Street Cameras Catch Glimpse of a Ghost
A terrifying figure appeared in front of this moving car for a quick moment, and there is the footage to prove it. The woman-like figure seems confused and is almost transparent, which might mean that she is a ghost. The driver of the car was undoubtedly terrified when the figure appeared in front of the vehicle. We bet they were shocked at what they had just seen and might not have even believed their own eyes.

But they don't need to believe their own eyes because there's the footage to prove it. Then again, maybe the driver didn't see anything, and the ghost was only visible on the camera. Does anyone know anything about Ghost Visibility Laws?
Mystery Man Licked This Home's Doorbell for Three Straight Hours
These homeowners got a notification from their front door camera alerting them that there was activity happening directly outside. When they went to look, they found this. That's right; a completely random stranger decided to start licking their doorbell literally out of nowhere. It's pretty gross, and nobody knows the reason behind this bizarre occurrence. Surely, the people living in this house were just as creeped out as we are after looking at this picture.
The best thing about a front door camera is that it can capture all movement outside the door. Although, these homeowners would have likely preferred not to see this, especially considering it went on for three hours.
"If I Only Eat the Toppings They Won't Even Notice"
This camera captured something hilarious, but you wouldn't be laughing if you were the one who ordered this pizza and got it delivered without any of the toppings you chose. The pizza delivery guy here must have gotten hungry while in the elevator, so he decided to dig into the pie and enjoy a bit of it for himself. This probably wasn't the best idea, and he better pray his boss never finds out.
While we feel for the people who were subject to a topless (and potentially unhygienic) pizza, we can't help but laugh at the footage. Honestly, if we worked in the delivery business, we'd definitely be tempted to do this at some point.
There Wasn't Anyone Behind the Door When They Took This Photo...
This mom was having a good time playing with bubbles outside with her son, and it was all fun and games until someone noticed something freaky in this picture. There seems to be a devilish woman-like face peeking through the screen door, or an unwanted visitor is occupying the home as they're out in the front yard. The distorted face could be due to some kind of smudge on the camera, but we doubt it.

A scary face popping out in the corner of any photo is every person's worst nightmare, but one inside your house goes above and beyond terrifying.
Maybe She Thought She'd Take up Less Elevator Space This Way
Standing beside the one stretching, the girl in red seems to be questioning all the life decisions that got her to be in this elevator at this very moment. And we kind of get it - we wouldn't want anyone stretching their calf muscles right in our faces, either. At least not a stranger who's also having a loud conversation over speakerphone. Like, where are this person's elevator etiquette? She must've left those manners at home that day.

Hopefully, Ms. Red Sweatshirt reached her destination before those air splits suddenly turned into floor splits. That's the only way this scenario could get any worse (or any funnier for the rest of us who didn't have to be there in person).
Mama Bear Just Wanted to Play Some Piano Tunes
A camera inside this house captured an unwanted visitor doing a hysterical thing. The bear managed to break through the locks on the door but wouldn't leave without making their presence known by playing some tunes on the piano. We hope they managed to play a few chords before making a grand escape back to the woods. This bear might have only wanted to be a human for a quick minute.
Bears are curious creatures known to break into homes, usually when hungry and looking for food. This one was feeling creative and decided to search for a piano.
Sheriff Takes a Little Elevator Dance Break
This employee of a sheriff's office showed off his dance moves to the security camera while riding the elevator. He might be a man strictly of the law, but he surely knows how to have a good time with his own company. Either that, or he just wanted to loosen up a bit before working a nig case, and we can't blame him. Law enforcement is a tough job, and letting loose is necessary.
But one thing's for sure: whatever the reason for his dancing, this dude looks like he's in a good mood. We wish he was our coworker.
Ross Geller, Is That You?!
Friends is one of the most popular shows out there, and most people are familiar with the characters, even if they haven't even watched the sitcom. That's why so many people were surprised to see the footage of this crime because it seemed like the beloved Ross Geller (also known as David Schwimmer) was the culprit. This person grabbed a six-pack of beer before running out of the store without paying for it, making him wanted by the police.

