This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
Body Tan Gone Wrong?
There is no denying summer in the south can be quite hot and unforgiving, even for those who have spent all their lives there. And the sun gets more ruthless for those who don’t use sunscreen before going out.

It seems as this lady wanted a body tan but forgot to apply sunscreen. We can only hope that she came to Walmart to buy some aloe vera.
Deadlocks Goal
Don’t ask us for an explanation because we are just as surprised as you are. We won’t be shocked to know that these deadlocks make it into Guinness World Book of Records for the world’s longest and thickest dreads.

These don’t look hygienic at all but they can look pretty cool if you take good care of them.
"Forgot to Tuck the Tail in My Pant”
We would recommend giving this man the award for most original style. He definitely took his style to a new level by attaching a fox tail to his jeans.

One must admit that it takes a lot of confidence to wear something like this in the public.
Lizard Love
Most people with a pet can understand how difficult it is to close the door on your beloved pet whenever you are going out. After all, the pet looks at us with innocence in its eyes that say “please don’t leave me alone.”

As some people don’t feel good leaving their pets behind, this woman decided she couldn’t leave her reptile friend behind.
Gender-Fluid Grandpa
If you are raw and authentic from the inside, don’t be afraid to show this side of yours to the world.

Don’t have confidence? Take some from this grandpa who went out dressed like this without worrying what people were going to think about him.
Roles Reveresed?
Okay, we are a bit confused here. Don’t you think the mom should be pushing the shopping cart and not the kid?

We are not judging anyone here but we cannot think of any possible explanation of this one, especially when the lady has a toddler with her. Needless to say, it could be dangerous for her and the toddler.
Shopping Cart Train
Have you ever wanted to drive those electric carts in Walmart? Well, these ladies didn’t just drive it around Walmart, they also made sure they enjoy every second of it.

They made a line and showed everyone that they are responsible shoppers. They could’ve gone all wild, but they didn’t.
Monkey Business
We all know that pets quickly become a part of the family and this picture shows how much they love us.

The way the monkey is all cozy in the arms of her mama, it can be said with certainty that both of them really love each other and can’t leave each other’s sight.
Fake it Until You Make It
This picture really gives us a good laugh but it shows the creativity level of this woman as well.

We all know that designer brands can be really expensive. She is definitely not going to fool anyone but we will give her 10/10 for her valiant effort.
It's a Miracle
We all know the electric shopping cart is for handicap people, but did you know that it has another purpose as well?

This lady didn’t want to disturb anyone to get the required item from the shelf, so a miracle happened and she suddenly had the power to stand on her legs. Well, that’s one magic chair.
Men… Take Notes
If any man wants to look classy and sexy at the same time, now is the time to take notes. We can’t really explain what type of look this guy wanted, but he nailed it big time…what do you think?

We thought those days are gone when jeans were low enough that the underwear was hanging out. Well, we were wrong.
Sneaker Sandals
If a creativity completion is held, we are sure this woman will win it with a huge margin. She didn’t want to throw away her sneakers and also wanted a new pair of sandals, so she came up with an out-of-the-box idea.

These sneakers-sandals are going to be the latest footwear trend. So, please change your mind if you are thinking about throwing your old sneakers.
A Hair Trend That Won’t Go Away…Ever
Although many hair and fashion trends have come and gone over the years, we are certain this will stay for many years.

We are not sure what prompted this guy to come up with hairstyle, but we can say with utmost confidence that he is setting new trends. We are certain you are dying to have this haircut as well.
Let's "Meat" Up
Some people really work hard and they take rest only for a few hours a day. This lady is one of those people who just wanted to relax her body after a tiring day.

We are not sure why she wanted to cover her body with meat, but let’s just assume that she is a huge meat lover.
Wrong Store
Even if this woman accidentally entered Walmart with all her puppies, no one had any complaints about it. After all, puppies are adorable.

It looks quite obvious that these puppies really loved coming to a shopping trip with their owner. We are sure they even helped her shop for good dog food as well.
Pet Turtle
We are just not sure why this woman thought it would be a good idea to bring a turtle to Walmart.

The turtles don’t walk fast and we are sure the woman had to keep pace with her pet turtle. Or maybe she just dragged the poor turtle all over Walmart.
Michael Jackson Is That You?
If you see this guy at Walmart, you may think that the famous singer is resurrected. But then you will start wondering why he is in Walmart…

As the King of Pop is no longer with us, you can just have a quick selfie with his lookalike.
Why Wait?
We can totally understand that waiting in front of a fitting room can be really frustrating and her actions are totally justifiable.

