This article was originally published on WallStoriez
Something Tells Us They Don't Like That Tree
Disputes over where the property line sits can get a little tough sometimes. It's hard to contain your emotions and act calm when it feels like someone is stealing your land out from under you. Or, in this case, stealing the land out from over you. Apparently, these neighbors didn't appreciate one person's tree hanging out over their driveway, and they decided to handle it using a very powerful hedge trimmer.
As you can see, this tree has been practically sliced in half. It creates a cool effect, but the tree's owners can't be happy. The tree probably isn't too stoked either.
Passive Aggressive Payment For an Aggressive Dog Bite
We're not going to mince words here; this guy seems like a real jerk. After his untrained dog went and bit one of the neighbor's dogs, the owner of the victimized pooch demanded that this guy pays for the veterinary bills. So what does this guy do? He shows up with a wheelbarrow full of coins to pay for the damage. What kind of person decides to go and do a thing like that?
We'd probably leave the neighborhood after this, to be honest. There's no guarantee that this guy will train his dogs properly in the future, and he doesn't seem to be interested in making that cul de sac a welcoming place.
Dear Anonymous Passerby: You Suck
When we were kids, there was nothing more fun than playing in the forest near our homes. You had the space to run, explore, climb and enjoy everything great about childhood. Some parents make it even more fun for their kids by helping to build treehouses or forts for them to use. But these kids, and their parents, had a rude awakening one day when they found out their treehouse was going to have to come down.
It looks like a not-so-friendly neighbor filed a complaint with the city for unlawful building - of a treehouse. And to top it all off, it was during pandemic times. What a shame.
Well, That Won't Be Squeaking Anymore
We all love a tidy house, and a house in good working order is even better. That's why it can be so frustrating if we go through the trouble to make our homes nice, and our neighbors won't take care of theirs. In the picture below, there was a squeaky turbine on a roof that was causing a constant ruckus, so someone decided to do something about it: Hunger Games style!
We can't tell if this arrow was shot or shoved into this turbine, but does it really matter? The point is, the turbine won't be squeaking anymore, and we're thankful this semi-good semi-bad Samaritan did what they did.
This Neighbor Is Just Cold, Ice Cold
Obviously, these two neighbors from the picture below don't get along. When it snows, and one of them is out clearing the shared staircase, they don't even extend the common courtesy to shovel the other person's half of the stairs! We count six stairs that are going to make it more likely for everyone to slip, whether half-shoveled or not, and it only would've taken an extra minute to finish those off too!
This kind of petty behavior frustrates us to no end. Why not just be decent to those around you? It's like some of these people were raised in a barn.
Don't Come for Us, Larry
Has anyone ever had a neighbor that constantly and incessantly sticks their nose into your business? The guy from the picture below has. So, when he wanted to do some work on the driveway, he knew that he'd be dragged into a conversation with Larry. To save himself the trouble, he put this sign out instead: "Larry I have a permit." Now, Larry is going to have to check with the city council before he comes and does any more snooping.
Has anyone ever had a neighbor worse than Larry? It's hard for us to think of anything more annoying than someone who's not only nosy but predictable too!
We Feel Fenced In
When a parking dispute occurred between the owner of a commercial lot, and the owner of a small, single-car garage, it was pretty clear from the start that the commercial lot owner had the upper hand. To make matters worse, the lot owner acted extrajudicially and had a fence put up blocking the entire garage! So, now the garage owner can't get in or out of his place! What a bummer.
This looks like a situation where calmer heads should've prevailed, to be frank. There's no reason to go and make someone's life harder for no reason.
Guess the Kids Won't Be Sleeping Tonight
Ahh, the holiday season. It's a time to relax with family, share the love, and put up decorations to show off your holiday spirit. Just one problem, what if your neighbor's decorations don't exactly fit the holidays you celebrate? For example, in this neighborhood, there's one family who loves to celebrate the Krampus holiday and another family whose kids are having trouble sleeping, thanks to all those creepy Krampus decorations!
Don't know who Krampus is? Oh, he's just the scary, horned monster who comes to scare children during Christmas time.