At first glance, it really does look like David Schwimmer walked into this convenience store and stole a bunch of cans. Thankfully, the actor has since clarified that he was not the beer thief pictured here.
He'll Be Taking the Stairs From Now on
This boy was frightened when he walked in and saw the creepy person standing in the corner. It's a moment that we thought only existed on television, but apparently not. The ghostly figure was dressed in a suit which would have been normal if there wasn't a pillowcase wrapped around his head. The pillowcase man's fellow passenger was in absolute distress, and we're confident anyone else would feel the same way.
At this point, we might start taking the stairs instead of the elevator since riding in one can obviously come with unpredictable and terrifying encounters.
"Dobby Is... Free"
A surveillance camera that was set outside this home captured something very unsettling. One night, a strange human-like creature was walking across this driveway, setting off the motion sensors and lights on the side of the house. The creature looks incredibly familiar, which is the reason that this image went viral on the internet. It looks like an exact replica of the beloved Dobby from the Harry Potter franchise.
It really feels like Dobby might've found a way to jump out of the television when one of the neighbors was watching the movie. Dobby, if you're out there, you're always welcome at our house.
Crowded Elevator, Star Wars Edition
The man in the corner of this lift doesn't look like he expected to be stuck in an elevator filled with Star Wars characters on their way to a convention. He might have even been calling for help based on the phone in his hand and the terrified look on his face. Truthfully, we can't blame him since each of their costumes seems to take up two people's worth of elevator space.

You've probably found yourself stuck in a crowded elevator with barely enough room to breathe. But we doubt that everyone involved was dressed up as a star wars character like they were here.
Why You Should Never Leave Your Car Keys Near Windows or Doors
A homeowner went to check the footage on their security camera and ended up seeing this. It seems like there is a creepy person walking around their property with an even stranger device. It even looks like those devilish eyes were surrounded by some kind of black paint. The homeowner has no idea who this person is and doesn't really know what they are carrying either. Luckily, the internet had answers about the creepy man's mystery machine.
Apparently, it's a device used to detect keyless cars. It can steal the necessary info to get your vehicle running if you leave your car keys close to windows or doors. How scary!
We Hope They Got Each Other's Numbers
Whatever happened here gives off romance vibes that we previously thought only existed in the movies. But after coming across this photo, we know it can happen in real life, too. The woman on the right is glancing at the guy next to her. Based on her facial expression, it seems she's interested in him. Meanwhile, the man is working hard not to smile or look over at her. We like to think he's interested in her, too.
Okay, so we don't know for sure if either of them is interested in the other, but we like to think this was the start of a romantic love story. The tension between these two is so strong that we can practically feel it through the screen.
Meet the Ghost of Raynham Hall, Better Known as the Brown Lady
This picture was taken in a place called Raynham Hall, located somewhere in England, where the famous Brown Lady wondrously lingers around the property. Someone was able to take a photo and capture her in real-time, which is what you see below. It's not hard to figure out that there is, in fact, a very ghostly figure dressed in a white gown floating across the staircase in this image.
At first glance, it might have seemed like there was simply a smudge on the camera or some white paint was smeared across the stairs. Look closer, and a figure suddenly appears.
That Time Amber Heard and James Franco Got Exposed by the Elevator Cams
During a recent court trial, Amber Heard claimed that she didn't have much memory of when James Franco came over to visit her a day after she fought with then-husband Johnny Depp. Heard even said she wasn't sure if Franco came over at all, but little did Amber know that the court already had evidence of his visit. This picture from the elevator in Amber and Johnny's building provided the date and time of the now infamous meeting and supported Depp's side of the case.

