This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
Putin and This Dog Share the Same Pout
Pouting is not a desirable quality in anyone, and yet this dog and Putin both seem to be sharing the exact same pouting face look. From the neutral mouths, small beady eyes, and smooth heads, these two certainly do share some similarities. The dog even has a special white mark running down his chest, almost identically matching Putin's tie. It's a shame they weren't the same color, but then again Purin couldn't easily have worn a white tie with a white shirt.
This dog looks like a scary one to come across. Putin and the dog show their emotionless expressions in these photos with poignant fear. We wouldn't want to be on their bad side.
Is Snoop Dogg Actually a Dog?
Snoop Dogg shocked the world when he briefly claimed to be Snoop Lion instead of Snoop Dogg. Despite his brief stint with lionhood, this photo seems to prove that his original identity is much more fitting. The expression, the enthusiasm, and the smile could not have been more perfect, making you wonder if he was trying to replicate this photo or if he truly, once and for all, found his doppelganger.
Snoop Dogg even had a phase where he was known as Snoop Doggy Dog, maybe this doggy dog was the one he was naming himself after.
Samuel L. Jackson and His Twin
Despite the identical facial expressions showing a mix of anger, hatred, and fury, the craziest similarity between Samuel L. Jackson and this testy doggo is certainly the eyebrows. Just look at the perfection! Their angry side-eye expressions are perfectly framed by matching white eyebrows with a shadowy dark background. Samuel L. Jackson's look was for a role in Django Unchained and he doesn't usually look like that, but we won't nitpick.
The dog seems to have the semblance of more white "facial hair" around the muzzle, giving him more of a beard than Mr. Jackson.
John Travolta Eyes Glued on a Dog's Face
John Travolta's dreamy blue eyes may have had women swooning all across the world for decades, but would things have been different if the world knew that he was not the only one to flaunt such a sparkling shade. This dog may have the potential to steal some of his spotlight. All of the features look exactly the same: the floppy eyes and the flopped back hair, the strong jawlines, and the smiling face.
Nothing screams doppelganger louder than these bright blue eyes. They are so identical that you might even think someone photoshopped John Travolta's eyes right onto this dog. Ok maybe the dog's eyes are a bit of a lighter blue, but you never know!
Richard Branson With Long Bleached Hair
You may have thought that Richard Branson's hair could not be any shade brighter than his current blond. This crazy-looking dog may prove that you're wrong. Imagine Richard Branson with longer hair and one entire shade brighter. Add in a very unattractive grimace and you have located his animal doppelganger. Although it's debatable if this is actually a real dog or if it is some sort of alien or gremlin-like creature.
This dog needs to be added to the storyline of Star Wars somehow. It seems like he may already be hidden in there somewhere, but if not they need to get on top of it! They could even call him Branson.
William H. Macy's Adorable Best Friend
It's very common for a pet owner and their pet to look very similar. How often have you seen a poodle owner look just like their floofy friend or a pit bull actually looking like the child of their owner? Even though this is a totally random dog, William H. Macy should have this as his own pet, if only to contribute to the theory that people and pets eventually start to look alike.
The big sensitive eyes, the button-like nose, and the silky waves are just too sweet to overlook! And not to mention they appear to be around the same age as both have hair that has started to gray (especially facial hair).
Perhaps He Should Be Called Ron Curlman
There's no denying that Ron Perlman has a very distinct face. Who would have ever thought that he, of all people, would have a doppelganger? Well, this curly hair dog came into the picture at just the right time. Both of them are sporting the exact same style of curly hair, length color (even though the photo is black and white), and style. They even have the same long face shape!
They are almost identical until it comes to their eye color. Ron Perlman has blue eyes while this dog leans more on the green or hazel side.
The Real Inspiration for Donald Trump's Hair
Donald Trumpp is no stranger to the world mocking him for his bright-colored, slicked-back hairdo. It seems like hardly a day goes by without seeing a meme or a mocking post about the man's hair (or wig) choice. Well, the day has finally come that the true originator of and inspiration behind the infamous hairdo has been discovered. It was this bright yellow-orange hairy caterpillar this entire time.
It would make sense that if this is truly the inspiration behind Trump's famous 'do, that he would go to all ends to keep it a secret. It's not necessarily the noblest creature to try to base a look off of.
It's as if That's Why He Called Himself Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg did it again with another dog doppelganger. It really leaves you wondering if he knew how much he looked like man's best friend, and that's why he named himself something with the word dog in it. So here you have round two of Snoop Dogg and his furry look alike. The matching photos are both enthusiastically smiling, the dog probably because he tried a creamsicle for the first time, but Snoop Dogg's reasonings are unclear.

