Based Off Of The Tattoo
There are a few Old Hollywood starlets that stand out, and if you stare at this tattoo long enough you just might be able to guess who it is supposed to be. It will be the pose that gives it away, not the rather terrifying face though. If you guessed Marilyn Monroe, then great job! That's right, this tattoo is supposed to be of the famous Monroe, although it leaves a bit to be desired.

The line work and the shading are certainly not some of the finest on the planet, and we really hope this tattoo was eventually touched up by another artist.
One Japanese Style Barbecue Grill To Rule Them All
Ariana Grande is arguably one of the most recognizable singers on the planet these days. When her song, '7 Rings' came out and immediately rose to the top of the charts, she knew that she had to do something special to immortalize the moment. Naturally, a tattoo was the perfect way to remember topping the charts. Instead of getting something in English though, she opted for a Japanese character tattoo.

Someone must not have translated it for her though, and she ended up getting a type of Japanese-style barbecue grill rather than '7 Rings' tattooed.
Yet Another Major Marilyn Monroe Flop
Marilyn Monroe has made a real impact on a lot of peoples' lives. Even Megan Fox had a tattoo of her face on her arm at one point. However, as we have seen, not all artists are the same. At first glance, this tattoo appears to be a clown laughing with some flowers, but that clown is actually the iconic Marilyn again. Something kind of wonky happened with the shading.

If we had to guess who this was without knowing, we would say it was Ronald McDonald rather than the striking former starlet.
The Selfie Game Was Strong For This Ex-Girlfriend Tattoo Reminder
There are a few things that people suggest should never be tattooed. The first is the name of a significant other, and the second would be a portrait of a significant other. We love romantics, but you can never know what is going to happen in a relationship, and having a constant reminder of an ex isn't ideal. This person seems to have missed that memo and opted to get a selfie of their now ex tattooed on their arm.

What's just plain confusing about this one is why they chose a photo that is a selfie. Why not choose a normal portrait at least?
Knowing The Correct Plural For A Word Is Important
Nobody is perfect, that is a universal truth we all know and this tattoo is definitely aiming to prove it. In fact, it is pretty ironic that this person ended up with the phrase, "Nobodies Perfect" tattooed across their chest. She really is practicing what she preaches with this one, even if it was unintentional. There is one little thing that we would really like to know regarding this whole situation.

Just how long did it take for her to realize that it should actually say, "Nobody's Perfect"? We are guessing someone had to point it out because she would have had to agree to the spelling and placement before the tattoo artist started.
A Not So Beautiful Portrait Of A Love One
Most people are lucky enough to fall in love at least once in their lives. When you finally find your person, it is a moment that you want to remember forever. You memorize the shape of their face and all of the little things that make them special. Getting a portrait of them tattooed is an act of love, but by now, we know that portraits are tricky to get right.

Naturally, something went wrong with this one, and for some reason, the tattoo artist decided to give the portrait very gappy teeth and some new wrinkles.
Sometimes It Is Better To Stick To One Font And Size
We love a good wacky tattoo. It shows off peoples' creativity, and there are a ton of creative people on Earth. That being said, when it comes to choosing the font and shape of a tattoo, less does tend to be more. This woman wanted her chosen phrase to be in the shape of an anchor because it does refer to an anchor but that is about where this tattoo stops making sense.

The phrase itself is spelled correctly, but the jumble of fonts in different sizes makes this tattoo look like the tattoo version of a "Live, Laugh, Love" sign.
An Animal Print Tattoo Has Never Looked So Good
Animal print tattoos tend to be pretty hit or miss. Some people like to have a few leopard spots, or maybe some zebra stripes, but snakeskin is not something we have seen before. This tattoo is actually technically amazing, and the tattoo artist managed to make this woman's leg appear to be covered in snakeskin. The tattoo itself is incredibly realistic, which is what makes everyone pause when they see it.

It literally looks like she has grown some scales and could shed her skin at any moment, or shapeshift into a snake herself.
Do Not Try And Follow This Compass Rose Or You Will Get Lost
The last time we checked, North, West, East, and South still point to very specific directions. North is obviously the top of the planet where Canada and Russia are, and South is where Antarctica is. Once you have that basic geography down the rest is easy, or so we thought. Whoever designed this tattoo must have been directionally challenged because only North is actually in the right place, the rest are a jumble.