We are considering the possibility that she had to be somewhere and was going to be late. So, she took the matter into her own hands and did something most shoppers would never think of doing.
"Oh, It's Just a Ferret"
Although we’ve seen pet monkey, dogs, and even a turtle by now, this is by far the most bizarre one. We are not sure what was going through his mind when the idea popped into his head that “I should bring a ferret to Walmart.”

Given that a lot of strange things happen in Walmart, the shoppers are not much fazed by this strange pet.
A Bug's Life
We would admit that one a person can encounter some really outlandish outfits in Walmart, but this one is certainly the most questionable.

Even if we ignore this woman’s large hold hair bow or off-the-shoulder tie-dye shirt, we cannot ignore the stuffed centipede on her leg. Or maybe it is Heimlich from the famous film A Bug’s Life.
Forgetting Something
Okay, this is not the most unusual thing you’ll see at Walmart, but it is still funny though. This girl was in the middle of pampering herself with a face mask when she found out that she had to grab some items from Walmart.

We must admit that this picture is meme-worthy. What do you think about it?
Advice: Don’t Mess With Her
Some may find this t-shirt funny, but our guess is that most people will find it intimidating. As your well-wishers, we would highly advise you to not mess with her.

In reality, maybe she is capable of a lot more than this. But we have to look at the other side of the story as well. There is a possibility that this woman had some really bad experiences in the recent past.
Starting a New Clothing Trend
After looking at this picture, we started a Gofundme campaign to collect enough money that we could leave planet earth. We are just speechless. This woman is starting a trend that no one is going to follow.

This – we don’t know what to call it – is not flattering at all. We can just hope that her daughter doesn’t follow in her mother’s footsteps.
Like Father Like Daughter
To be honest, we are not sure what exactly is happening in this picture. For instance, the guy couldn’t decide whether he was feeling hot or cold. Secondly, did he pick his clothes from the clothing drawer of his wife or daughter?

Male or female, wearing leggings under shorts is just not recommended. It is a really painful sight, so please don’t do it.
"Come one, Let’s Clean the Floor”
We are quite certain that these fellas are talking about using this nudist as a human mop. Hey, you can wear (or don’t wear) anything at home because it is your business, but it is not socially acceptable to expose yourself to the public.

The cops are not that much thrilled but they did their job in apprehending this nudist. We hope he learned his lesson.
Captain America Living Among Us
There is nothing unusual in this picture. If you think that Captain America shopping at Walmart is unusual then you have come to the wrong place.

You have to understand that saving the world can be a really exhausting job. Captain America just wanted to grab something before doing what he does best.
Poor Parenting
We have seen some parents doing a poor parenting job in Walmart, but this one certainly tops the list. The fact alone that the mother is unbothered by the actions of her child is very concerning to us.

It may seem like poor parenting to us, but who knows it may just be another day in her life as a mother.
Taking the Less Expensive Route
You may have never seen a newlywed couple in Walmart. You can thank us for showing you one.

We know that a wedding photographer can be really expensive. So, this couple in Walmart just wanted to save money for their honeymoon.
Information We Didn’t Need
One must admit that this is a pretty crude t-shirt. Some people may find this t-shirt funny, but we’ll speak for the masses here when we call this type of humor “disgusting.”

We would recommend wearing something that doesn’t share too much information.
Mister Easter
It looks like Easter came earlier this year. If this man isn’t dressed like this for the kids then this outfit looks a bit ridiculous.

As expected, the outfit gained the attention of kids in the store. Nevertheless, parents need to keep a close eye on their kids.
A Clear Warning
There are signs hanging outside people’s fences and house doors that give a clear warning to trespassers. Have you seen a sign for a baby? Well, now you have.

We are not sure about the exact purpose of this sign. Maybe the baby is highly susceptible to germs or even people.
Preparing for Halloween?
This is the second picture in our list that needs to have a place in Guinness World Records. This picture can make you feel uncomfortable.

It is definitely not hygienic and what really makes most people uncomfortable is the thought that how can a person do even the simplest chores with such big nails.
Third Eye
When it comes to getting a tattoo, one must be in the right state of mind before getting one. We are just wondering what this man was thinking before having this tattoo.