Things Got A Little Crazy Last Night
Have you ever woken up after a hard night of partying and wished your head would stop pounding? It's like you're stuck on a trampoline that won't stop bouncing up and down, and your body just can't get settled. Plus, there's always that fear about what could've happened the night before. Just how crazy did things get? But, it's even worse when you have to wake up and check out what damage your neighbors might have done.
Somehow, the animals next door got their trampoline stuck in the tree! And not low to the ground either; it's stuck way up in the tree.
When You Ask the Universe for a Sign
Most of the time, people keep their personal disputes, well, personal. On the other hand, these neighbors air their grievances for everyone to see. So, the whole neighborhood is subjected to this beautiful billboard posted atop that rusty old Jeep, accusing the property owners next door of being garbage-burning fools. Needless to say, this can't be making anyone happy. Although, we're not sure if we'd really want the smell of burning garbage wafting around in our backyard either.
This is a classic example where using our words might've been a better solution. Granted, these people used their words, but they did it by putting them on a giant billboard on the street.
That Neighbor With Creepy Habits
Halloween's Michael Myers is one of the scariest slasher villains out there, and if we saw his mask around our neighborhood, we'd probably go running. Well, imagine how this person feels because their neighbor dresses up like Myers and likes to stand out in the yard every chance they get. It's a little fun but a lot creepy. Couldn't he have picked a happy character to dress up as, like a pirate or an astronaut?
You know what they say, you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't really pick how weird your new neighbors are going to be.
A Very Bad Boy
When moving into a neighborhood, it's always good to know that you will have respectful neighbors who accept your religious beliefs and traditions. But we never think to speak with the pets. Apparently, the Buddhist family moving into the neighborhood checked to see that no people would interrupt their traditions, but they forgot to poll the neighborhood animals, and this dog wound up stealing more than his fair share from their offering plate to Buddha.
To give the dog some credit, he does look pretty guilty. It looks like he realizes what he did wrong, but that probably won't stop him from doing it again.
Sorry Not Sorry, Neighbors
When this couple had a neighbor across the way disapproving of their pride flag, they knew they'd have to comply and take the flag down. There's no reason to upset the HOA over a neighborly dispute, right? Wrong. Instead of letting the feud die out, this family decided to make their house into a Pride flag light show every night of the week. Take that! Now the reminder is even brighter.
We hate the idea of someone's neighbors sticking their noses where they don't belong and commenting on other people's sexual preferences. Although, the term "nosy neighbors" has to have come from somewhere, right?
The People Next Door Stole Their Cat
Actual theft is no joke, but when it comes to cat burglary, we have a few jokes in mind. In this situation, we're not dealing with much of a burglary at all and more of a relocation scenario. Apparently, after a homeowner's cat had been disappearing for days at a time, he went out for a walk and saw this little bugger just hanging in a cat shed at the neighbors!
The way the neighbor explained it, the cat was always coming over to hang out by the back porch, and since it was so cold, he figured the little guy should have a nice warm spot to chill out on his visits. But things got awkward when he never left.
Where Does the Queen Park?
Finding parking in the neighborhood can be the worst. Especially after a long day of work, we just want to throw the car against the curb and get in the house to relax. It's even more frustrating when you can't find parking, and some of your neighbors are parked like this! So, this person's kids had a little fun at their neighbor's expense and adorned the person with a new title, fitting their parking prowess.
Princess Parking is a pretty sick nickname, but what this person did still isn't all that funny. It might as well be the golden rule – park where appropriate so that everyone can access sidewalks.
Neighborly Relationship Status: It's Complicated
How does that old saying go? If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Let's try another one out: what about if a tree falls from your neighbor's property through the roof of your living room? Who is at fault? Also, who's going to clean up the mess? A roof collapsing isn't exactly an everyday household mess, you know?
In these situations, the fault normally lies with the person whose property the tree was sitting on before it fell. It is the homeowner's job to ensure their trees aren't in a state where they may fall over like this.