The creators of the photo with the dog almost definitely added in the orange popsicle just to make it look like this photo of Snoop Dogg with his orange corsage. It's just too good to be true!
The Dalai Lama and His Happy Llama
Although Dalai Lama means Ocean of Wisdom in the original Mongolian, it's difficult not to assume that there was a bit of fate involved with the similarities to the Spanish-origin word llama. After all, as this photo proves, the Dalai Lama and the llama are practically one and the same. With their wide ear-to-ear grins and happy-go-lucky faces, no one would claim that this is merely a coincidence.

Wouldn't it just be lovely to see the Dalai Lama walking his pet llama? Besides being a strange clash of cultures, it would certainly shock all onlookers with their pure similarities.
If Taylor Lautner Were an Alpaca
There are certainly worse things than being compared to an adorable and fluffy alpaca. After all, you could be compared to a slithering snake or a dreaded spider. Alpacas are cute and soft and come in many shapes and sizes. Taylor Lautner certainly lucked out when he found his alpaca doppelganger. With bronzed skin (or fur) and dark brownish-black hair (or ears in the alpaca's case), these two are practically clones.
They even both have the exact same pensive look on their faces as if they see something slightly disturbing very far off in the distance and they can't stop looking at it.
Adrien Brody's Next Halloween Costume
Adrien Brody may be very lucky next year when Halloween time comes around. If he doesn't have the energy to come up with a creative costume idea, he can always go as the lesula monkey. After all, they look so much alike that he will hardly even have to dress up. Maybe just a little bit of face paint or fur to get the coloring and texture right, and then he is good to go.

The lesula monkey is quite infamous for its disturbingly human-like features. So Adrien should take it as a compliment that he doesn't so much look like a monkey as the monkey looks like him.
Harrison Ford and Puppy Smirk-Off
You could almost definitely tell both Harrison Ford and this adorable golden retriever puppy that they should wipe that smirk right off their face. What are they smirking about anyway? Some secret joke that is between just the two of them? Or maybe they each saw a picture of the other, looking so much alike, that they had to continue with that mischievous one-sided grin.
Besides the grin, these two don't really look that much alike. It's difficult to be compared to such a fluffy and adorable creature. Sorry Harrison, but no one is lucky enough to be cuter than a puppy.
Madonna and Her Frog Like Pose
Do you think Madonna maybe saw a picture of this frog with its long, outspread legs and decided to copy the pose exactly for one of her concerts? Of course, she needed some heels to get her legs to even half the length proportion of that long-limbed frog. Although the frog looks a bit more dumbfounded (she's probably not used to getting her photo taken as much as Madonna is), they both certainly look fabulous in this sexy pose.

That is one flexible frog, just relaxing on its rock with its outspread, dangling legs. Is she waiting for her next meal to be seduced into coming right towards her? Maybe that is her food-finding tactic.
Disappointment in One Double Look
If you had to describe what disappointment was and had to choose just one of these guys below, which would you choose? It's hard to say as both of them have the exact same look on their face and both of them so perfectly exemplify disappointment! Peyton Manning was almost definitely disappointed in his team's most recent play and maybe this puppy was disappointed over the exact same thing!
You better try harder next time if you don't want to catch a glimpse of this double threat of disheartening disappointed looks from both Peyton Manning and the cute puppy!
Must-Ache You Look at Them That Way
Salvador Dali has every right to be shocked...anyone would if their mustache was so large and upturned that it could practically poke them right in the eye. His cat twin, with its cute and unthreatening mustache, only compliments both his look and his art style with the contrasting yet similar theme. While Dali is white with a black mustache, this cat is the exact opposite, making the two of them a lovely piece of art.
The two of them could simply stand in the street and be an art installation themselves. They could call it Opposite Twins from Another Kingdom.
Who Wore It Better? Kim or the Whale?
In the world of fashion, no one likes to be matching. It starts the entire battle of who wore it better, which only ends in one side feeling hurt. In this case, Kim Kardashian took some inspiration from the stunning killer whale for her black and white look. Some claim both of them look chic and elegant while others think there is no competing with such a majestic animal as the whale.

