Ever Considered Hiring a Cheap Hairstylist From Craigslist? Don't
Many people have posted pictures of their messed-up haircuts online, but this one might win the award for being the worst. The lesson here is this: don't hire a cheap barber from Craigslist. And if you have absolutely no choice, then at least ask for something simple and not layers. Otherwise, you might end up with this (very literally) layered look. We wonder if this person had the guts to tell the stylist she was unhappy with the results.
Personally, we always tell our barber we love it and then cry in the privacy of our homes.
You'd Think a Solar Roofer Understands the Power of the Sun
You might be asking yourself: how the heck did this person land in this situation? Don't worry; we've got the explanation. This guy is a solar roofer, and he was wearing his safety gloves on a hot Summer day while working on a roof. He was also wearing a short-sleeved shirt to survive the weather, which didn't exactly end in this person's favor since he forgot to put sunscreen on.
Sunscreen is one of the more essential self-care products you should apply in the summertime. That goes for your whole body, hands included (unless you want to end up like this guy).
This Is Why You Should Always Check Product Reviews
It was all fun and games when this girl decided to order a custom-made mask with her face on it from some online shop. The fun and games ended as soon as the product arrived, and she put it on. Sometimes, things we order online don't always look how they were supposed to and might even be ten times bigger than initially intended. That's pretty much what happened here, and it was so funny that she posted about it online.
Custom-made and patterned items may not always be the way to go. This mask turned into one that would be better off being worn on Halloween as opposed to during a pandemic.
He Just Wanted to See What Was Rustling Inside the Tree
Curiosity killing the cat might be an understatement when you suddenly have about seventy quills injected into your face by an angry animal. All this person wanted was to see what was inside a tree, but obviously, that didn't end well for him. Some of those even look really deep; it probably took more time to take these out of his face than it did to look inside the tree.
This tree was clearly occupied by an unhappy porcupine that wasn't expecting visitors. We're sure this guy immediately regretted fulfilling his curiosity after he came out of the tree with a face full of quills.
Imagine Being the Only Office Employee Dressed up for Halloween... And You're a Banana
There was a Halloween party at this woman's office, and she proudly dressed up as her favorite fruit. Even though she did a really great job with the costume, she probably should have checked in to see what the rest of her coworkers were wearing. As it turns out, no one was planning on being in costume for the party. So you can imagine her embarrassment when she showed up to work like this. The only thing worse than being the sole person dressed up?
Dressing up as a banana when you're the only one in costume.
He Wired the Entire House With Christmas Lights Only to Then Realize This
One of the best times of the year is the holiday season, and to get in the spirit of joy, lots of people choose to put Christmas lights on their houses. It usually takes a lot of time and energy to get the lights to look perfect, which is why we feel bad for whoever found themselves in this situation. They certainly weren't feeling any joy as they managed to snap a photo of their dilemma.
Just imagine the pain of wrapping Christmas lights around your entire house, only to finally realize that you never actually had a way to plug them into the wall in the first place.
When Your Priest Accidentally Turns on the Zoom Filters
This mass that was live-streamed ended up being very different than a usual one, and it's not hard to see why. Technology can do so many great things nowadays, which apparently includes embarrassing a priest in front of an internet-based audience. He had no idea that these filters were on, which makes these screenshots all the funnier. Side note: Does anyone else think he looks like Breaking Bad's Walter White with the second filter?

Most things involving a priest and a church aren't supposed to be very funny, but we're sure everyone was giggling during this service.
Small Logo, Big Mistake
Someone designed a shirt with a logo for a Jazz club that potentially has a whole other meaning. And this is why all kinds of product designers should always have a second set of eyes to review their work, no matter how experienced they are. These shirts were supposed to be made for a group of people who want the world to know that they love jazz and only jazz- we hope.
Just in case you haven't caught on, we'd like to point out that this was meant to say "jazz addicts." Instead, it seems they're addicted to something else. How awkward!
"Never Stick a Suction Toy to Your Head and Let Your Kid Pull on It"
After deciding to stick a suction cup toy onto his forehead and let his child pull on it, this dad instantly regretted his decision. The perfectly circular purple bruise is pretty apparent and bound to attract attention and questions from anyone who sees it. Can you imagine explaining to people why you have this giant bruise on your forehead? "Oh, I just put my baby's suction cup toy on my forehead for fun."