Oh, That Apartment Living Life
Moving into a new home and putting together new furniture is fun and all, but you have to make sure you're mounting it correctly to avoid a disaster. For example, perhaps you should make sure that you mount your new chandelier to a ceiling stud instead of to the underside of someone else's floor! Can you imagine sitting in your living room and seeing those screws starting to pop through the floor? We'd have been furious!
It's annoying enough when there's construction going on in a neighboring apartment, and you can hear it all the time. It's even worse when the neighbor's construction project comes barreling into your living room.
Two Kinds of People
There are two kinds of people: those who put a lot of time and energy into making their balcony or backyard look beautiful and those that... don't. And we're not saying there's anything wrong with either of them; we're just saying sometimes, those two kinds of people don't exactly get along as neighbors. We're speaking from experience here. So we just hope the homeowner on top, who has a chair and a grill, and the person below, whose terrace is absolutely stunning, have a nice relationship.
Both of the balconies look like pretty chill spots regardless, and we're not sure which we'd prefer. Would we prefer all the plants or that barbecue grill sitting in the corner?
Happy Fourth of July to Everyone Except This Person
The fourth of July is one of the biggest American holidays, and if anyone reading this hasn't experienced it at least once, you should plan a summer trip to the states just for this banger. There's a nationally televised hot dog eating contest, there are parades all around the country, and when sunset hits, the fireworks go off - lots and lots of fireworks. Unless, of course, you live in this awful person's neighborhood.
Why can't they just let everyone have a good time? A rake and a shovel will take care of any spent firework shells in the morning, and more importantly, the kids will enjoy themselves. Lighten up!
Doesn't Look Like the HOA In This Neighborhood Is Too Strict
Local HOAs have a bad reputation. A lot of the time, you only hear about them when they're making someone's life harder by overreaching and creating complicated rules for the community. But, if an HOA is hands-off, it can be a great benefit to everyone in the neighborhood. If that's the case in your neighborhood, however, make sure you're not expecting any symmetry in the landscape design. As you can see below, not everyone has the same taste.
Is this supposed to be an art installation? A religious ritual? We're not entirely sure, and we're not entirely sure we'd enjoy being this person's neighbor either.
The Quietest Neighbors in Town
You've got to hand it to this real estate agent: she's got some pretty clever marketing. When she had to sell a property that sat right next to a graveyard, she knew it might be a tough sell. So, she encouraged her clients to look on the bright side. The grass is green, the house is solid, and the neighbors are incredibly quiet. So quiet, you'll never hear a peep out of them!
Clever marketing or not, we don't know if we could see ourselves living next to a graveyard. We don't want to wind up starring in the real version of next year's hit horror movie.
No Thanks, We'll Just Run Away
Trick or treating is always a blast when you're a kid, and we used to love competing with our friends to see who could get the most candy by the end of the night. But, if a house has a really scary set of decorations outside, are you going to be brave enough to go up and grab a piece? If this was the display in the yard in question, we're not sure if we could hack it.
We haven't seen this many villains sitting at one table since the old Batman cartoon was on. Needless to say, that is not a crew we want to mess with.
Everybody Loves the Smell of Ranch Dress In the Morning
Ranch dressing is a blessing and makes almost any food better. But, outside of eating it, there aren't many other uses for this popular dressing. That's why no one would be expecting to find a packet of ranch dressing just sitting in the parking lot, but when this guy heard a loud pop, that's exactly what he found under his tire. Thankfully, no flat tire. But, his neighbor's car was absolutely splattered with ranch!
And then, they didn't have the decency to clean it up! On the bright side, the red of the car looks like buffalo sauce and the ranch is making us hungry – we think we know what's for dinner tonight.
Where'd the Sidewalk Go?
It's clearly been a while since this person's neighbors broke out the hedge clippers because their rose bush in the front yard has gotten so out of control that it's covering the whole entire sidewalk. It would be so frustrating to walk along this sidewalk and then have to veer into the streets just to get around this untrimmed hedge. Plus, a plant isn't as healthy when it's left with so much weight hanging over like that!
Gardening can actually be so much fun when you get down to it. We're surprised this person wasn't more proud of this hedge and didn't take better care of things.