There is a huge possibility that this man wanted to intimidate others. Because if that’s were his initial intentions, he must be successfully intimidating people on a regular basis.
Show Stopper
Are ripped jeans still in fashion? Even if they are, we just think that this lady took it a bit too far.

We are sure many people must’ve come forward to help her after seeing her ripped jeans. Guys, she is not poor…this is fashion!
Showing His True Color
This guy was tie-dying his t-shirt and just realized that he was forgetting one essential item. So, he had to pay a visit to Walmart.

Once he realized that someone is taking his picture, his facial expression is comedy gold (both literally and figuratively).
It's Game Time
These parents were doing a good parenting job until they sensed an opportunity to be kids themselves.

Sometimes parents need to have some fun as well. So, we will definitely not judge them here.
Happens Only in Walmart
We can only assume that this picture was taken on Halloween. Well, that’s because it is the only rational explanation of someone in Quinn costume.

It looks a bit scary because it looks like this person is staring at something. But we don’t want to find out.
Lack of Time?
Instead of assuming that it is a fashion forward trend, we will only consider one possible explanation to this absurdity: he woke up late and had to run out of the door.

But that raises another question. Why was he in such urgency to buy something that he couldn’t even wear his polo shirt properly? Oh, we got this now. He was having some fun time with someone and he realized that he forgot something really important (wink wink).
Always Be Prepared
This man knows the importance of staying fit. What we think is that he was watching some fitness video and realized that he needs to buy some food and household products.

We must give him full marks for not changing his outfit. However, we do think that working out in shorts can be a bit uncomfortable.
Camouflage At Its Best
This couple wanted to blend in and not be seen. So, they came up with a perfect plan: to wear camouflage pants.

It looks like they are doing great at blending in because no one could really see them. The photographer took this picture accidentally.
Flaunting the Best
This person wanted to show the world his beautiful legs and he couldn’t have come up with a better way than this one.

You should feel proud of whatever you have and this guy is wearing his skirt and heels without worrying about any negativity.
Latest Trend?
If you are wondering “what the heck?” then count us in as well. We are not sure what really prompted these people to do this but it looks hilarious.

You should try it as well. Just go to Walmart and head straight to the section that has plungers and stick them to your body.
Shop ‘til You Drop
Well, this man literally took the saying “shop ‘til you drop” too seriously. He is obviously really tried from his shopping trip and just wants to get some rest.

Sometimes a power nap is needed is regain the energy levels in the body, even if it means taking a nap in the middle of Walmart.
Perfect Curls Matter the Most
There are many women who can’t even think of going out in public with their makeup and hair not done. Well, that’s not the case with this confident woman.

Keeping hair rollers in hair and waiting for hours can be frustrating. So, this woman decided to kill time in doing other things.
No Use of Pants
We can’t actually think of one possible explanation to this absurdity. We can’t understand why someone would do this in the middle of the store when there are designated fitting rooms.

It looks like this man is wearing a nightgown and has come to believe that he doesn’t need to wear anything else
"Guess My Favorite Color”
Okay, everyone has a favorite color, right? And most of us don’t make it too obvious for anyone to guess what our favorite color is. Well, this woman wants people to know about it.

The “Blue Lady” is buying toys and it is easy to understand why she selected a blue-colored toy.
Spreading Love
You must have read/heard that love has no boundaries. Well, now you have seen it as well.

This photo shows that Cupid will go to even the most mundane places to spread love. We have tears in our eyes right now.
"That's $100 for the Baby"
We know that babies can sleep almost everywhere. This photo proves that babies don’t mind sleeping anywhere.

The mother had to shop for household items and the baby was exhausted. The baby looks cute sleeping on the conveyer belt.
Ready to Party?
This man looks all set to have a great time at a party. Well, there is no age limit to enjoy, right?

We are not sure why he dressed like this, but we will show full support to his choice.
"Smooth Talker, Straight Shooter”
We are not sure what to say here. Well, this is definitely a case of double standards.

After all, the t-shirt says “Smooth Talker, Straight Shooter,” but his undergarments suggest something different.
A Photo for Christmas Card
You can find some really strangest items at Walmart. This family thought it would be a great idea to place animal heads on their heads.

No matter what you think about this photo, we believe it to be quite weird.
Love Your Body
There is no denying many people suffer privately and openly from having body dysmorphic disorder and one must never joke about it. Many of us have seen people in Walmart whose clothing is not flattering to their body type.

All we can say here is that love your body and never ever feel depressed about it. Take good care of yourself and always be positive.