This article was originally published on WackoJaco
Something Looked Different When Rose and Jack Did It
How do we say this? Seagulls have a certain reputation. And that reputation involves doing their absolute best to find ways to ruin a day at the beach. Whether they're hollering for some food or dropping poo from the sky, they're not the most adored animals out there. However, we never knew they were also so romantically averse before seeing this photo. We're also not entirely sure what is going on here.
Obviously, the couple is trying to reenact the scene from the Titanic, but why did this seagull decide to headbutt the lady at the front of the ship? That seems a bit harsh, even for a seagull.
Couples at the Beach Be Like
When we first noticed the beautiful sunset in the background of this photo and the sultry woman posing at its center, the last thing we expected was to see a fish rubbing against her face. But even though it's the last thing we expected, we wouldn't wish to change it for a single second. This might be one of our top favorite photos on the internet. It's just so weird!
Maybe this person wanted to do a satirical take on all those couples who pose romantically at the beach.
That's Not How Her Parents Imagined the Photo Op
Apart from being incredibly smart, dolphins are also known for interacting with humans. Even in the wild, dolphins with trail things like boats while trying to interact out of curiosity. However, the little girl in this photo looks like she doesn't want any of it. She probably wasn't expecting to look back and find a large marine mammal staring right at her through the glass. But the dolphin meant well!
Still, it's pretty cool to see a dolphin try and interact with a human, even if it's through the glass. We can only wonder what's going on in this dolphin's head.
Someone Hook Us up With This Camel's Dentist, Please
Camels are kind of like horses in that they can have powerful personalities. Take the camel in this photo, for instance. It probably didn't know that someone was taking a photo, but it saw everyone smiling, and it decided to join in. We're glad it did, too, because it has a great smile. Seriously, who's this camel's dentist? If it meant having that smile, we would go to that person in a minute.
It almost looks like it's having as much fun as the other guys in the photo, which says a lot considering the smiles on their faces.
It's Never a Bad Time for a Belly Rub
This photo is absolutely hilarious. Sometimes people will have dogs perform various tasks at their weddings, which might be why this guy is here. But he obviously got bored by all the standing around and not doing anything, so he decided to express his frustration. However, the best part of the photo isn't even the dog. It's the look on the guy's face. You can immediately tell that the dog belongs to him.
You can also probably guess what he's thinking during this moment. Good thing his wife doesn't seem to mind too much; that's definitely a good sign. Meanwhile, the minister is the only person at the wedding that's not reacting to the pup's antics.
He's the Farmer's Bodyguard
Emus don't get enough love. Yes, they're ill-tempered and usually angry at something, but they can also be quite caring. This emu decided it was going to check out the camera right before somebody snapped a photo of the guy in the back. The picture actually ended up being a pretty cool-looking portrait. However, knowing emus, this one probably proceeded to peck at and crack the camera lens. Really, if emus could just get over their anger issues, they'd be one of the most beloved animals in the world.
They really need a good PR person. And they need to stop trying to peck people's eyes out.
Is This Some Sort of Ancient Egyptian God?
The most important thing about photography is timing. And the timing of this picture is perfect. We aren't sure why someone has a headless Barbie in their room, but that's beside the point. The cat here seems to have shown up just in time and turned what would've otherwise been a creepy photo into an adorable image of a cat with a doll for a body.
Seriously though, this combination just works for some reason, even though the proportions are way off. Then again, Barbie's proportions are already known for being a bit cartoonish, which might be part of the reason this works so well.
They Call This One the Upward Cat
Sometimes animals are weird all on their own. We can only guess what they're really trying to do most of the time. However, we're pretty sure this cat is trying to mimic their owner in this photo. And despite the balance and flexibility of most cats, this one doesn't seem to be doing a great job at it. Oh well, at least she's making an effort to try.
It's almost as if the adorable feline is just rolling around on the ground in complete desperation, trying to get the yoga teacher's attention.
Moments After Our Significant Other Insists They Don't Want to Order Any Food
Unlike the little girl in the last photo, this one seems to have no problem with giant animals getting close. Personally, we might be a little nervous having a giraffe this near to our faces, but not her. The giraffe looks like it's going in to grab a snack, but in doing so, it photobombed the entire picture. Luckily, it still turned out great, almost as if it were planned.

This photo actually gives us a new perspective of the giant animals. For example, this one just looks like a horse with a really long neck. It kind of acts like a horse, too. All it needs to do now is break out a smile.
Giving Major Middle and Younger Siblings Vibe
Anyone with more than one dog can probably relate to this photo. There's always one dog who's energetic and overzealous and one who's much more laid back. It isn't hard to tell the two in this photo. It looks like the owner simply called the one dog, and in his excitement, he came running and ended up sitting on his brother. The look on his face really says it all.
In fact, the look on both their faces really says it all. The dog on the bottom kind of looks like he's just done with everything.
They're Letting Llamas Officiate Weddings Now?
For whatever reason, this llama showed up at this couple's wedding ceremony. We're not sure if he just walked in or if he was invited, but the photo is definitely better for him being there. The look on his face is also priceless. He genuinely looks like he's confused as to what's going on right in front of him. It's safe to say that animals photobombing romantic pictures is one of the best photography genres out there.