Almost everyone knows about the recent Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trials, but not everyone knows that there was footage that caught her lying in court.
Everyone Was Out of the House When the Cameras Caught This
If you have no interest in sleeping well tonight, go ahead and look at the terrifying little ghost kid in the corner. It was captured on camera while standing in a door frame in the middle of the night. Its bright, terrifying eyes are glowing and look right at the camera. We're guessing that this homeowner was quick to move out after snapping this freaky shot - especially considering the house was allegedly empty when this was captured.
It's hard to tell whether it's a boy or a girl, but you're probably better off just not knowing. So, we'd like to move on with no questions asked.
"It's Me, Dude, Your Friendly Neighborhood Praying Mantis"
A praying mantis crawled up someone's front door and ended up being caught right in front of the security camera. It almost looks like this bug was of monstrous size, but thankfully, this is just caused by the fact that it was sitting right in front of the video camera. Although, it does look like this bug is angry and might have a lot to say to the homeowners resting inside.
Bugs don't usually have too much depth to their thought processes or actions. But we have a feeling this praying mantis is an exception and is cooking up some evil plans.
Did Someone Put Him in Timeout?
Imagine walking into the elevator only to find someone standing in the corner like this guy was. You would probably be just as concerned as the other man in this picture, who decided to take a quick glance to see what was going on. We can't tell if the younger guy is crying or wants to check his phone in private, but it's a bit concerning either way.
This boy basically looks like he got sent to timeout as the older man just kind of looks on with confusion. Maybe he's in a deep state of meditation, and we just can't get it because we're not on his level.
The Television Was off When They Took the Shot
Someone was taking a picture of the little boy below and never imagined something else would appear in the photo's background. But once the picture developed, they saw a faint image of a scary face on the television, even though the electronic was turned off when the photo was snapped. The reflection is faint but creepy, and there is no real way to explain how or why this face appeared on the screen.

A creepy face appearing on a television that is turned off is anyone's worst nightmare; thankfully, this photographer wasn't home alone when they shot this and could find comfort in numbers.
Poor Man Was Trapped for Days
The man here got into the elevator and thought it'd take him down to the parking lot after a long work day. Instead, he ended up being in there for much longer than expected. After a few seconds, things started to go very wrong. The elevator came to a complete stop, and the buttons were no longer functional. The poor guy wasn't rescued until a very long 41 hours later.

Getting stuck in an elevator might not happen often, but it can be terrifying when it does. Especially when you're stuck for what seems like forever, and nobody is coming to the rescue.
We'd Move Out Immediately After Seeing This
Between the old house that seems to be covered in scratches and the werewolf on the stairs, this looks like a scene that came straight out of a horror movie. A movie that you might not ever want to see. This is obviously a regular person dressed up in a costume, but there isn't really a good way to explain the glowing eyes. It's pretty freaky and way too realistic.
The last thing anyone wants is a person running around the house dressed up as a scary creature. Although, any other costume would be better than this one. It's terrifying.
Hope He's Not Allergic to Bees
The bees in this box have the right to ride an elevator like the rest of us, but that doesn't mean we have to enjoy it. As you can tell, the man pressed up to the door isn't too happy about the situation he's found himself in. In fact, he's absolutely terrified, and it's not hard to understand why. Just one wrong move and everything could go completely wrong.
Getting into an elevator with boxes full of swarming bees in the corner is definitely in the top five of our worst nightmares. We really hope this was just some prank.
This Very Independent Cat Takes the Elevator All Alone
We're actually really impressed with how smart this independent cat is. Apparently, she freely rides the elevator in her apartment building and comes and goes as she pleases. Imagine getting into the elevator and seeing your neighbor's cat on its way out for a day out in the town. We think we'd get weirdly intimidated and end up wishing the cat a good morning. Then, we'd get embarrassed when it doesn't respond.
The cat in this elevator simply didn't have the time to wait around for humans to take her where she needed to go. So, she went ahead and decided to take matters into her own paws. And that kind of determination intimates us.
We Thought This Only Happened in the Movies
Whoever thought it would be a good idea to prank people in this way didn't have a good train of thought, in our opinion. Someone decided to put a trap door at the base of this elevator, where anyone who entered would fall through it. The trap door led to a slide, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this trick is terrifying. Needless to say, you're probably glad that you weren't there.
Okay, we can imagine that these regular people were happy after realizing that this was simply a prank and that their lives were not in danger.
Woman Gets Caught on Camera Abandoning Her Poor Dog
One of the worst things anyone could ever do is abandon an animal just because they don't want to care for it. Dogs are so loving and put all their trust in humans, which is why this act was one of the biggest betrayals. The woman tried to lead the dog into the woods, and it was excited to go on a walk with her; instead, she abandoned the dog there and quickly drove away.