But this situation leaves us wondering: what happens if a kid accidentally (or purposely) sticks the suction cup on their own forehead?
Well, That French Toast Is Now Ruined
This hungry person made a really big mistake and won't be able to eat their french toast anytime soon. So what exactly happened? They confused the soy sauce for maple syrup and ended up with this blunder. And it's not like they accidentally spilled a few drops of soy sauce on their toast; it's thoroughly drenched. We hope this dish went straight into the trash and avoided hungry mouths.
Usually, homemade french toast is tasty and certainly makes for a perfect morning. Unless you accidentally mistake the Kikkoman soy sauce in your fridge for maple syrup, of course.
It Turns Out Installing Japanese Shoji Doors Was Not a Good Idea
Cats are super cute and affectionate creatures, which is why they are one of the most popular house pets. They also require minimum work and maintenance and enjoy being on their own. Unfortunately, the feline's independence makes some people forget that they also love destroying things for fun. They will knock down your favorite house plants with ease and apparently will also ruin your special shoji doors with confidence.
A person had the great idea of installing these beautiful Japanese shoji doors in their home, only to have them destroyed by their mischievous house cats.
He Thought He Was Peeling off His New Computer's Screen Protector
This person thought their brand new monitor had a screen protector already on it, so they then proceeded to peel it off. Well, it wasn't a screen protector, and he was peeling the actual screen itself. As you can probably tell, that one mistake turned into a tragic event, and it basically stopped working. We do hope they had some kind of insurance on this thing and were able to get a new one.

Sometimes, one of the most simple and innocent assumptions can turn into one of your biggest mistakes; this one just happened to be much more expensive than the average mishap.
He Brushed His Teeth With the Wrong One
If there's one thing we learned from putting together this list of people's hilarious mistakes, it's this: don't keep two products that look similar but serve very different purposes close to each other. Otherwise, you could end up like this person who confused Cortizone for Colgate toothpaste. Can you imagine accidentally brushing your teeth with itch-relief cream instead of toothpaste? At least they won't have an itchy mouth anytime soon.
So, keep your Cortizone in a medicine bag and far from your toothpaste.
She Uploaded the Wrong Picture for Her Customizable Wrapping Paper Order
This girl had to order some gift wrapping paper and did it through a customizable service where she could design her own. She made a specific pattern to get printed onto the paper. But she didn't realize that she actually uploaded a silly selfie she took for a friend instead of the pattern she designed. The result? Wrapping paper with her face splattered on it. It's pretty easy to tell how she felt about her mistake, considering she's hysterically laughing in this picture.
Just imagine getting your holiday gift from this girl only to find that the gift is wrapped in paper with her face on it. Hopefully, there are no secret Santa obligations.
Apparently, Dry Ice and Toilets Don't Mix Well
Someone on Reddit accidentally turned their dad's office bathroom into a chemistry lab when they disposed of dry ice in the toilet. If you didn't know, dry ice and water don't exactly mix well. The results? See for yourself before. The person who made this mess claims it was an accident, but we're not sure we believe them. This seems like a pretty funny prank for someone to pull on their dad in the workplace.
We just feel bad for whoever had to clean this up.
When Your Boss Makes a Mistake and Makes You Deal With the Consequences
Pretty much all of us have, at some point, had a bad boss or two. But was your boss ever so bad that they mixed unroasted coffee beans with roasted ones and then made you hand-sort through thousands of coffee beans? Because that's what happened to this person at their job as a coffee shop barista. It's safe to say these employees won't be forgetting their boss's annoying mistake anytime soon.
This day at the coffee shop might not have been great, but at least they got paid for this painstaking task.
"I Told My 8-Year-Old Daughter Knock Started With K"
This person's young daughter wanted to add some magnets to her bedroom door. So, she went to one of her parents and asked how to spell the word "knock." One of them explained that it starts with the letter K and not N, but she obviously entirely misunderstood what her parent meant. As a result, this accidental word was created, and her parent just couldn't stop laughing and had to snap a photo to commemorate the hilarious mistake.
Kids make all kinds of spelling mistakes; most of the time, those errors are super innocent. Other times, they will accidentally create words that only adults can understand.
