This article was originally published on Kueez
1. "Please Let Me In"
This polite little pup is waiting for someone to "open" the door because she doesn't realize there is nothing stopping her from walking in on her own.
She is even kind enough to wipe her feet before coming in the house. She must have ran into the glass once and has been traumatized ever since.
2. Regrets...So Many Regrets
"Take a dip in the pool they said, swimming will be easy they said. Well, they were wrong."
He can tell he messed up when he did not feel solid ground under his paw and it was too late to save himself.
3. "Is Anyone Home?"
This cute little pup ran away from home for a few hours, and his owners came back to find him trying to get in through the front door.
"The world is scary. I regret leaving home where all the food and treats and toys are. So many regrets."
4. "Look I Can Do That Too!"
"I did it! A perfect cartwheel. What a rush! That's all I had to do all year!" Monkey see monkey do. This dog nailed his cartwheel and totally upstaged the girls.

Does this dog go to a tumbling class on top of his obedience classes? What an amazing dog.
5. Sharing With The Mirror Dog
She went searching for all her toys to bring them to the mirror dog so they could play together. "Oh, you already have one of those? Oh yeah? Bet you don't have one of... THESE! Oh."
How long do you think it took her to realize the dog in the mirror was her reflection?
6. The Brick Is His Best Friend
Throughout the years, the brick has been a constant companion in his life and he loves it so much. Friendship comes in many forms including bricks.
The brick is a better friend than most humans so he chose a good one. Does the brick ever move or does it just stay there waiting for the dog to come back?
7. When You Want To Play In The Sprinkler But You Also Want To Be Inside
"My owner is having a bad day; maybe if I bring the sprinkler inside, we can have fun." The floor looked like it needed to be cleaned anyway.
Now he has an indoor shower, and everything is right in the world.
8. "Why Isn't It Working?"
Sometimes drinking water can be tricky especially when you are trying to drink the shadow of the water.
Bless his heart for putting in so much effort into trying. We hope someone taught him how to get water so he stopped struggling.
9. She's A Potato Retriever
The biggest question we have is where she got the potato from? Are they in Idaho? Maybe he is hungry but still wants to play.

"You didn't tell me what to bring back, you just told me to fetch, so I found this potato and here it is."
10. "Why Isn't The Line Moving?"
How long did he stay there before realizing these were all toys and not actual animals. He has perfect line etiquette.
He looks worried that they are going to run out of treats before it gets to his turn.
11. Is That A Seal Or A Puppy?
Uh oh! There is a loose seal in the bathroom. If a dog is a land dog and a seal is a sea dog, would this be a land sea-land dog?
He is trying to go incognito, but his nose is giving away his location. Do you think he is stuck in there?
12. Where Did The Cat Go?
He was chasing the cat and then it suddenly disappeared. Where could he be? The dog might find out in a few seconds.

The cat must be a ninja sent to spy on the dog population and his cover was almost blown.
13. Chicken Legs
When they assembled this Frenchie, they did not follow the directions correctly and his legs were put on upside down.
How are his little chicken legs comfortable like that? His nickname must be drumstick!
14. "I Can't See, But I Love This Box."
He is beauty; he is grace; he is Diesel, the English Bulldog who loves boxes; he is special.
His determination is unmeasurable. He refuses to stop trying to walk without putting the box down and unblocking his view.
15. Boop The Snoot
So she may not be the brightest bulb of the bunch, but she is definitely the cutest.
She just wants to play with the shadow stick but she can't seem to grab onto it.
16. "What A Lovely View"
Either he thinks the painting is a window or he is short-sighted and loves art. Maybe he just wants to smell the grass in the painting.
What does he look like when he stares out a real window? Is he just as interested or does he only like to look at scenic paintings?
17. Where Did The Dog Go
You may be wondering why we posted a picture of a paper roll, but if you look carefully, there is a dog hiding. He is the master of hide-and-go-seek.