Black and white is a go-to combination for so many fashionable outfits. You almost can't go wrong, but there is just something about the overly simple lines of Kim's black and white frock that makes everyone think of the killer whale.
Strutting Down the Kitty Walk
In a competition for the happiest and cutest catwalk, these two would certainly be cutting it close. Just look at the purely happy-go-lucky strut both the kitten and Leonardo DiCaprio are showing off in these photos. It's really hard to compare which one is cuter. Or maybe they are both extra cute when placed side by side. Regardless, they both seem to have met their matches, in the best possible way.

This kitten is giving a new meaning to the phrase "catwalk". Cats are infamous for their elegant struts, but this little guy is changing the name of the game.
A Rainbow Caterpillar on George Clinton's Head
First things first, everyone can agree that George Clinton absolutely rocked this rainbow dreadlocks hairstyle. It was just the perfect combination of pastel and bright colors. But who knew that this look already existed? The Saturniidae Moth, when it is in its caterpillar form, almost looks like something out of a fairy sci-fi film and yet, George seemed to have spotted the creature and decided that this would be his next look.
Who wouldn't want to look like this bright and beautiful mystical creature? If you didn't know it was so tiny, you might even be compelled to think it was a dragon!
Ron Perlman Has Become a Boxer
Would anyone be surprised if Ron Perlman actually chose to take up boxing? Well, this boxer (the dog) might make you think that he actually already has. Judging solely based on looks, it could definitely be the case. Although this one is a little harder to see compared to his previous poodle mix doppelganger, the boxer and Ron share more of a similar expression or outlook on life in these pictures.

The equally wrinkled foreheads make them look even more similar than just the angry looks on their faces. They both look like they are ready to start a fight at any given moment.
Adam Driver Found His Ear Match
This cat, with its remarkable ears, looks a crossbreed between a corgi and a cat. But more than any of those he looks like Adam Driver's doppelganger in animal form. The colors and the overall vibe are exactly on point....and well of course those ears. although the cat's ears are far more exaggerated than Adam Driver's. This is also a specifically ear-centered photo of Adam's.
They even have a similar eye color of greenish-brown and the exact same penetrating look, as if they are staring deep into your soul. And don't forget the exact same color hair!
The Biggest Jamie Hyneman Fan
There is no doubt that Jamie from MythBusters is an icon. And it looks like this cat wants to join in on the fame. With their blond ginger hair and perfectly tilted black berets, they are two peas in a pod with this swaggy look. Unlike some of the other pictures on this list, these doppelgangers are a compliment to both parties as together they are cute and fashionable.
Without the little, tilted black beret this cat hardly resembles the famous Jamie Hyneman. The black beret is the perfect touch to give this kitty the perfect Jamie vibes.
Wilford Brimley's Angry Mustache
Wilford Brimley may be famous for his acting and singing skills, but this cat is giving him a whole new reason to be in the spotlight. Who wouldn't want to be known as the man with the cat twin? And who wouldn't want to be somehow associated with this awesome mustache cat? It's not every day that you can come across a cat with the exact same mustache as you.

You have to admit that the cat does seem to be a bit more grumpy looking than Wilford Brimley himself. He has more of a down-trodden look on his face while the cat appears genuinely angry.
Gold Star for This Bunny and Gymnast Duo
What do Mckayla Maroney and a chubby bunny have in common? You wouldn't think of too many things at first considering one is an American Olympic gold medalist and the other is well...a bunny rabbit. But this bunny has a thing or two to show you about finding similarities in unlikely things. Mckayla's pulled-back hairstyle matches the bunny's cute little ears and their interesting bunny facial expressions are absolutely on point.