We can't say we blame him; imagine being a llama and seeing a bunch of people dressed up in weird costumes. We'd be curious, too.
One of These Feels Different From the Others
Animal photographers probably have one of the best jobs on the planet. They basically just get to sit there and take photos of adorable (and not so adorable) animals. Even if some of those animals are sharks, that's still a pretty cool gig. However, sometimes when you're just sitting there checking out the animals, they decide that they want to check you out, and then you get these results.
A cheetah or a leopard ends up walking up to you to see what you're doing. While we imagined it might be a bit nerve-wracking, from the look of these photos, it actually seems pretty tame.
Romance Is so Overrated
There's nothing like having romantic photos taken with your partner and then getting photobombed by a cat. This cat looks like he just strolled into the frame to stick his tongue out and intentionally ruin the photo. Of course, he probably just wanted a little attention, but either way, it makes for a pretty funny photo. He's even slightly blurred, which kind of works with the face he's making.
So, the next time you're taking professional photos, remember to always be on the lookout for any potential photobombers.
Twinning for the Selfie
We don't often think of fish as smart or adorable, but we should. Some of the smartest creatures on earth are aquatic animals, and while fish might not have fur or floppy ears, they have their own brand of charm. It's like a mix between dorky and adorable. And it really works in this photo. It actually makes us want to go out and find a fish to interact with.
On the list of best animal smiles, this guy is going up there with the camel we saw earlier. He certainly deserves it.
That One Person Who Always Poses for the Candid Photo
We didn't know seals were such divas before seeing this photo of a seal photobombing a group of penguins. It's also not just the fact that it photobombed them, but it looks like it's laughing about doing so. Meanwhile, the penguins just mind their own business in the background doing whatever they do. We wish there were a couple more frames included with this photo to see what the seal did next.

Odds are, he just continued to hog up all the attention like he's doing in this frame. Can you blame him, though? Just look at that face; it deserves to have the camera's attention.
The Stingray Was Getting Handsy
Speaking of aquatic animals that don't get any love, stingrays are some of the most misunderstood. Not even people who fish are happy to see them when they're around. However, just look at this photo. This stingray was so curious that it decided to get close to these people and say hey. That's honestly heartwarming, but look at how the people treat him when all he wants to do is hug someone.
Jokes aside, this is honestly kind of scary, considering the size of the stingers on stingrays. But, if it hasn't yet stung someone, then it really is most likely just curious and wants to say hello.
Is It Just Us or Do They Kind of Look Alike?
Hippos are some of the coolest animals out there. However, if we're honest, they're not the most adorable. They're basically giant cows that swim around in the water. Oh, and they have huge teeth even though they're vegetarian. But after looking at this photo, we've had a change of heart. Just look at the smile on this guy's face (the hippo, not the man). It's almost as if he knows his picture is being taken.
Either that, or he is just getting ready to charge through the glass. Hippos are some of the most aggressive animals in the world, after all.
Just Hanging Out With His New Bestie
Unlike most of the other animals on this list, the intent was to include this sloth in the photo. But the sloth absolutely nailed it once the guy on the ground lifted his selfie stick. We mean, look at that pose. What could be cooler? It just looks like the sloth is chilling out on the branch and struck a beyond fabulous pose when this guy lifted the camera.
It's also in line with what we'd imagine a sloth would be like if it could talk. They might be adorable, but they're not the most energetic of animals.
Seconds Before Disaster Struck
We love this photo. We see a happy and proud-looking fisherman with his big catch, and behind him, we see a friendly bear. Okay, fine, that bear isn't looking very friendly at all, and this photo could've been taken moments before disaster struck. But you know what? What we don't know won't hurt us, so we'll just pretend like that bear wanted to come in for the photo op.
Okay, fine, that bear looks like he definitely pounced on that fish a second after the person behind the camera got this shot.
The Original Best Man Cancelled
Did we say that all animals are romantically averse earlier? We meant all normal animals. Beluga whales are apparently not normal animals. This couple decided to have their wedding at an aquarium for some reason, and they ended up having an extra guest show. The beluga was probably used to having people come up to the glass window, but seeing an entire crowd staring at something besides him must've been a shock.
Still, we can't imagine it was any less weird for the couple. Could you picture having a whale a couple of feet from your face staring at you for your entire ceremony?
Anything Can Happen When You Do Self-Timer Photos in the Wild
Deer aren't exactly known for their love of humans. In fact, they tend to avoid people at all costs because, well, you've probably seen Bambi. But that makes this photo all the more perplexing. We have so many questions. Where was this taken? Why are there deer here? And why are they curious about the camera? It all looks like something out of a Disney movie, doesn't it?