Always Remember to Separate the Darks From the Remote Control
Everyone knows separating lights from darks on laundry day is essential if you don't want to end up with a colorful and irreversible disaster. This person forgot to do some separating, but it had nothing to do with clothes. Somehow, a tv remote ended up inside a fully loaded laundry machine. Let's just hope the remote control still worked after receiving this involuntary bath. Otherwise, no more tv until the replacement arrives.
Many of us spend a few days a week searching for the remote. But this is one spot we would never expect to find it in.
He Meant to Order 13 Bananas, Not 13 Pounds of Bananas
Something went utterly wrong when this person went to make a grocery store order online. While he thought he was ordering 13 individual bananas, he thought wrong. Very wrong. Instead of ordering 13 pieces of the fruit, he ordered a whopping thirteen pounds worth of the yellow deliciousness. If you ask us, this is a great excuse to make all your loved ones banana bread. They'll love you forever.
Banana ice cream is another good option. The opportunities are limitless.
"Mistakes Are Proof You Are Trash"
This incident is basically the definition of poor placement, and we're not sure exactly how long it took until someone noticed. There was probably a much more positive message here, but it didn't exactly go as planned. Now it looks like the poster says, "Mistakes are proof you are trash." Hopefully, someone found a better place to put that garbage bin so that no kids take the accidental message to heart.
If this was done by a teacher or other school employee, it was a bad (although funny) blunder. But if a child intentionally did it, then we might have a budding comedian here.
That's the Face of Feline Regret
Imagine this: you're at work, and it's getting late, so naturally, your stomach starts to rumble. You check your lunchbox, but it turns out you devoured everything in there during lunchtime. That means there's only one choice: vending machine time. You leave your desk and walk to the office kitchen where your savior is waiting, only to find this: a cat looking at you... from inside the vending machine.
The poor guy does look kind of hungry. But he also looks like he's definitely regretting the series of decisions that landed him there.
We Don't Think This Person Will Be Locking Their Bike to Someone Else's Ever Again
Someone accidentally (or intentionally) locked their bike onto another person's bike; clearly, one of those people wasn't too happy about the situation. They basically became trapped there and even left a very clear sign to let the other person know how unhappy they were. They even provided their phone number and requested that the person buy them a well-deserved beer as they waited to access their only means of transportation.
One of the worst things you could do when locking up your bike is to attach it to another one already there; it's an unspoken rule of bike-locking etiquette.
The Latest in Loofah Technology
So many people like to add things to their baths just to make them better than they already are — for example, essential oils, bubbles, and so much more. One of those bath lovers was walking along the aisles in a grocery store and found a big mistake made by workers there. Someone accidentally put metal sink sponges in the bathing section, advertising them as "bath sponges." That sounds painful.

Baths are commonly supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable. That is unless you buy a bath sponge at this store. That would be a very bad bath experience.
Their Flight Left Two Hours Ago
This person might have done everything right when preparing for their trip until they used the airport's bathroom. That's when everything took a turn. They messed up badly since their plane ticket and passport were found by someone else in the bathroom stall. The worst part? The boarding ticket listed the boarding time as two hours before this stranger came across their passport. So, it's safe to say the passport owner missed their flight.
You can probably imagine the stress that went through this traveler as they suddenly lost both their plane ticket and passport.
They Just Wanted to Cool Their Soda
One thing you could learn from this image is that freezers and sodas are basically enemies and don't go well together. If you want a cold carbonated drink, we highly recommend that you simply place it in the refrigerator. It might take a while, but at least you won't have to clean up an explosive and sticky disaster. They might have wanted an ice-cold drink, but they woke up to a giant mess.
Their soda can is certainly cold, alright, but it's also now splashed throughout the entire freezer, so that kind of defeats the purpose. This was certainly one great big messy mistake.
Warning: Putting Your Audiobook on Shuffle Mode Leads to Confusion
Audiobooks are a great thing to listen to when you need to pass the time and don't feel like listening to music. Someone reached out to a newspaper and shared that they once realized they were shuffling their audiobook while driving up to London, while another person took a picture of the story just for us to laugh at. He was really confused about why the plot of the story wasn't making any sense until he noticed what had gone wrong.
Audiobooks can be great to listen to on a long drive home from work, but they won't make much sense if you put them on shuffle mode.
