This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
A Little Too Much 'Young Love'
Isn’t it just wonderful to be young and in love? Quite nothing in this world compares to it, so it’s always important to remember and enjoy every single second of it. Even if that means taking an awkward photo or two, who cares? Clearly, this young couple doesn’t, since they can’t keep their hands off each other.

And though we’d like to say that there is a time and a place for things to get a bit steamy, they seem to be up for showing their love for each other the same second their profile picture was taken. As awkward as they are, they look kind of cute though.
Try Explaining This One To Your Parents
This funny couple certainly took their originality to a whole other level. Instead of choosing to take just another regular prom photo, you know, the typical side-by-side picture, they chose something else.

Either that, or she is actually trying to send out a message with the pose she chose, as it seems like she is pretending to be about to slap the guy, and he is seriously scared. In any case, they both look stunning and will forever have an original prom photo to reminisce about.
He Cannot Keep His Eyes Away
Sometimes, we can just not take our eyes off the person we like. And this guy is one of those people. In the hilarious picture, he was caught staring at his date, without being able to hide his awe for the girl sitting next to him.

But he did so in a way that became a little bit much, and we’re guessing that many people felt uncomfortable about it, including her. Seriously, if you absolutely have to look, then at least try to make it less obvious, you know?
Photobombed In The Creepiest Way
We can’t really point out if one of the girls in the picture was the date of the guy in the back, but there is no doubt that he wishes he was in that photo too. Instead, he is standing behind them while holding a bouquet of flowers and looking real disappointed and even creepy.

Looking at the bright side though, at least the girls seem to be having a good time.
A Strange Carpet Ride
We don’t really get what is happening in this picture, but let’s just go with the flow for the sake of the awkwardness in it. The two teenagers certainly deserve to get props for how much effort they both put into this photo.

They certainly decided to think outside of the box for this one, and well, they easily succeeded in creating one of the most original prom photos we’ve ever seen! That’s not to say that their pose isn’t weird though, because even though we’re not there, it kind of makes us a little bit uncomfortable.
Can We Get Some Context Please?
The guy in this picture looks so happy while he poses on his prom day. For some reason, he is also holding a random sewing machine, as if his background didn't look bad enough.

He seems completely oblivious to the fact that someone was just in an accident, only a few moments before he is posed for his photo. One thing's for sure, the entire thing makes for a sadly great photo.
When prom night comes, we get all dressed up and seriously look forward to the wonderful evening ahead of us. In many ways, we can’t even believe the moment is there since we have waited in anticipation for so long. But then, when the time comes to take the magical photos that will always remind us of these special moments, just imagine someone ruining it?

How annoying. And that’s exactly what this guy in the back did. He simply decided to photobomb his friends’ photo by making an unforgettable face, and that is literally all anyone will remember about this photo.
The Staring Game Is Strong
Well, that’s just not a nice thing to do young man! We understand, his prom date looks absolutely stunning, and is wearing a dress that he can’t simply stop looking at. But his staring game is so strong that it might be making others slightly uncomfortable. But we all know how those teenager hormones are killers sometimes, leaving young boys and girls going completely crazy whenever they see a bit of cleavage or some very prominent muscles.

Good thing this cameraperson caught the entire inappropriate moment on camera, and this guy will be forever reminded of the moment he couldn’t keep his eyes away from his date’s cleavage. But looking at the positive side of things, at least he only had eyes for her!
Pick-A-Boo Dad
It is always so scary when dads have the quirkiest sense of humor. We never know when they’re going to use it, and unfortunately for this girl, her dad was ready to strike as soon as she was ready to go to prom.

Out of the blue, her dad decided to play pick-a-boo and to create a photo that would become so cringy in the end. We can only imagine what this girl felt when she saw the photo afterward.
Blink And You'll Miss It
Closing your eyes at the exact moment that a shot is taken is the absolute worst! Seriously, it’s never fun to take an important photo and to realize too late that your eyes were actually closed. That’s what this poor guy experienced on his prom day.

At least these days we get to take several photos as soon as we realize that our eyes were closed. Imagine back in the days when we only had one or two chances, and if we ruined it, our prom photos would be ruined and unchanged forever!
When You're Supposed To Choose Between Two Dates But Find A Third Option
For a love triangle, these three are totally rocking and owning theirs! The guy not only decided to take two stunning girls to prom, but he also wanted to make sure that they both knew he was dedicated to both of them equally.