For anyone feeling confused by this piece, please pull out a compass on your phone or check out a map from a reputable source. Do not let this tattoo lead the way!
The Latest Addition To The Disney Animated Movie Character Library
Disney movies are great. Most of us grew up watching them and everyone who has seen the animated films has a favorite character like Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" or Aladdin. For this woman, her favorite character was Stitch from "Lilo & Stitch." Like any true Disney fan, she decided to get a cute color tattoo of the little guy but something must have been lost in translation and this isn't a Stitch we've seen before.

Disney will likely take one look at this tattoo and think that it is a character from another movie franchise. The name below it says Les, and we really hope that isn't another mistake as well.
Show Off All Of Your Layers With An Armpit Onion
Armpits can get pretty stinky, and so can onions if they are left out to rot. We are not sure what the inspiration for this piece was, but it must be from the movie "Shrek." Like onions, ogres have many layers, and that must be what this woman is trying to show off. The placement is an interesting choice because armpits are pretty sensitive but maybe it is an ode to smelly rotten onions.

We would love to know a little bit more about this woman's layers, but it might be best if that tattoo is hidden for the foreseeable future.
From A Land Far Far Away There Is A Prome Queen
Fantastical worlds like the ones found in the "Game of Thrones" series or "The Witcher" always have queens from lands with special names. One kingdom that has never been mentioned though is the Prome Kingdom. That's likely because it doesn't exist, and this person just wanted the world to know that she was the 'Prom' queen once upon a time. That is an achievement for some people in high school.

It's too bad she is the 'Prome' queen instead. Hopefully, a kind tattoo artist was able to fix this piece and hide the 'e'.
Just A Terrified Wolf Howling At The Moon
Many of us like to imagine what our spirit animal would be. For people that love to swim, maybe it is a dolphin or a whale. This person decided theirs was a wolf, and to let the world know that they decided to get a gigantic back tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon. It's kind of a cool idea and the right tattoo artist could have really brought this to life.

Unfortunately, it just looks like a wolf that is absolutely terrified of something in the distance, instead of an animal that is supposed to inspire fear.
Placement Is Everything If You Want To Have No Regrets
For anyone considering getting a tattoo, you need to really think about the placement and where the piece would look the best. Many people like to get tattoos in easy-to-hide places, like under the arm or on the shoulder. A wrist tattoo, especially one with a phrase that circles the entire wrist is a tricky piece to get. It will never be hidden, and for most people, that's okay except when it comes to certain photos.

Romantic weddings photos are what every couple wants, but having a tattoo that reads 'Regret' in the photo doesn't exactly tell the world this is a happy bride.
Look Very Closely To See What Is Hidden In Plain Sight
For some people, tattoos are a way of life. Slowly but surely they cover their body in works of art from various tattoo artists. Some tattoos are better than others, and each tells a story. Now for this gentleman, he decided it was time for a very special tattoo and you may miss it unless you look very closely. It is on his face if that helps with spotting it.

That's right, this guy said why wear glasses when you can just have them tattooed on permanently. Now, this is a real fashion statement.
No Time Like The Present For A Bon Jovi Quote
Jon Bon Jovi had some real hits back in the day, and one of the songs that everyone knows as soon as it comes on a playlist or the radio is "It's My Life." This song has helped to shape a generation, and it makes total sense that someone would want to get a quote from the song tattooed. There is just one little problem with this tattoo, and you should be able to spot it.

Grammar must not have been the artist's strong suit, because "is" has somehow ended up in this tattoo twice.
The T-Rex Of The Nightmare World Does Exist
Reimagining different creatures are how horror movies find some of their deepest darkest characters. The "Jurassic Park" franchise could easily be turned into a horror series if the dinosaurs underwent a bit more gene splicing and the artist that designed this tattoo might just be someone who could lend a helping hand. This is supposed to be a T-rex, but something seems to be a bit off with its proportions.

The feet seem to be pointing in two very different directions, and the tattoo itself is just plain bad. Maybe a bit of shading could fix it up a tad.
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button AKA This Baby-Man
Being a good tattoo artist is hard we get it, but artists who know their skill is not exactly at the level of what their client is asking for should really just direct them to someone else. This portrait is not that bad, but somehow this baby went from looking a baby in the photo to looking like a happy old man just taking his afternoon nap and enjoying a nice dream.