Panorama Photos Really Only Go One of Two Ways
What was meant to be an adorable panorama photo turned into a picture that only belongs in nightmares. So many things went completely wrong with this photo, but most of those mistakes have nothing to do with the photographer. Dogs are generally hard to take pictures of, and normal images don't always end up looking too good, which is why this panorama one is absolutely terrifying. This would definitely make the perfect meme, though.
To take a good panorama picture, your subject must be super still and steady. Dogs are none of those things, which is how this monstrous masterpiece was created.
Can You Guess What This Product Is?
A dad went to get a housewarming gift for his daughter, who had just bought a new house with her boyfriend, and based on how his gift turned out, he probably found it online. He accidentally got the world's biggest cutting board, and it's so giant that it looks more like a door than a kitchen item. The only thing that could actually be chopped into tiny pieces on this thing would be an entire tree.
Sometimes, dads tend to make a handful of mistakes- those mistakes can either be tiny or as big as this cutting board, but of course, it's the thought that counts.
Autocorrect Is Out to Get Us All
This might be one of the scariest autocorrect incidents, especially for a woman who is about to have a baby. For a good reason, she was utterly embarrassed about what her phone had just done to her; and that makes a ton of sense. She meant to write that she will be needed lots of diaper sizes because she heard that babies need them a lot, but autocorrect switched up some valuable words.

Autocorrect can make all kinds of funny spelling mistakes. Thankfully, she managed to clarify what she meant before anymore assumptions were made.
They Were Almost There
As you can tell from the picture, this person isn't very good at wrapping gifts when needed. The way something needs to be covered can vary in shape and size, which is why some things are harder to manage than others. This can make gift wrapping even harder than choosing a present, especially when the gift itself is oversized. Sometimes, measuring goes wrong, and it's super easy to make a mistake when it comes to this.

One of life's truths is that wrapping gifts is a skill that not everyone has. Some people are absolute masters, and others just end up doing what this person did.
Pro Tip: Always Check Product Dimensions When Online Shopping
Buying something online without checking its measurements is a classic mistake that most of us commit every once in a while. The only kind of person who does check dimensions has clearly learned from their mistakes before or just happens to be a smart online shopper. This dad wanted to buy a keyboard for his computer, so he turned to the internet to make a purchase. Instead of receiving a full-sized standard one, he ended up getting this.
Unfortunately, online shopping doesn't come with a warning label which is how things like this happen. It's so oddly shaped that this keyboard certainly won't be able to get the job done.
Spelling Matters
This newspaper wasn't slow to correct itself after it made a really big mistake one day. There was a special report about an English jazz musician named Don Rendell, who is a tenorist, but the paper accidentally used the word "terrorist" when describing him. This hilarious mistake might not be easily forgotten by Don or the people who noticed it, and it will remain on the internet forever.
There is a huge difference between a tenorist and a terrorist, so we are glad that this newspaper went ahead and cleared things up for the sake of Don Rendell.
Every Cake-Maker Needs a Proofreader
This party was probably perfect until someone pulled out this cake with terrible grammar written on it. Of course, it's great that someone was able to celebrate the fact that they've earned a new position at work, but this cake is not so great. Whoever wrote this meant to write "new" instead of "knew" but completely failed when it came to spelling that day. Thankfully, they managed to write the correct version of "your."
Lots of people struggle with grammar and spelling, and that's alright, but there should be some proofreading when it comes to writing things on cakes.
Too Many Boxes of Baking Soda
Does online shopping save you both time and money? Sure, but it might create an extremely embarrassing situation at some point. The purchaser of 37 boxes of baking soda is a pretty good representation of that fact. They were surely both laughing and confused when they opened this package, only to be shocked by what was inside. They now have enough baking soda for an entire lifetime and won't ever have to buy a box again.
One chaotic thing about buying something online is that you could easily make a giant mistake by clicking a single button. For example, buying 37 boxes of baking soda instead of 3.
Nature Will Slowly Reclaim All
This car was sent to the mechanic, and the workers who opened the hood were in for a furry surprise. There are many wild mechanic stories out there that usually involve animals hiding in small places. Cars are often really warm, which is why animals like this tend to build nests inside them in the Winter. Even though this happens a lot, it still probably wasn't exactly expected.
We've all heard of opossums and other animals making nests in strange and random places, but inside a car is a new one. Hopefully, it found a better home somewhere else.