1. Paint Project Goals
Playing with paint is really fun and the fun doubles if you have a partner to play with. The look on their faces shows that they don’t regret it.
We can assume that these boys didn’t have any papers, so they decided to paint their faces.
2. “I Was Just Checking My Emails”
This photo is a prime example of why you should never leave electronics gadgets alone with kids.
The toddler doesn’t seem too much worried about it. Although there is some guilt on the baby’s face, we find it really adorable.
3. “Honey, We Need a New Couch”
If you have a toddler in your house, it is imperative for you to hide all the markers and pens. And do make sure you buy a special vault that should be used to store permanent markers.
This toddler was left alone and he knew how to make the best of the opportunity. So, he created something that’s not coming out anytime soon. Better buy a new couch.
4. Sugar Addict
This baby looks like he just loves sugar. We are not sure what the parents were thinking when they left their baby with a bag of powdered sugar.
The inevitable happened and this picture shows how much the kid enjoyed playing with powdered sugar.
5. Toilet Paper Fun Party
Many toddlers really love to spin toilet paper off the roll, but they can take it a bit further if you leave them alone in the bathroom for 20 seconds.
This toddler was left in the bathroom as well. As expected, toilet paper was removed from its holder and a huge mess was created. And just look how happy the toddler looks now.
6. Pillows with Fluffs? Bad Idea
If you have toddlers in your home, why would you even think about buying pillows with fluffs?
You made the mistake and now you must pay the price. At least these children had fun.
7. A Lesson Was Learned That Day
After seeing this photo, we are 100% confident that the parents learned a valuable lesson that day: never leave your child alone for even a second.
The only positive thing we can take out of this picture is that the kid managed to get some chocolate in his mouth. The rest is a big mess.
8. Lazy Crazy
You cannot really understand how a toddler thinks and this is a perfect example of that. Instead of holding the Doritos bag and watching TV, the kid decided to make eating more convenient.
We are not saying the kid did the wrong thing because it looks like an easier option.
9. A Future Artist in the Making
Kids absolutely love markers. When it comes to playing with markers, kids certainly don’t just stick to coloring books and notebooks.
This little girl is perhaps inspired by her mother and wanted to show that she has good makeup skills as well.
10. Colorful Cereal Looks Just Like Legos
If you are planning on buying colorful cereal for your kids to make eating breakfasts more fun for them, we would recommend you to consider this decision.
Well, colorful cereal may not entice your kids enough to eat them, but they will definitely tempt your little angels to play with them.
11. Let’s Make Omelette
When you leave eggs on the countertop or in the refrigerator, you have to keep one eye on your kid and the other on the eggs.
If you don’t, you’ll have to deal with the smell, cleaning up the mess and no eggs for breakfast.
12. Double Trouble
If you have one toddler, there will be a mess. If you have two toddlers, there will be a double mess. This goes on and on.
These little brother and sister know they are in trouble, but the brother has a look on his face that says “why did you leave us alone?”
13. Inviting Trouble Into Your Home
When mommy decided to put a box of sand in the house, she didn’t know that she was giving an open invitation to trouble.
We have to give full credit to parents for allowing their kid to play with the box of sand. We are sure they had fun cleaning the mess.
14. Getting a New Paint Job Done
This picture gives a loud and clear warning to all parents: never ever leave your kids alone in a room with paint.
It is best to not keep paint in the house, or else, you’ll have a new paint job regardless of your wishes.
15. Love for Peanut Butter
Peanut butter provides a lot of protein and apparently, this toddler has a fair bit of knowledge of peanut butter benefits.
That explains why he has covered his entire body with peanut butter. His smile shows he just loves peanut butter.
16. Unity is Strength
These siblings do prove that unity is strength. They have learned at such a small age that they have to work together as a team to achieve their goals.
Although a mess is created, we are sure the parents had a laugh after cleaning the kitchen.
17. Toliet Paper Amuse Toddlers
If you want to amuse a toddler, don’t bother buying toys. Just go to the store and buy a few toilet papers.
Kids love toilet papers and this picture shows how much this toddler is enjoying destroying a harmless toilet paper.
18. "No TV for Today”
Well, we must admit that it looks like a disaster. We are not sure what material is used on the TV, but it must have made the parents feel pretty angry.
But what can be done, right? How about keeping such items away from the reach of children…it looks like a sensible solution
19. You Learn From Your Mistakes…Eventually
Let’s face it, when you leave your child with food, you cannot expect from him/her to not create a mess.
At least the child was considerate enough to spread food on his face & body and not all over the house.
20. "My Baby Doll Needs Baby Powder As Well”
This is an adorable mistake and we are sure her parents didn’t get mad at her. She doesn’t even look apologetic.
She knows that her mommy uses baby powder on her, so it is understandable she tried to do the same to her baby doll as well.
21. Toys Belong on the Floor
Every parent will agree that even if they provide their kids tons of storage space for their toys, they’ll still manage to create a huge mess on the floor.