Let the Holiday Wars Begin
Every holiday season, neighbors compete against one another to see who can create the most exotic display of lights, decorations, and holiday paraphernalia, and the whole thing can be completely exhausting. These homeowners learned that first-hand a few years ago when they put a wreath on their door, and their neighbors took it as a challenge. The next day, their neighbor's whole side of the duplex was covered in lights!
We can't get enough of the juxtaposition in this photo. Our favorite part is that straight line separating the house with the wreath from the house with the lights.
Who Has The Best Tree In The Neighborhood Now, Gary?
It should always be playful fun, but it's nice to show up your neighbors. It's even better if you can make everybody laugh while you're doing it. So, this family had the genius idea to buy a Christmas tree that was way, way too big for their house. Then, they chopped the thing in half and made it look like it was stretching from the floor of the living room all the way up through the roof.
Come to think of it, this kind of thing would actually make it easier for Santa Claus to find the house. So, we think it's a win-win regardless.
When Your Neighbor Is a Wild Animal - Literally
There are a lot of differences between living in the city and living in the countryside. For one, in the countryside, a lot of your neighbors are going to be animals instead of people. You've just got to hope those animals are friendly, and the people in this picture might want to start hoping a little harder. Looks like the neighbors are coming over tonight, and they're hungry for your pets.
Having a wild bobcat show up on your steps sounds like fun at first, but just make sure any chihuahuas, outdoor cats, or little kids are safe and sound inside.
Describe the New Neighbor? Well He's Very Tall, and Very Thin
Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. Who doesn't love a good excuse to dress up? There's also the candy and the great movies on TV to look forward to. But, if you get scared easily, it can also be a tough one to get through. This is especially true if your neighbors are big fans of Halloween and if they decide to decorate their yards like it's Christmas all over again.
Apparently, this skeleton was standing out in the yard from the start of September all the way through till Halloween. Can you really blame them, though? Who has the storage space for a decoration that big?
What Kind Of Party Was This And Why Weren't We Invited
Imagine you're lying in bed, trying to get some rest before a hard day of work, and the neighbors just won't quiet down! You can't tell if they're partying or having people over for dinner or just watching a loud movie, but something strange is going on there. Then, you step outside in the morning and see this on the corner. We'd be a little shocked, to say the least!
Why would a person ever need that much Nutella? Even if they were making a massive dessert, this person has to know that they sell family-size bottles at Costco, right?
Could That Actually Be the Real Life R2D2?
Everyone has a hobby or a series they're a big fan of, and sometimes those hobbies and fandoms show themselves in a person's style or the way they decorate their house. For this person's neighbor, that goes even deeper because this guy keeps a car in his driveway totally tricked out with Star Wars decals, insignias, and gadgets. For the whole neighborhood's sake, we just hope there aren't lightsaber fights happening in the street.
We used to be pretty big Star Wars fans back in the day too, but we're not so sure about the new films. Sometimes, you've got to leave the classics be, you know?
This Guy Is Taking DIY To Entirely New Levels
We all know those popular DIY videos online, but what about DIfY videos? That's right: do it for yourself videos. These are clips that feature people doing things that only benefit themselves, even at the expense of others. For example, the picture below shows one of these moments. When a blizzard hit this neighborhood, one person acted like a DIfY star and only cleared out room for the driver's side of their own car.
Every once in a while, we see a wholesome video of someone shoveling their neighbor's driveway or providing help during a storm. But, this is not one of those times.
Someone Might Be a Little Too Excited For Halloween
If you're one of those people who likes to decorate for the holidays, that's great! If you're not, that's great too. We have a handful of decorators and non-decorators at our office here. What we don't have is a person who decorates as much or puts as much effort into it as the person in the picture below. Imagine waking up every morning and seeing a different one of these tableaus out of your front window. this was the view out of your front window?
The holiday decorations themselves are cute enough, but do you think this person keeps a whole skeleton family in their basement for the rest of the year?