Maybe the cat locked him in there and he is hiding in case it comes back to find him.
18. Rear-View Camera On Board
It was her first ride on the boat, and she was skippering. She may be facing the wrong way and blocking the captain's view, but she is trying her best.
She probably thought that she was supposed to be telling the captain if anything was behind the boat.
19. Taste The Rainbow
The rainbow looked yummy, so she tried to take a bite out of it, but instead of something delicious, it tasted like the wallpaper she is used to licking.
There was a small chance that the rainbow leads to golden treats, but sadly it did not.
20. Bringing A Gift For The Big Dogs
"Hello big nose friends, I brought you this stick, please accept my gift." "Bring us back a carrot stick and we will accept you into our club."
These horses look like they are trying to be secretive when they ask him to bring them back carrots because it is not on their daily diet plan.
21. "Oh, Hello There"
When you scratch your dog for a while, and you stop so they look back wondering why on earth you would stop giving them pets.
"Hey human, can you keep scratching my back until I decide you can stop?"
22. Root Beer Helmet
He is wearing his battle helmet for when he has to walk past the cat that attacks him when he tries to go upstairs.
His owners are knighting him Sir Root Beer of A and W.
23. The Roomba Doesn't Want To Play
"Ok, let's try this again. I give you my favorite shrimp toy, and you are supposed to throw it. Please stop rolling away with it."
He keeps barking at the Roomba because it is taking his toy away from him.
24. A Hunting Dog On High Alert
He can only focus on one activity at a time. He just wants to do his business in peace and not be bothered by the animal that is three times his size.
He didn't choose the hunting dog life, it chose him, but he doesn't have an interest in chasing large animals.
25. Someone Helped Mow The Lawn
When you are just trying to help your human mow the lawn and you end up getting your hair dyed green.
Saint Patrick's day isn't for another few months, but he is ready to celebrate in style.
26. "I Finally Caught It!!!"
This little guy has spent most of his life trying to catch that darn tail of his. Finally, after a lot of hard work and hours of chasing it he finally got it.
Since this has been her life's mission, she doesn't know what to do with herself when she is able to let go of it.
27. We Know Who The Alpha Dog Is Here
The little dog said, "I don't care how much bigger you are, I will fight you for the big bed and you don't want to mess with me."
One day, the big dog will take over his bed again when he gains the courage to face the mighty Chihuahua.
28. The Chocolate Lab Factory
Have you ever wondered how chocolate labs were created? Look no further we are here to explain.
You take a yellow lab to the giant mud pit and let them go for a swim. When they return, you will have a chocolate lab.
29. Just Hanging Out In A Toilet
This dog was trying to tell his owner that he would like an unheated pool. He likes the feel of the cold water on his back.
He also enjoys the whirlpool feeling when the toilet is flushed.
30. The Perfect Photo Does Not Exis--
They were trying to take a nice family photo by the lake, and one of the dogs got too close to the edge. Luckily the moment was caught on camera.
"It was at this moment that I knew I messed up. There was no turning back once I started to slip."
31. "Help It's Closed"
Have you ever heard your dog whining only to find them doing something dumb? This dog didn't realize he could walk around the door.
He just needs to learn to look for an opening and he won't have this problem anymore.
32. May Or May Not Be Stuck
Have you ever wondered how to catch a corgi puppy? You need a tiny fence that has spaces in it for the corgi to try to walk through.
One day you will come and have caught a whole heard of baby corgis. That will be the best day of your life.
33. "I Just Wanted This Free Corn"
This dog was wandering around and found that his neighbor left out free corn. Little did he know it was a trap for a ground hog.
He wasn't happy about being trapped, but he was excited to get some free corn.
34. A Magical Rainbow Dog
This lab picked the wrong place to take a nap. She is now a magical rainbow dog that goes around granting wishes.
She is a flamboyant dog and loves prancing and changing the color of her fur.
35. Dogs Fell Asleep Playing With A Tennis Ball
This is the only acceptable type of PDA that will be accepted. Although they are not actually kissing, they look like a cute couple.
Wrestling for a tennis ball can be very tiring so you have to take a nap mid-game and try again later.
36. This Is What Happens When You Trespass
"Go ahead and laugh, but when I get out of this mess, it is all over for you humans. I will unleash my fury."
It seems like there are corgi traps all over the place. They get themselves stuck so easily.
37. An Expensive Pillow
When you buy your dog an expensive bed, and they choose to use it as a pillow instead. What a waste of money.
Instead, buy an actual pillow because they would never notice the difference, and they will still have a place to rest their heads.
38. When You Rope Off A Hole So They The Dog Lies In It
This dog dug a hole in her backyard, and her owner roped it off after she filled it in. She must have thought that it was roped off for her to go in.
He just wants to protect his spot from being ruined by someone else.
39. It's Like A Pacifier
He was having so much playing with his tennis ball that he fell asleep in the middle of the game. His owner threw the ball and he never returned.
Did you know that dogs who have smushed faces like pugs or French bulldogs like to sleep with something in their mouths because it helps it breathe easier?
40. Toys Must Be Comfortable Too
He wants his toys to sleep in a comfy place so they can be well-rested when it is time to play. He is perfectly fine with sacrificing his bed for his toys well being.
He figures he will be able to play with them better when all of them have had a good night's sleep.
41. "If I Can't See The Vet, They Can't See Me"
This is Jack, he doesn't like to go to the vet. When he goes to the vet he likes to stand in the corner in hopes that the vet won't notice him.
Sadly he was discovered, and he had to get his regular check-up.
42. Who Is Smarter?
One dog is smarter than the other one. The dog on the left must be confused as to why they are looking at the curtains.
Maybe he can see through the curtain, and everyone is making fun of him for no reason.
43. "Is This How I Open The Door?"
When you want to come back inside, but you forget that you have paws with claws to scratch at the door.
"If I bite and lick it enough, maybe I will be able to get through the glass."
44. "I Made A Mistake"
"Hey dude, I tried to warn you. I got stuck yesterday," said the little dog. He is trying to figure out the best way to remove himself from the hammock.

