This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
1. Don’t Ever Hurt My Daughter
One thing is clear that this dad perfectly conveyed his message.

2. Hard Advice
This dad has shared wisdom. This dad has shared wisdom.

3. Predicting the Future
This is hilarious. This dad knows his son will be a ladies man in the future.

4. A Stubborn Dad
Some dads never want to upgrade – even if it means ordering a custom phone case of Nokia.

5. No Caption Needed!
This dad took “like father, like son” to a whole new level.

6. Evolving Dad Jokes
Yes, dad jokes are upgrading with time.

7. Dad Showing Who is The Real Boss in the House
They say primitive tendencies never go away…they’re right!

8. Hey everyone…Future Star Wars Fan is here
Here is a big Star Wars fan in making.

9. Short Shorts Are Not Appropriate Young Lady
This dad just wants to make it clear that short shorts are not shorts!

10. Taking Imaginations To Next Level
This dad couldn’t wait to see his son grow old and have six pack abs and a beard.

11. Meet Mr. Multi-Talented
This dad can’t let his parent duties get in the way of his gaming.

12. Follow My Rules or Don’t Date My Daughter
This dad is making sure you remember his rules.

13. Giving a Mini Heart Attack To Mommy
This daddy knows how to give a perfect scare to his wife.

14. Here is Way to Motivate Your Child
This dad knows how to inspire his daughter.

15. Never Miss an Opportunity to Crack a Dad Joke
We fully understand why this dad couldn’t resist the temptation of cracking a dad joke.

16. Don’t Take Your Dads to Exotic Vacations
Legend has it that dads can make “dad jokes” anywhere in the world.

17. “Why Are You Scared? It’s Just Mr. Bean!”
A lesson you should learn: Never give Mr. Bean cut out to any dad.

18. Wife to Him: “You Need to Listen to My Kids”
This dad could’ve said “I’ll start listening to your kids,” but he decided to come up with a perfect reply.

19. Leaving baby with Dad
Mom is worried about leaving the baby with dad. We wonder why?

20. “Honey, You Always Say I Don’t Give You Gifts, Right? Hope You Like It…”
When it is your daughter’s first day of junior high, it is best to give her a gift she’ll remember for a long time.

21. "You Said You Wanted An Eye Pad For Christmas.”
Dads are the best at taking the literal meaning of anything. Here is proof of that:

22. Never Too Late to Adapt
Age is just a number for this amazing dad who knows how to keep up with the modern world.

23. You Sow What You Reap!
Never lie to your dad or else he will make you pay for it.

24. Jack of All Trades?
This dad clearly knows how an electric cleaning machine can be used for various purposes.

25. Dad Jokes Are Lit
This joke never seems to get old.

26. That’s A Smart Move… or is it?
Dad knew he had to accept the cute request of his children, but he gave it one last shot.

27. Dad underestimated his children!

28. The Thing Dads Love To Do: Embarrass Their Children
This dad clearly knows how to embarrass her daughter.

29. Ready to Risk His Life For His Daughter
The risk he took was calculated!

30. Guys Repellant Blanket
This dad made sure no guy sleeps in his daughter’s bed.

31. One Proud Dad
This dad made sure his son faces more humiliation.

32. “After All, She is My Daughter”
This dad’s daughter posted pictures of her in a bathing suit and he knew what he had to do.

33. He Was Wrong When He Thought It Would Be Funny
Dads and their weird jokes right? Sometimes scary jokes…

34. Dad Rules
All dads know where the trouble starts.

35. “I’m Beautiful, Right?”
“Hey listen everyone, I want to ask something.”

36. “Just Wanted to Make Myself Clear”
Clearly, this dad knows how to make his point clear to everyone.

37. Hard Advice
This dad has shared wisdom.

38. Better Safe than Sorry
This dad made sure he eats a sandwich like a Boss.

39. Let’s Make the Wedding Photo More Memorable
This dad wanted to make his presence felt…


41. “This is How You Do It Son”
This dad wanted to perfect the cheesy picture of his son, so he took the help of his wife.

We hope you enjoyed these hilarious pictures. Have fun and keep smiling :)