You would have to admit that Mckayla looks more like a bunny than the bunny looks like Mckayla. That wrinkled-up mouth and nose movement is very typical to a bunny whenever it eats.
Rhianna's Alpaca Wig
Just about everyone loves alpacas...and just about everyone loved Rhianna. So that would make them one of the best duos out there. Alpacas are cute and cuddly (unless they are angry and spitting) and honestly one of the best animals on earth. Rhianna deserves that flattering comparison to this creature, although it does almost look like her hair is actually a wig made from the alpaca's own fur (of course it isn't actually).

Imagine if her entire dress fit right into the alpaca theme, it would certainly be quite a sight to behold. Now everyone is expecting her, with this hairdo, to film her next music video and include some look-alike alpacas.
Lenin's True Cat Colors
This cat may not be too excited about who his doppelganger is, but unfortunately, you can't really control who you look like! The cat's sharp eyebrows seem to say it all....everything is revealed in those downturned brows. And that little goatee on the cat's chin perfectly matches Lenin's interesting shave. The only thing missing is a little mustache...something to keep in the back of your mind little kitty, if you really want to take this all the way.
Were pet cats allowed in Lenin's ideal version of the world? Or did having pets go against all of his theories of the bourgeoise and democracy? Perhaps this is the ultimate insult to Lenin.
Charlie Chaplin's Matching Sidekick
It is a true tragedy that Charlie Chaplin is no longer alive for the world to request a film to be made of him dueting with his matching sidekick of a cat. It almost certainly would be a hit, even if the cat only appeared mysteriously in the background for some frames. But look at this masterpiece, Charlie Chaplin and His Matching Twin Sidekick....only that sidekick is not a person like you would expect, but his identical cat.
The cat even has the tiny little mustache right under the nose, just like Chaplin himself. Of course without the signature hat, something would be lacking, but this little guy is such a perfect match!
It's All in the Eyebrows
Canadian actor, comedian, producer, director, and writer Eugene Levy has some memorable eyebrows. Despite all of his amazing work, people will most likely recognize him by his thick and lustrous eyebrows. For maybe the first time, there is someone else who is giving him a run for his money...this thick-browed kitty cat. They both share the exact same shocked look, caused solely by these thick black eyebrows.

They just need to give this surprised cat a pair of fake glasses to wear for a picture and then he will be Euguene's exact copy. It's such an endearing duo!
Adrien Brody's Facial Hair Copycat
This cat is taking the commonly used term "copycat" to an entirely new level. However, as the cat almost certainly has no idea who Andrien Brody even is, it thereby makes Adrien more of the copycat in this situation. Perhaps he saw this cat, with its interesting mustache-like coloring, and decided that that is exactly what he wanted to look like, at least until he shaved his mustache and beard next.
The owners of this cat seemed to give him a name based exactly on what everyone first sees when they notice him - Stache. It couldn't be more fitting.
Miley Cyrus Looking at Silly as a Giraffe
Miley Cryus is most definitely no stranger to the craziest and most shocking of looks and styles. It would be easy to find at least a hundred different doppelgangers for her, depending on what look she was flaunting on that particular day. This time though, it's impossible to deny the striking similarities. Between the little horn-like buns and the tongue sticking out playfully on the side, Miley may have turned herself into a giraffe for a day.
It's a little bit disappointing that she is not wearing a giraffe print dress to even further accentuate the look. There would be no arguing the twin look if she was wearing a little bit of print.
What Do Cher and a Sea Urchin Have in Common
Cher is unarguably an icon - both in the music world and the fashion world. Her looks are constantly recreated and are an inspiration to young fashionistas worldwide. Little has changed from the 1980s and even though this sea urchin-like headpiece may have caused some heads to turn, it was certainly full of artful creativity...even if it does look a little too similar to a sea urchin.
It would be interesting to see what exactly Cher's headpiece was made of and how they managed to get it to stay so straight up. It must have been super heavy and hard for her to hold up.
At Least the Dog's Hair Is Real
The battle will never end surrounding trump and his infamous hair. Is it real or fake? is it a wig or a comb-over? Will the world ever truly find out? Probably not. Despite countless attempts to prove the integrity of his hair, the world will not be convinced and the mockery continues. He does make it hard to resist the jokes on windy days when his hair blows crazily with the wind.