How did he get on there in the first place? Did he jump right into the holes?
45. "It's Touching Me!!!!"
This is his first encounter with a fish, and he looks like he never wants to see one again.
"I could smell it well enough in the water, I do not need it right in my face."
46. Just Taking A Walk On The Wild Side
"Ok Susan, you have had your laugh, now get me out of here because I am being squished by this fence."
He looks like he was in the middle of a walk, so how did he get stuck in there like that?
47. Cats Are Scary
The cat is the leader of the household, and the dog knows it. She just wanted to sit on the couch, but the cat scared her.
She is so scared she doesn't even want to look at the cat.
48. The Floor Is Lava
"The dog carrier is evil so I must stay like this for the entire six-hour car ride. You cannot make me stay in here."
Sometimes being put in a car seat can be scary, she just wants to roam freely.
49. Another Expensive Pillow
His owner bought him a special bed because he has arthritis, but instead of sleeping inside of it, he uses it as a pillow.
As long as he is happy, it doesn't matter how he uses it — what a sweet boy.
50. There Was Bacon Grease In The Garbage
When you smell something good inside the garbage and curiosity gets the best of you.
Was it worth it? For him, it probably was worth getting his head stuck in the top of the bin.
51. That Does Not Look Comfortable
This dog's humans bought her a big fluffy bed and she chooses to lie in her cage like this.
She must be so used to her bed that it is more comfortable than the new bed waiting for her.
52. New Head Gear
This is her superhero mask because she needs to protect her identity from the villains.
Her powers include being cute, fetching a ball, and marking her territory. She is the best hero to roam the land.
53. "Need Any Help With The Laundry?"
The laundry demon strikes again! He crawls into your empty basket while you do laundry looking for dirty socks.
If you don't give him dirty socks, he will try to bite his way out of the basket, like this dog is doing.
54. The Bee Was Not Tasy After All
She thought the bee was going to taste like honey, and after spending a few minutes chasing it, she finally caught it.
She soon realized the bee did not taste good and it was not worth it when her face swelled up.
55. Curiosity Got The Best Of Him
You know when you stick your hand in a Pringles jar to get the crumbs from the bottom, and it gets caught. This is what happened to the dog only with a fish bowl.
She thought there was something tasty at the bottom and now she is stuck.