The solution for that? To wear perfectly colored outfits - each of the girls wore a colorful dress to which the guy matched with each half of his outfit.
Equally Awkward Attire
There is nothing any of us can say that will take away the fact that these two couples look incredible in this photo. Their matching outfits really worked out for them. Even though '70s clothes aren’t always a favorite by many, these plaid outfits were probably amongst the few things that were awesome back then, and these two teenagers knew exactly how to rock them.

It’s also really cool that the girl decided to defy traditional rules and went on with her cool suit instead of a fancy prom dress.
Riding A Llama In Style
Who on this earth thinks about including a llama in their prom photos? These guys. We have no idea what they had in their minds, what we do know, is that they wanted to make their prom night special and so they went and did it.

And how did they do it? Well, instead of choosing to make an entrance with a fancy vintage car or a limo, they chose something a little bit more unusual, a llama. Yes, folks, these teenagers literally posed for their prom photo with a llama in the middle, and we’re certain that no one will ever forget it.
An Unfortunate Event
Oh man, if this is not one of the most unfortunate pictures we’ll be seeing on this list, then we’re not too far from it. Someone had the not-so-brilliant idea to get everyone standing on a bridge for a group photo. Sadly, they didn’t consider the fact that the added weight could possibly become a problem, which it did.

The inevitable happened when the entire thing tipped over, and one by one, the prom kids began falling into the water. Though the moment must have totally sucked, at least they can laugh together about it today.
Wearing Shorts To Prom
Feeling like wearing a pair of shorts to prom, why not? Clearly, this guy saw no boundaries out there when he decided to wear a pair of wonderful shorts to the prom. We’re assuming it was hot or something, or he simply wanted to defy prom culture.

His date looks absolutely stunning next to him, and she doesn't seem too bothered by the guy wearing shorts. While it may be kind of inappropriate to wear them to prom, props to him for doing whatever he felt was right.
The Superhero Prom Dates
Now here’s a pair of very creative guys who were like, “Why don’t we wear some superhero costumes to prom?” And though some may say that that was going a little bit overboard, Batman and Spiderman here seemed to be very pleased with their decision.

And their dates obviously look stunning and seem to find it cool to go with superheroes as their dates to prom. They for sure had a total blast that evening!
Every Possible Color
Now, how cool is this? The group of guys thought together about the most creative thing they could do to make their prom day even more fun, and we’re guessing that they got to the perfect solution.

Instead of wearing a suit, they decided to go for some really colorful outfits perfectly contrasting with one another. Their color coordination definitely flies on this one, and they get to have this awesome photo to remember the big day.
Another Photobomb
It’s inevitable that a few prom photos will have a person or two photobombing. But this guy’s photobomb skills are so sharp that we are close to believing that they are some of the best we’ve ever seen!

He is literally hiding behind the bushes while the clueless guy is happily smiling at the camera as he poses for his memorable prom photo.
A Fish As A Prom Date
It’s impossible not to feel a little bit bad for this guy. We’re not sure if this was a joke, but if it wasn’t, the poor kid probably didn’t deserve to stand there alone with a huge fish as a date.

Many of us know how hard it can be to not be the popular kid in school, so it is somewhat painful to see the lonely guy. On the other hand, if this joke was his own doing, then props to him for rising up and not caring about what others think.
The Devil Goes To Prom
This is pretty creepy, that’s for sure. I mean, we’ve seen people wearing so many different costumes to prom, but nothing was ever like what this guy is wearing.

Who on earth would think of going to prom wearing a devil costume? At least the couple was in sync, as they both wore their fair share of devilish stuff, and all that matters is that they’re happy, right?
When You Come Wearing The Same Thing As The Room
You know how things go. You just wake up at your regular time in the morning, look for your favorite dress, do everything in your power to look really nice, and then boom!

You look at the curtains in your house and realize that what you’re wearing is exactly the same color as the curtains and even the same material. So well done to this girl for owning the outfit and taking a photo right in front of the embarrassing curtains.
So Many Prom Dates, How To Choose?
Well, good for you, man! The guy is surely making an impression, or at least he is feeling himself posing next to so many dates! Clearly, he managed to snag not just one date to prom, nor two, he actually convinced three young women that he was the right date for them.