The fact that you have a couple in the background and one of the deer has a stunned look on its face doesn't help, either. Do they not see the people right behind them?
"Get A Room"
There's nothing worse than being the third wheel when you're out with friends. And apparently, bears seem to think so, too. At least they do if the look on this bear's face is anything to go by. We're not sure why pretty much every animal on this list has been romantically averse, but in this case, it actually makes sense. (At least it makes more sense than a seagull ramming a woman).
The poor bear probably wanted to get as far away from that situation as possible but was stuck in an enclosure.
There Went All Nine Lives
We have to admit, we've seen plenty of cat photos, but never anything like this. It's a photo of a cat in what appears to be a mid-air flight. We're also not too sure what it's doing there, but the actual photo is hilarious. Everyone has seen a cat who's made a jump and started twisting and turning while still in the air. It turns out that it actually looks quite acrobatic when you slow it all down.
The cat in this photo almost looks like a ballet dancer. Though, he's probably just doing it to ensure that he lands on his feet. We're sure that if there was a video of this, it'd look much more chaotic.
When You're Fed Up With Selfies
If you want to see a feline be vicious in real life, then you don't have to go to a zoo to see a lion. All you have to do is try to make your cat take a selfie. Just look at those teeth. This guy is not having any of it. We can almost hear him yelling, "no!" Of course, it probably sounds much more like violent hissing than actual words.
Still, the look on this cat's face pretty much sums up cats in general. They're not going to do something they don't want to just to please their owners.
Mondays Got Us Like
There isn't another photo on this list that personifies the feeling of just being done with everything, like the photo of this dog. Poor guy looks like he had an extremely rough day, and we're not exactly sure why. Then again, it's probably tough out there having to lay around all day, chew on toys, and receive treats for doing tricks. Don't worry, little fella, tomorrow is another day.
Still, seeing a photo of just about any dog laying down like they've had a tough day is absolutely hilarious. More so when they're as pudgy and adorable as this guy.
He Paid Good Money for That Smile
Another animal that doesn't get the recognition that it deserves is the horse. We mean, just look at that smile. That's some serious personality. Horses are also known for being a bit goofy whenever they get the chance, so this photo doesn't surprise us a bit. This is what you get when you own horses, and we personally think it's great. Now, if only the horse in this photo could work on his pose a bit, he'd be set.
The owners should also think about entering this guy into a photo contest with that smile; it'd at least make for a pretty good meme, if not an outright win.
"Don't Mind Me"
This is probably one of the more odd photobombs on this list. You'd expect an animal like a dog or a cat to get in the way of your picture, but a turkey? The bride and her maids were getting ready to pose for a photo when this guy came flying through. We're not sure what made him try to insert himself into the picture or why he was even there in the first place, but it makes for a memorable wedding photo.

Who else can say they had a turkey launch itself into their bridesmaid picture? Probably not too many people, but then again, we could be wrong there are some pretty rural places in the U.S.
Kids Two Minutes After the Windows Get Cleaned
Sometimes dogs do the most obnoxious things possible specifically so that you can see them do it. We mean that they know they shouldn't be doing something, but they do it anyway just to show you that they can. Take this husky, for example. With a look like that on his face, you can't possibly say he doesn't know exactly what he's doing in licking the glass door. Even his siblings are staring at him like they're wondering why he's acting up.
They actually look like they're kind of disgusted by the whole thing, and we don't blame them.
Sun's Out, Tongue's Out
Yes, we know, this is a lot of horses. However, this guy deserves to be on this list. The only thing funnier than an animal that's smiling is one that's goofy. And this horse is certainly being goofy. He has a personality in spades. We're not sure if the person who took the photo just took it at the perfect time or if this horse really is sticking its tongue out at its owner, but it's a great photo either way.
The horse's face is great in this photo, too. His eyes are just lit up like he's playing around with his owner or like he's about to start laughing.
This Has Cartoon Villain Written All Over It
There are few rivalries in the world as intense as the one between dogs and cats. And no matter which side of the fence you fall on, we can all agree that this photo is just hilarious. The cat looks like it's plotting something in the background and the dog just looks like he couldn't care less. We're guessing that a few seconds after this photo was taken, this cat pounced on the dog's back.