This little angel must put back all her toys in the storage spaces, but the problem is that she’s never done playing. So, that explains why toys are still on the floor.
22. Serving a Sentence
It seems like this toddler was making a mess in the house. So, the person in charge (the sister) decided to keep order in the house.

It looks like the kid isn’t much worried about going to jail. Look at the giant smile on her beautiful face.
23. A Terrible, Terrible Mess
We are not sure how this kid made such a mess. Maybe he opened the fridge to grab something to eat.

It is fair to assume that the kid won’t be allowed near the fridge anytime soon. We guess he’ll have to wait for the dust to settle.
24. Tea Party
While some kids have imaginary friends they love inviting for a tea party, this kiddo has a really loyal friend.

The doggo is quite okay with the idea of a tea party, but the costume is making him feel a bit anxious.
25. "Meet Our Dog Patience"
It won’t be a big surprise to know if the owners have named their dog Patience. This picture shows why dogs are so freaking awesome.

It is such a cute picture because the doggo is not moving only to ensure the toddler has a fun time playing with his toys.
26. Chocolate Beard
This little angel loves chocolate so much that she has smeared it all over her face. She now looks like a baby with a dark brown beard.

Maybe she wanted a beard like Santa Claus. Nevertheless, she looks super adorable.
27. Bubble Bath Time
Now, this is a picture that shows why it is dangerous to leave toddlers alone. As these toddlers were alone, they decided to get a bath unsupervised.

Although this picture is cute, it is still best to make sure kids are never left alone.
28. The Look of Shame
This little girl is fully aware that she has done something she wasn’t supposed to do. Well, at least she knows she’ll get away with this look of shame.

We feel bad for her because she was thinking about creating a masterpiece to impress her parents. Better luck next time kiddo.
29. All Laughs
We must admit that we find this pair super hilarious. We are certain the parents had great laughter as well.

The older sister wanted a new look and she chose a perfect partner to help her achieve it, her baby sister.
30. Shaving Cream is Fun
This kid knew how to channel her inner artist and she used none other than shaving cream. Now, that’s what you call creativeness.

The smug smile on her face just shows how much she enjoyed her little project.
31. Future Doctor
This little girl wants to become a doctor when she grows up. Until then, she will keep on practicing how to be a doctor.

The doggo is one of her recent patients and he looks a little confused and unhappy as well.
32. One Family
The little girl was drinking milk in her glass when she tipped it and slipped milk everywhere. The cats wasted no time in making the best of the opportunity.

As we know that there is no use to cry over spilled milk, the little girl simply started drinking it off the floor.
33. Electronic Canvas
Although this girl had her first experience playing with the Microsoft Paint, she wanted to take it to the next level.

As it seems like she has already painted her face, she wanted more and there was no better option than this electronic canvas.
34. Follow the Steps
If you want to catch the culprit, just follow the steps. By looking at this picture, we can assume that it wasn’t difficult to catch the guilty party.

She is quite immature at this; otherwise, she would’ve covered her tracks. What’s more interesting is that she slept at the crime scene.
35. "Of Course, The Dog Did It”
It seems like the parents knew who the real guilty party was, but they still asked their little angel.
As expected, she named the doggo as the mastermind behind all this mess.
36. Tug of War
This is a photo that shows how much dogs love playing with kids. The doggo wants to play with the toys as well, but the toddler doesn’t like sharing.

Well, it seems like they have to play tug of war to decide on who is going to play with the toy.
37. White, Soft Canvas
The kid wanted to draw something and would’ve preferred a black canvas. But he had to make the best of available resources.

So, the kid used his white doggo as the canvas. And by the looks of it, the dog seems perfectly fine with it.
38. Flour on The Floor
One of the most favorite items kids love to destroy is flour. Therefore, it is best to keep it out of reach of your children.

Apparently, the parents forgot to store the destructive edible item somewhere safe. As expected, the kids found it and created a mess in the entire kitchen.
39. Two Expressions, One Perfect Shot
Okay, this is a perfect shot that shows how much kids love peanut butter. They just go crazy whenever they get their hands on some peanut butter.

This three-year-old sister Emily is busy in covering her little brother, Ethan, in peanut butter and it is just super hilarious
40. Caught White-Handed
Although this kid is caught white-handed, he is showing no remorse whatsoever. In fact, he is still having a prime time of his life.
We must appreciate the level of confidence of this baby. By the way, he is working on his big project.
41. Getting Caught Easily
This little angel got hold of green paint and what happens next is still a mystery. All we know is that she had a great time.

Although her hands seem like they are dipped in green paint, her face tells that it won’t be easy to take a confession out of her.
42. Cat Race Track
This is a picture of a really patient cat. Although cats are known for their impatience, this cat is showing how to live with toddlers.

This kid just wanted a black surface to imitate car race track and he sure did find one.
43. Babies Love Bathrooms, Don’t They?
So, from our list you must’ve taken one big lesson that kids really love bathrooms and that’s why they cause the most havoc in them.

If you haven’t paid attention so far, you’re welcome to give it a try. You can only learn from your mistakes, right?
44. Painted Lady
First of all, just have a look at the facial expression of this young lady. It looks like she is angry at the parents for finding her like this.