Some people really think that they can get away with abandoning a dog on the street without anyone noticing. Thankfully, there was a camera there to capture the criminal act from beginning to end.
When the Swat Team Storms Into the Elevator
You can see the pure fear and distress on this man's face after a crew of people wearing all-black face masks walked into the elevator he was riding in. But these weren't robbers or something - they were a SWAT team. Honestly, we can't decide which one's scarier: thinking you're stuck in an elevator filled with thieves or that you somehow ended up in the middle of an operation by the USA's Special Weapons and Tactics team.
This innocent bystander just wanted to arrive wherever he was going and certainly didn't expect to be caught up in whatever was happening there.
An Adorable Celebration Caught on Tape
This woman was really happy about something, and the only one to notice was the camera sitting above her. She seems like she's so overwhelmed with excitement that she's having some trouble containing it. That is until she realized she was all alone and could do a quick dance without anyone seeing it. She's so excited we can practically feel the excitement ourselves.
We obviously won't be able to find out why but this woman certainly received some good news right before she stepped into the elevator; this is as pure as happiness can get.
When Your Mate Convinces You the Elevator Is About to Do a Freefall
Pranks are all fun and games and always make for a good time unless they happen inside an elevator. Freefalling down several stories and getting trapped in an elevator are the worst fears people have when getting inside one. Someone took advantage of that and decided to play a trick on a man who walked: the prankster made it seem like the elevator had been freefalling for a few minutes.
This man is lying on the ground and seems to be holding on for dear life, all for a good reason. This prank was pretty funny but, of course, terrifying nonetheless.
Some Elevator Twerking Never Hurt Anybody
This security camera captured a woman doing her thing while riding in the elevator. She started dancing out of nowhere and didn't seem to realize that the camera was capturing her every move. Luckily, the only audience to judge her dancing were the people who scrolled through the internet and came across this viral moment. Honestly, good for her to let out some dance moves even though someone could have walked in at any moment.
An empty elevator must be a go-to spot for people who want to practice their random break dancing while also shielding the public from their unprofessional and awkward dance moves.
First Time Doing Graffiti - Get Caught Immediately
Elevator cameras have captured people doing plenty of weird things, so it's hardly a shocker that someone was caught vandalizing. These two women decided to bring spray paint and then drew a heart on the elevator door. Based on the design of choice and their giggly, nervous behavior in the footage, it seems this might have been the first time they committed a crime and made graffiti art.
Maybe by now, they've become full-on professional vandals and are drawing detailed portraits on elevator doors. Or maybe they decided getting caught once was one time too many and called it quits.
Everybody Was Kong Fu Fighting
The woman walking into the elevator seems a bit shocked to see that there is a human-like version of a superhero waiting for her inside. He seems to also be interacting with her in his superhero-like ways for a reason we'll never really understand. Most people don't actually have any interest in interacting with people when riding an elevator, so we don't blame this woman for being as hesitant as she looks.
Have you ever walked into an elevator to find a knock-off version of a superhero? Probably not. This one also happens to be standing in a position that says he's ready to fight crime.
Two Bears Caught in the Act
The two bears outside this home were fooling around and having fun with each other, but the homeowners thought otherwise. Bears tend to make scary noises regardless of their mood, so we can see why the human in the house was incredibly scared. They had no idea what was happening and thought criminals outside were trying to break into the home. Instead, it was these animals goofing around.
The homeowners heard a crazy commotion outside their front door and had no idea what was happening. That was until they went and checked the security cameras out front.
Who Said Police Officers Don't Know How to Dance?
This group of police officers had somewhere they needed to be but decided to enjoy the ride by making some music and dancing. One officer was on the drums while the rest were enjoying the beat. They seem to be super into the moment and actually look like they're having a fun time together. This is certainly one way to get through a long and demanding shift at work.
Sometimes, it's difficult for hard-working police officers to find joy while on the job. But not this crew; they seem to be enjoying their coordinated dance party.
Just Blowing off Some Steam and Scaring Elevator Neighbors
The man on the right seems to be making strange hand movements, while the guy on the left is just slightly concerned. This makes sense since he's super close to being accidentally hit as the other guy lets things loose. He seemed to be doing some kind of dance which wasn't necessarily a good one, so we're guessing he might have had a very stressful day at work before getting in the elevator.