It's a Virtue To Know When To Give Up
So imagine you want to decorate for Christmas and impress all your neighbors with your magnificent light display, but there's a problem. Your next-door neighbor has their entire house tricked out in Christmas lights, and there's no way you're ever going to be able to compete. This person was in that exact same situation, and they thought of an inventive way to add to the neighborhood fun. We might even like their display better!
That house on the left must have an astronomical power bill during Christmas. We'd rather pay less and enjoy the lights from afar like this person decided to do.
Does the Neighbor's Dog Always Sit Like That?
Have you ever had a neighbor with a really weird pet? We don't mean just regular weird, like a cat that likes to sit on the roof or a dog that walks itself around the neighborhood. We're talking about extra weird: sitting on a fire hydrant instead of peeing on a fire hydrant type of weird. We're not sure if we've ever seen anything quite like this before, to be honest.
What amazes us most about this dog is that she's smiling! This doesn't look like her first rodeo, and she's probably either practicing so she can climb even higher objects next or playing that the floor is lava with her owner's and the neighbor's kids.
Nobody Does Anyone Any Favors Around Here Anymore
Remember the good old days when neighbors would get together and shovel the neighborhood's walkways and sidewalks after a storm? Well, that barely happens anymore in this neighborhood, as you can see by that big round mark in the snow where one person just slipped and fell. We're glad this house had a high window for us to see this hilarious picture, but wouldn't it be even better if there was a video?
This whole scene would be very peaceful if it wasn't for that big old butt-mark on the sidewalk. The least they could've done was spread out and make a proper snow angel, don't you think?
Okay, We Like These Guys
The image below features a genius plot that somebody borrowed from an old Monty Python sketch. By declaring the area in front of their house to be an area regulated by the Ministry of Silly Walks, this person ensures that everybody walking by their door would be forced to make them laugh. It's an ingenious way to have some fun, and at the end of the day, it's a harmful prank that everyone can enjoy.
After seeing this, we had a silly walks competition around the office. Let's just say it was a close battle, followed by a very, very heated argument.
This Poor Doggie Deserves a Chance To Play
This picture confused a lot of us at the office because we just couldn't understand what was going through this dog owner's mind. Apparently, those are chastity pants for his dog because he's worried about her getting pregnant. But she could be spayed, or he could keep an eye on her when she's outside to make sure she doesn't get in trouble. But, no, he decides to put pants on the dog instead.
Look how sad she looks in this picture. We think she just wants to play with the little guy in the foreground and also that those shorts are probably making it more difficult for her to walk around and explore.
Someone Needs To Read Up On Their Dog Breed Biology
Nobody likes a neighbor who tries to butt in and parent someone else's kids or raise someone else's pets, but that's exactly what the person in the picture below is dealing with. Even though their dog is a Siberian husky, a cold-weather breed, this person's neighbor is always complaining that it's too freezing for the dog to be outside during the winter. So, the dog owners snapped this picture to show just how much their dog doesn't care.
Even with perfect dry, less cold patches of concrete or grass to sit on, this dog still chooses the snow. Is anyone else shivering, though?
The Cat Likes the Food Over At The Neighbors House Better
We all want our pets to declare us as their favorite. There's something special about being the person they look forward to seeing, and this motivates us, as pet owners, to do some crazy things. We go out and buy their favorite food, we find new treats for them, but then out of nowhere, those ungrateful little stinkers leave home to sneak over to the neighbor's barbecue! Even worse, they come back, and they're not hungry for lunch anymore.
To be fair, that sausage looks pretty good, so this cat must have some good taste. You'd probably do the same if your choices were fresh sausages or fancy feast.
A Good One Stop Shop Makes Doing Errands So Much Easier
Big box stores get a lot of flack for making it harder for Mom and Pop shops to compete in today's global market. But, we love it when we see local businesses innovating to keep up with the times and make sure they can keep up. Just take Ernie, for example! Ernie realized his business was faltering, and he took action, adding a space at his plumbing and salvage yard for someone to run an interpretive dance center!
There must be some interesting characters coming in and out of Ernie's every day. Local workers, renowned ballerinas, it's got to be a fun neighborhood to live in, don't you think?