Maybe this is like that movie with Brad Pitt, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and there is some reverse aging happening here.
Anyone With Arachnophobia Should Look Away From This Man's Face
Spiders definitely fall into the creepy crawlies category and for good reason. They come in all different shapes and sizes, manage to hide in dark corners, and some are even extremely poisonous. It makes total sense that people have a fear of spiders, and committing to getting a tattoo of one must mean that you love them. For this man, he must really love spiders because he opted for a gigantic face tattoo of one.

Artistically speaking, this tattoo is pretty good, it is even in 3D but there will definitely be a few people who see it and run away screaming in terror.
Always Be Wary Of Tattoos In A Foreign Language You Don't Know
Tattoos in foreign languages, especially ones that use characters instead of a Latin alphabet are pretty neat to look at. If you can't read them though or haven't asked someone you trust the meaning behind some symbols it might be best to wait until you have confirmation that they mean what you want them to mean. This person decided to go ahead and get the tattoo and just trusted what the tattooer tattooed.

Now they have an okay-looking tattoo that reads "turkey sandwich" to anyone that can read Chinese symbols. That's a wee bit embarrassing.
Freddie Mercury Has Come Back To Haunt The World
For most of us, there are a few people that stand out as role models. Maybe it is a parent, or maybe it is a rock legend like the former lead singer of Queen, Freddie Mercury. Mercury was a real star during his life, and his memory lives on in all of the hits that he produced with his fellow bandmates. This person really wanted to remember Mercury and all of his achievements.

Of course, the portrait of Mercury singing is less than perfect. We can still tell it is Mercury, but a lot of the finer details are hard to pick out since there is so much shading.
Meaningful Words And All Of The Spelling Mistakes
Getting quotes has to be one of the most popular tattoos, along with portraits. Quotes are great, but you really need to be sure that it is a quote you will believe in after a few years have gone by. After all, tattoos are in theory, forever. This person selected a pretty generic quote to have tattooed on their forearm, but all of the spelling errors are what makes it really stand out.

Here are some words of wisdom, according to this tattoo, "Believe in Youself and Never Lose Hoop." That's right, never lose your hoops!
Fake It Until You Make It With A Side Of Shading
Getting a six-pack is pretty tough. You have to dedicate time to working out every day, eating healthy, and making sure that you stay well hydrated and rested. No pain, no gain is the motto that many athletic people live by. Some people don't want to wait for the curve of a six-pack to occur though and figure a well-done tattoo might just achieve the same look in a lot less time.

From afar, this tattoo looks pretty realistic, but as soon as you get up close and personal, it is very obvious these muscles are just shaded on.
When In Doubt, Just Use The Spellcheck Or Autocorrect Option
The world of technology is pretty amazing today. Every tap on a phone screen or word written on a computer can be spell-checked or autocorrected in an instant. In theory, that should mean that people have fewer and fewer spelling and grammar mistakes. This should come in hand for tattoo artists and people who want quotes but it seems as if there is a disconnect. Once more, spelling got in the way of what could have been a perfect tattoo.

We really hope that it gets better for this person, because right now, "It's get better" is not going to cut it.
Life Life Without Regrets And Get The Tattoo To Prove It
One of the most common phrases to get tattooed seems to be "No Regrets." This is a sentiment that many people live their lives by. Nobody wants to reach old age and look back on their lives and think about "What if" instead of just doing it. The only problem with getting that "No Regrets" tattoo happens when one of the words in the phrase is spelled wrong. Then there are definitely some regrets.

Someone should have checked the stencil before it was printed to make sure both words were spelled correctly to avoid this mistake.
The Blue Eminem M&M Does Exist, But Should It?
In a world full of tattoos and people showing theirs off, it can be hard to come up with an original idea. Most people want their piece of ink to be something personal and unique. After some long hard thinking sessions, this person knew just what to get. They would combine their favorite sweet with their favorite rapper because they both have the same name. It could have been a stroke of genius.

As far as portrait tattoos go, this one is actually really good. Eminem looks just like the blue version of himself, it is just a bit weird that he is also an M&M.
Why Go Bald When You Can Be A Turtle Head
Lots of people worry about going bald, but they really don't need to. Not only are there lots of options to stimulate hair growth, but there is also this pioneering tattoo trick. Instead of hair, you can get a whole turtle tattooed on the top of your head. This must have been pretty painful, and the result is definitely an unusual one. The turtle seems to be staring deep into the soul of whoever looks at it.