We're also guessing he just walked away nonchalantly afterward because that's kind of a thing cats do. The poor dog, though, never even saw it coming. He was probably wondering what the heck just happened after everything was over with.
"My Turn"
The goat in the background is basically our spirit animal whenever we see someone handing out sweets at work. Jokes aside, both goats in this photo are pretty adorable. Goats are another animal that doesn't get nearly as much credit as they should. They're mild-tempered, and they can make great pets if you have enough land to keep them on. They also have big personalities, as exemplified by the goat in this photo.

However, if you ever see them lowering their heads, then watch out because they're probably about to ram you. Like seriously, goats like to ram things for no reason at all, other than it's just a thing they do.
Their Cult Meeting Was Interrupted
Cats come in a couple of varieties. There are those that stick to themselves most of the time, and then there are those that seem to crave attention, almost like dogs. We bet you can guess which is which by looking at this photo. The cat in the middle is much more curious than his siblings, who don't seem the least bit concerned with anything else going on around them.

Personally, we prefer the cats who keep to themselves and don't come flying at your face or try and bite your leg every time you pass. But, we can certainly see the appeal after looking at this photo.
Someone Call the Exorcist
Speaking of cats, here's another photo of a cat that's, well, we're not sure what this cat is doing. It's certainly not having its best day. It looks like it just woke up, and its owner decided to go for a walk bright and early in the morning. It also looks as if it's been eating grass. So basically, it's just us on a Monday morning before we've had our coffee.
The cat here could also just not be into taking photos, especially while on a leash, which would make sense considering how difficult cats can sometimes be.
When Your Partner's a Morning Person
This is probably one of the most generic photos on here, but it still doesn't change the fact that we want to take this husky home with us. We mean, look at it. It's like having a big playful furball in your bed. We mean, sure, there'd probably be hair everywhere, but that's a sacrifice that we'd be happy to make. That's probably part of the reason we enjoy dogs so much (not the hair part) because they're like having bigger, friendlier cats.

They're also extremely goofy animals, as you can see from this photo, or if you've ever had a dog. And huskies are all the way to the right of that spectrum.
One For The Postcard
Want a way to make your photo of Machu Pichu stand out? Just add a crazy-looking llama to the picture. And when we say crazy-looking, we mean crazy-looking. Those eyes don't lie. The llama in this photo looks just as confused as the person taking the picture probably was. Imagine walking around one of the wonders of the world yet finding a llama that's more fascinating than the site itself.
Despite his crazy eyes, this guy looks like he'd be a blast to hang out with. Odds are, he just wanted some food or something and walked up to whoever was taking this photo.
We All Have That One Friend
Everybody has that one friend who just always wants to be in the photo, even if they end up becoming the main focus of the photo. Apparently, dogs have that as well. This photo was obviously supposed to be of the corgi in the background, but for some reason, the pug to make it all about himself. We're not complaining; it turned out to be an adorable photo but for a different reason.
The best part about this picture is the look in the pug's eyes. Yes, we know pugs always look like that, but it just works here. It's like he's asking to please be included or something.
Creepy Siblings
Sometimes we feel sorry for dogs who have cats as siblings. Having one cat is enough for most dogs. They're always pouncing at you from around corners or plotting behind trees. We can't imagine what it must be like for a dog to have two feline siblings, but we do imagine it must be kind of like this photo. You always have to watch your back, and if you even let up for a second, then... poof. You have a furball leaping at you.

The two cats in this photo look especially sinister. It doesn't help that the dog in this photo looks like he's extremely on edge, but he probably has to be at all times. Like, this dog literally looks terrified despite being more than twice as big and probably being able to bite them in half.
That Escalated Quickly
In this photo of another duo, someone looks like they got jealous. You can see the dog in the back turn from curious to angry in just four frames. We're not sure what exactly happened, but maybe the dog smelled the scent of someone else. Or worse, the scent of another dog. If so, that would be hilarious. The lack of a reaction from the dog in the front also just makes these photos pure gold.
Not only is there no reaction, but it kind of looks like the dog in front is purposely ignoring his sibling. We mean, the other dog is right behind him; he has to hear it growling.
How's My Smile?
Cats are strange creatures, which is part of the reason we like keeping them around so much. Unlike dogs, you can't train a cat to sit and wait for a photo to be taken. Instead, you just have to snap a picture and hope for the best. That appears to be what this owner did when they took this photo of their cat. At least, we hope so because that smile is terrifying.
The cat looks as if it's about really angry for some reason. It could be the basket of fruit or fluffy here just might not like taking photos.
An Afternoon Snooze
They might be the king of the jungle (even though they don't technically live in jungles), but lions need their beauty sleep as much as anyone else. This guy looks like he passed out while lying down on a boulder. But while they look adorable when they're sleeping, lions can be pretty intimidating animals. Still, you wouldn't know it just by looking at this picture.
The lion in this photo actually looks pretty peaceful, especially with his tongue hanging out of his mouth like that. As they say, looks can be deceiving.