And as cool as it looks, we hope the girls don’t let the guy break their hearts with all of his “coolness.”
Taking Mrs. Robinson To Prom
So, something about this picture is a tiny bit weird. Okay, maybe it’s more than a tiny bit, the photo just confuses us a little bit. The boy is so adorably dressed in his grey suit, which is not so awkward and tacky like many prom suits out there.

But then it seems like he is either taking one of his teachers to prom, his mom, or a much older date. They do look adorable though.
The Dad Is Not Happy
Many dads love showing just how unhappy they are with the entire prom date situation, and so they do their best to make sure their daughter's date knows where they stand.

And this dad made sure that the guy knew his little girl was very precious to him. We guess that it can take a little while for dads to realize the fact that their daughters eventually get all grown up.
A Cardboard Date
Here’s another idea for when you realize you don’t have a date to prom but you still want to take those cute photos. You can always just create a cardboard person the size of a real one, and do the photoshoot exactly how you want it.

Take this girl for example. She is probably a fan of Doctor Who, so she took matters into her own hands and created her own date made of the series’ main actor.
The Wonderful Stormtrooper
Take a look at this guy who also decided to dress up in a completely different outfit for his prom night. We are even starting to suspect that maybe some girls really do love to have a date as unusual as this one for their prom night.

The stunning girl looks so good in her bronze dress and really fancy hairdo, and her date, well… her date is apparently a storm stopper.
Challenging Gender Norms
Nothing like taking every opportunity to challenge some societal rules, right? They are all just socially constructed anyway. So these teenagers totally rocked their “reversed” outfits when the guy decided to go for that wonderful corsage and dress, and the girl went for the suit.

And the best thing of all is that they did it all together, rocking it in the best ways possible.
Is That Barney?
We always suspected that Barney had a bit of a way with the ladies, and this photo is definitely proof of that. But what motivates someone to dress up as Barney for their prom is really beyond our understanding.

One thing’s for sure, everyone will certainly remember the guy/girl who decided to dress up as Barney for their prom, so at least there’s that. Whether they want it or not, the attention is all on them.
Another Angry Dad
Yet another angry dad who can't seem to get over the fact that his daughter is all grown up. Apparently, this one is handling the situation a little bit more dangerously than the previous dad we featured.

This one actually chose to hold a freaking gun during her daughter’s photoshoot with her date, and we’re not sure whether we should laugh or cry about it.
Posing In Front Of Planned Parenthood
We absolutely love how this couple was able to use their sense of humor to create one of the most hilarious photos out there. They got all dressed up for prom and chose the perfect place to take their photos, planned parenthood.

The photoshoot ended up coming out full of irony, because we all know what some people love doing on prom night, wink wink!
A Really Furry Occasion
There are no words in this world that could accurately describe this situation. Okay, fine, maybe we can think of a few. The couple thought that maybe taking their prom photo next to the poor wall tiger would be a great idea, while holding their cat, of course!

We don’t exactly know what the deal is, but we’re pretty sure the picture would be much less creepy if they had smiled a bit or something.
Trying To Break Free
In a group, there is always that one person who doesn’t really like to go with the flow, right? Well, this group has one for sure. The group of guys looks so good as they get ready to head out to their prom night, but one of them wasn’t really feeling it.

So instead, he rocked up wearing an outfit that reminds us a bit of a '70s rock band or something, or whatever he is trying to refer to.
Just Him And His Xbox
Yet another guy who didn’t have a date, but was happy to make fun of the situation with one of his favorite things in life, his Xbox!

Yep, since he didn’t manage to secure a date for the important night, he just went ahead and grabbed his Xbox, and created the funniest pose. He will for sure have a good laugh when he takes another look at this picture one day.
Why Is He So Mean?
All this wonderful couple wanted to do was to have a beautiful picture of the two of them posing before prom. But they forgot to look behind them, and unfortunately, someone was hiding there super ready to ruin their photoshoot.

The guy crashed the photo in the funniest way and managed to do it so silently that we’re pretty sure the happy couple will only notice it when they go through the photos later on.
Looking At The Other Guy’s Date
Now, this is just not cool. We get that the snap was taken at the wrong moment, but could this be worse? The guy is literally staring at his friend’s date, instead of his.