We're not sure why the man decided to have the turtle tail on his face and not the head. His employer must have been pretty shocked to see his new decoration.
No Troll Is Complete Without A Some Great Arm Hair
Trolls are little dolls that originated in Denmark and have since taken the world by storm. Everyone recognized these cute little guys, and one of the things that makes them so recognizable is their hair. Most people don't have body hair quite like this gentleman. He saw his arm hair and knew that he would be able to have a tattoo unlike any other, and he was definitely right on that.

This tattoo is artistic, and actually pretty well done, but it is also a tad creepy. We suppose he used what nature gave him.
Is This Darth Vader From Star Wars Or Space Balls?
One of the signs that a movie is great is if a spoof movie is made after it comes out. For the "Star Wars" franchise, the parody movie "Space Balls" was made and it made fun of all of the major characters, including Darth Vader. In Star Wars, Darth Vader is pretty scary, but in Space Balls, he is just a little guy suffering from short man syndrome on a power trip.

It is pretty hard to tell if this Darth Vader-looking tattoo is supposed to be funny or is just plain bad, but it definitely looks like it belongs in the Space Balls world.
Turn Around And Take A Look At The Gorilla
People with great senses of humor have the ability to bring a smile to just about anyone's face. This guy is one of those people that saw an opportunity for a funny tattoo and took it. He knew he was losing the hair on the back of his head, and since he has black hair, it might just work like gorilla fur. The roaring gorilla coming out of his head is pretty fearsome.

The tattoo itself is also very good, but we really hope he doesn't have kids because as soon as he shows up at their school, students will be terrified.
Pikachu Has Fallen On Some Hard Times And Needs Ash
Arguably the most famous Pokemon of all time is the cute little black and yellow character Pikachu. Pikachu is always being chosen and for good reason. He is reliable in a Poke battle and is Ash's loyal companion. Pikachu always puts his best foot forward, but this tattoo makes it look like Pikachu is going through a bit of a rough patch. Something has clearly gone wrong in the Poke-verse.

The artist who did this tattoo did Pikachu no favors, and he looks like he is grimacing and just trying to get through life one day at a time.
A Double Negative Does In Fact Equal A Positive
Grammar is important, that is an absolute. Without good grammar and spelling, a lot of things can end up being miscommunicated which can lead to confusion. Usually, two wrongs mean that something is still wrong, but it is a bit different in the world of grammar. When two negatives are used in a sentence, it actually changes the meaning of it to make it positive. That's what has happened here.

The tattoo should read, "Never give up." Instead, it says, "Never don't give up" which means always give up.
Is This A Strange Mythical Creature Or A Yankees Fan?
The linework is so important when it comes to tattoos. As soon as the linework is bad, a tattoo goes from being full of promise to something that should probably be hidden away. The Yankees logo is pretty iconic. Everyone knows that it is the letters N-Y on top of each other usually in blue or white. In true fan form, this Yankees fan wanted the logo tattooed on them.

What they got is some kind of weird shape that could be a logo, or it could be some kind of three-legged animal.
The Eyes Of This Tiger Are All Over The Place
Any 3D image is going to take a master tattoo artist. Animals are particularly tricky because they require sharp outlines and lots of shading to bring them to life. Tigers are fearsome animals, and they represent power which is what we think this guy was trying to say with his chest tattoo. Unfortunately, this tiger looks like it was drawn by a child and the eyes and mouth are all over the place.

Maybe this is supposed to be an abstract tiger, and if that is the case then that 'look' was definitely achieved. Picasso would be proud.
Fearless With A Side Of Heart And Bad Spelling
Take a moment and think about the one word that really resonates with you, maybe it is power, money, or courage. It could be anything, and for this woman, it is 'fearles.' That's right, she wrote down the word F-E-A-R-L-E-S, thought it was spelled right, and decided to add a heart instead of another 'S' to finish off the knuckle tattoo. Now it could be the artist's fault but for this one, we aren't sure.

Judging by the pink thumbnails, a heart was considered necessary to fit with the woman's whole vibe.