Even if Trump doesn't exactly have a comb-over, the cute doggo certainly does and he is rocking it with style, looking all the cuter for it.
Rhianna's Alpaca Like Hair - Part 2
Nobody knows how to look more like an alpaca than Rhianna herself. Multiple photos surface with her interesting and quirky hairstyles that make it hard to deny her potential obsession with alpacas. Of course, they are adorable and who wouldn't want to look like them? Despite the fact that Rhianna certainly has a crunchy head of bottles of hairspray to keep this hairdo intact, the alpaca is rocking it with ease.

What it takes for Rhianna to maintain this updo versus the simplicity of the alpaca is something else. Just a few gusts of wind are all this alpaca needs to keep her hairdo fresh.
Chinese Crested Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga has most definitely looked like a great many different things in her lifetime as her looks and styles are as varying as the weather. This, however, may be the first time that she is being compared to a Chinese Crested hairless dog. Maybe it's just the angle of the picture and the exact way her hair spread and flew at this concert, but it's hard to deny the similarities.
The little Chinese Crested is such a cutie, with his tiny tufts of white hair sticking out of his just head and the small pink tongue sticking out to the side.
The Einstein Cat
Albert Einstein is nearly impossible to imitate. He is known as one of the smartest people to have lived and has even become a symbol of intelligence. But that didn't intimidate this cat from taking on Einstein's look and enjoying her time being his doppelganger. After all, who wouldn't want to be associated with Einstein in some way or another? Look at their cheeky and playful gesture of sticking their tongues out!
Do you think this cat is the Einstein of the cat world? Perhaps she is the smartest cat alive. It isn't enough for her to just look like Einstein, she has to think like him too.
The Dog With Better Hair Than Julia Roberts
Long, luscious locks of silky smooth hair, flowy down past the shoulders. Who wouldn't want that to be the words used to describe their hair? Although Julia Roberts has probably heard this many times before, she has been given a run for her money from this Afghan Hound and her terrific tresses. It's quite a compliment to Julia to have her hair and look compared to this majestic animal.

While the Afghan Hound may have the upper hand when it comes to Julia Robert's hair, she has nothing on her wide and beaming smile.
Pomelo Cat Vs Nicky Minaj
Although some people claim that Nicky Minaj's neon green bob cut made her look more like an Oompa Loompa than anything else, this cat would have to disagree. What probably cost her thousands of dollars for cutting and coloring, she could have possibly gotten the same effect with just finding a very large pomelo and sticking it on her head like this cat. Who would even tell the difference?

The pomelo cat looks a little less thrilled about the idea of having a bright green helmet of a hairdo than Nicky, who seems genuinely quite excited about her new look.
Whooo Has the Bigger Set of Eyes?
Rowan Atkinson (or more commonly known as the beloved Mr. Bean) is famous for his incredible acting skills but also for his memorable and large pair of eyes. This certainly is not the first time he is being compared to the owl. Eyes wide open with a shocked and surprised look, it would be interesting to see both of these guys when they are actually scared. Do their eyes double in size?
The color of Rowan Atkinson's suit is even the same taupe grayish brown of the owl's feathers. They really could not be a more perfect match.
Eric Stonestreet and His Chow Chow
Eric Stonestreet is best known for his part playing Cameron Tucker on the beloved television series Modern Family. A lesser-known fact about him is that he has an animal doppelganger in the form of an adorable Chow Chow puppy. Full of pudge and chunky wholesomeness, these two are just too cute to not adore. Can anyone look at either of these lovable faces and not feel their hearts melt?
Even when the chow chow puppy grows up, he will almost definitely still look just like Eric Stonestreet. Some people (and dogs) are lucky enough to age gracefully.
Whoopi Goldberg
In case you weren't aware, there is a breed of dog called the Komondor. Their hair grows out into a long dreadlock type effect, covering their entire face and making some people call them the Mop Dog. Whoopi Goldberg has one hairstyle that she has rocked almost her entire public life and it happens to look a lot like the komondor's. These two are so cute in their twinning looks!

Even Whoopi's mischievous smirk portrays the same vibe as the komondor's playful look leaving you only able to see the tip of his pink tongue. The rest is hidden behind the long locks of dark hair.