This little princess found a bucket of white paint and decided to paint herself in all white. It looks like she didn’t even care about her footprints. We are quite sure the parents apologized to her and promised to never make the same mistake again.
45. The Future Picasso
It seems like the baby is being taught some lessons and the picture grabs the toddler’s look of shame.

We just hope that the parents weren’t too harsh on this little cutie. One thing can be said with certainty that this future Picasso thinks the entire world is his canvas and we don’t blame him for it.
46. Cleaning the Mess
The toddlers have caused a troublesome mess and we are not sure what they were trying to do.
As they have spilled Cheerios on the floor, they seem more worried about the ones that went underneath the oven.
47. Why the Sad Faces?
By looking at this picture, one can easily see that these girls know trouble is coming their way.

They look embarrassed by their actions, but what can be done now, right? They can’t do anything about it. The parents need to be more careful in the future.
48. A Greasy Disaster
Well, this girl is probably caught by her dad or mom and she is in the mid-cry state. She knows that only her innocence can save her now.

We can’t help but wonder why she didn’t stop when she got butter all over the counter, her hair, and even the pajamas.
49. Not the Place to Leave Your Child Unattended
Among all the places, this is certainly not the place where you should leave your child unsupervised. Not only it is not safe, but your child may also end up doing something that can cost you a lot of money.

Fortunately, the kid was not the kitchen/electronic section. The fact that the mother/father took some time to take the picture, it shows he/she has a good humor about it.
50. Hulk Fan
Well, it looks quite obvious that this kid is a huge fan of the hulk. He may not turn into the hulk, but he can surely color himself green.

It looks like he is enjoying this slow transformation and whoever is watching him isn’t stopping him either.
51. Jelly Lover
This baby looks like Pooh after eating honey. We are certain this cutie pie loves jelly and is wasted after eating a jar of it.

This is such a hilarious scene that the parents couldn’t help but take the picture. Although it created a sticky mess, we are sure the parents weren’t in a rush to clean it up.
52. Not Ashamed At All
These are the kinds of scenes which make people think that they are happy to be living on their own.

The kids look happy so it means the parents are much upset over this cute incident. It looks great that parents cherish these sorts of moments.
53. "Bro, Really?”
This picture is pure gold. You must have seen it somewhere on the internet. From the looks of it, we can assume that this picture shows the true face of betrayal.

The parent interrogates who did all the mess and the kid replies, “the dog did it.” And that explains the facial expression of the dog that clearly says, “bro, really?” We are sure the dog must’ve come up with a plan to get even with his so-called “best friend.”
54. Bean Bag Mess
When you have two kids in the house who are known for making a mess every now and then, it is best to not buy anything that makes their job easier.

The parents bought a bean bag without considering the fact that there are two savages in the house. As expected, the boys emptied the bean bag and supposed that there is snow on the floor.
55. A Little Girl’s Dilemma
This is one of the most adorable pictures you will ever find on the internet. This picture perfectly shows a little girl’s dilemma. She has so many lollypops and so little time that she can’t decide what to do next.
She has spent so much time thinking about it that she is completely exhausted. Her parents might have tried to talk some sense into her, but we are certain she must’ve promised not to do this again with a lollypop in her mouth.
56. Cake Face
Any parent would agree that kids can be some of the most stubborn people in the world. They do whatever they want to do and no one can stop them (who would dare to stop if they start making this type of face).

Well, this baby wanted a cake but didn’t want to eat it with a fork (how uncivilized, right). His parents didn’t have the courage to stop their baby and he enjoyed the cake like any baby would’ve enjoyed. We are glad he didn’t use a fork to eat his cake.
57. A Big Tangle
Well, this scene is definitely not from the famous Disney animation movie “Tangled.” That’s because he is a little boy and also he has no long hair. Nevertheless, we found this picture extremely hilarious.

The boy found a roll of yarn and had a ball. So, he did the most obvious thing and wrapped himself with one single strand of yarn.
58. Messy Eaters
These adorable twins really love their food, but they are two messy eaters who cannot eat anything without creating a huge mess.

Given that they are eating peanut butter and have it all over on their fingers and faces, it kind of clarifies why they are a messy eater.
59. Just a Little Snack
It looks like this adorable girl was hungry and wanted a snack. We are not sure how she got her hands on the Cheerios, but it seems like she was quite lucky at that time.

Upon finding her favorite snack, she dumped it all and decided to eat it. Her parents caught her in the act and decided to take a picture of this loveable thief.
60. Not Crying Over Spilled Milk
This boy is certainly not crying over spilled milk. In fact, he seems really proud of it. This boy wanted to feel independent and decided to get a glass of milk himself.

Well, that did not turn out as expected but he isn’t fazed by it as much as we anticipated.
61. Having a Butter Bath
If a young boy like this one finds a tub of butter, what do you think he would do? Instead of minding his own business, he will take a bath in it.

We can’t help but think about how the parents cleaned the kitchen. After all, it must’ve been really slippery after this butter bath. Nevertheless, the kid looks super happy, so we are happy for this little bundle of joy.