And while the beautiful girl in pink is definitely rocking her looks, all of them look so good though! Maybe that is the date he really wanted to take to prom but then his friend beat him to it, who knows?
An Interesting Haircut
We have no idea when this picture was taken, but it seems like mohawks were definitely in style at the time. The guy decided to go for one of the most original haircuts we’ve seen in a while, and even managed to overdo it in the most hilarious way.

And yet again, his prom date doesn’t seem to mind at all, as his eccentric style didn’t seem to be embarrassing to her. In fact, we might even say she looks proud.
Spot The Odd One
Just look at how beautiful everyone in the photo looks. The girls are totally rocking their wonderful outfits, while the guys too, look fairly handsome in their perfectly made prom suits.

But then… if we look at it for a little longer, we can easily spot the odd one out. He is hiding in the middle of the third row, and instead of going for the conventional outfit, he really went all the way with his heavy metal style.
Creeping Up On The Background
Another beautiful prom day, and yet another photobomb. We can probably bet that the guy photobombing the picture is the girl’s brother, because what else do siblings do, right?

And we have to admit that his hiding skills are on point, and make for a hilarious picture. And well, just imagine if all prom photos were of conventional prom dates smiling at the camera, that wouldn't be so fun anyway.
The Mask Goes To Prom
Who doesn’t absolutely love the classic Jim Carrey movie, The Mask? The legendary actor made it really cool to rock a green mask, to which this guy decided to adhere to on his prom day.

He loved his green mask so much that he decided to surprise his date with his perfectly green outfit, and she seems to be totally up for it. We just hope he can breathe easily in there.
Feeling Left Out
It’s not a surprise that this girl looks really pissed off in this photo. Her two best friends were posing alongside one another for a stunning prom photo, and so she found a way to be a part of it too.

But the moment she made her decision to rock up at the photo, the photographer snapped the shot in the second she made her most determined face.
Rocking Similar Hairstyles
Hmm, the sweet '80s. When color was in fashion and some of the most unpredictable hairstyles were easily accepted, or at least tolerated. And what better time than prom night to wear exactly the same hairstyle as your date?

Their matching game is so fly that the two of them almost look like twins as they pose for the big day. We can’t help but think that they will have a good laugh when they look at this photo years later.
Posing With The Little Chicks
Some people really go all the way when it comes to being creative for their prom photo. And sometimes it can get pretty… awkward.

The three girls are looking great in their impeccable dresses, but to spice things up, they decided to grab their little chickens from the yard and happily posed with them. Though it ended up being a hilarious photo, we do hope they meant this as a joke.
A Good Laugh
What’s so funny here, you might wonder? Well, we’re wondering too. One of them is either really funny, or they decided in unison to laugh hysterically before their prom photo was taken.

The other option here is that he just smoothly put her hand around her shoulder, and she couldn’t help but laugh at the prospect of accepting his invitation to be his date.
An Unexplained Prom Photo
And once more, an embarrassing dad strikes on his daughter’s prom photo. We have no idea what goes through the minds of these hilarious dads, but one thing’s for sure, they want their daughters to remember they were definitely there that day.

And in this case, the girl for sure doesn’t look happy to be standing next to her quirky dad for the photo.
Remember To Look Alive
Man… Who forced this girl to accept this guy as her prom date? We tend to feel bad for both of them, since she is certainly not looking happy at all, and neither does he.

He is either completely oblivious to the situation here, or he realized that the match was not made in heaven and that they had a long night ahead of them.
Adding Some Scottish Pride To Prom
Nothing like the day of prom to show our appreciation for our cultures, isn’t it? And this guy knew exactly how. He decided to not pass on the idea of wearing his culture’s typical outfits, and by the look on his face, he couldn’t be prouder.

While it may look a little bit much for a prom photo, at least he will be able to look back and feel proud of his wardrobe choice.
The Wind Ruined It
Nothing like a wonderful breeze to completely ruin a family’s prom photo. Funny enough, the gust of wind blew exactly at the right time. At least the person who took the photo was able to perfectly time it to snap the moment the wind blew really hard.

Not to talk about these awkward parents posing proudly next to the kids. What on earth are they doing there?
Nope, Not Doing It
It’s not a secret that the Charlie’s Angels pose is one of the most common poses prom goers choose for their prom photo. But these girls convinced themselves to go with something a little bit different.

Instead, they chose to do something three of them planned ahead, but the fourth one clearly wasn’t on time to get the memo. Oh well, too bad!