The elevator might not be the best place to shake away stress, especially if your hand movements are inches away from swatting the person standing next to you.
"It Stopped Being Funny After the First Time"
The footage here captured a super awkward moment that most normal people would actually try to avoid. Every time the door was about to close, this guy would block it from happening. It could be a fun trick to pull when you're riding with your friends or family, but doing it to a complete stranger probably isn't the best idea. As you can tell in the picture, the woman was pretty angry about it.
There's nothing worse than someone messing with you when you need to get somewhere, which is why a jokester might be the last type of person you'd want to ride in an elevator with.
Seconds Before Disaster
The man here was part of a construction crew doing maintenance in the lift. Everything was going well until something went utterly and completely wrong. Some kind of glass window pane fell onto him, and the whole incident was captured on a video camera. Surely, he was okay after this and might have gotten a slight bump on the head, but he also probably didn't expect that to happen.
All we know is that his man might have left with a headache, but you might have thought that nothing unusual was happening here until we went ahead and explained the situation.
This Is Worse Than the Pizza Topping's Eater
Believe it or not, delivery drivers get hungry while working too, but that doesn't mean they should be eating the food they deliver. Clearly, this man forgot to eat before working a long shift and just couldn't contain that hunger on his own. So, he simply reached for the closest and tastiest thing in sight and decided to take a little taste of everything. Obviously, that was the wrong way to manage hunger.
This delivery driver was so hungry that he had to chow down on the food someone else had ordered. This definitely goes against the guidelines of his job, but oh well.
Woman With Something to Hide Puts Gum on Camera Lens
Most people aim for the trash when getting rid of their gum unless you're this woman. She got into the elevator and decided to stick it onto the camera before the elevator doors even had a chance to close. This probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, mostly because the camera obviously captured the act before she basically vandalized it. Next time, we hope she finds a better place to put it.

The woman that stuck her gum onto the camera lens seems pretty confident in her place of choice. She either thought really hard about where to put it or didn't think much at all.
A Small Prank With a Big Reaction
This woman looked like she was on a phone call when she walked into the elevator, and you might have thought that it wasn't a good one. It also seems like she was very worried about whatever was going on, based on her facial expressions and that flailing hand. Actually, the phone call has nothing to do with it. This is because there was some kind of scary prank going on.
An elevator could be a great and private place to react to getting scared unless there's a camera documenting all of your intense reactions, which eventually end up on the internet.
Watch Out, Incoming Bubble Gum
Bubble gum usually belongs in the mouth and stays there at all times unless some outside force physically makes you spit it out. That's pretty much what happened moments after this footage was captured. Everything seems pretty normal at first as the man is blowing an impressive bubble. Eventually, it pops and flips to the elevator's other side. Unfortunately, the man had no shame and decided to put it back in his mouth.
This picture was captured just moments before the bubble gum in this man's mouth ends up somewhere else, only to ultimately and finally end up back inside of his mouth once again.