This article was originally published on VisualChase
You Can Stare At Your Baby For Hours
There is nothing more magical than welcoming a child after months of anticipation. When they arrive, any parent will agree that their innocence and cuteness is perfection itself, which makes it basically impossible to not stare at them for hours.
No matter how much of an adjustment it may be to bring a baby home, those peaceful moments remind us that it’s all worth it.
Changing A Diaper Is Not For The Faint-Hearted
Many parents will agree that changing a diaper takes some skill. The experience can be incredibly messy and overwhelming at first, but nothing like some practice runs to learn it to perfection.
In this illustration though, the artist depicts how the situation is sometimes so messy down there that it requires taking cover. For the parent who is not on duty though, it can be extremely entertaining.
The First Time The Baby Latches
The first time the baby latches can be a magical and highly awaited moment for new mothers. But it is important to emphasize that breastfeeding can be a hard and often tumultuous journey, that its' not always easy for everyone.
Yet, it can certainly serve as an incomparable bonding experience for the mother and the child, which makes that first moment one of the most special milestones of having a child.
When The Baby Refuses To Fall Asleep
Sleep deprivation is a huge thing once you have a baby. No matter how many times other parents tell you that sleep will never be the same, one only understands what that really means once the baby is there.
Here, the illustrator realistically shows just how exhausting some nights may be, especially when the baby simply refuses to fall asleep.
Their First Bath Doesn't Always Go As Planned
Since almost everything about having a small baby is an adventure, bath time is certainly not an exception. Most especially though, the first baths can definitely require two people managing the entire situation.
There are so many steps that go into bathing a baby: getting the right water temperature, choosing the perfect bathtub, but most of all, keeping the baby safe and happy during the entire process.
Those First Shots Are Also A Shot To The Heart
Getting vaccinated in general is already a tough experience, but watching your newborn go through their first few shots is incredibly painful.
Though the pain is not inflicted directly on the parent, most parents can testify to the fact that they do “feel” the pain, mainly in their hearts. As both parents show here, the pain is shared.
It May Take Some Time Until You Sleep Again
When you have a baby, suddenly falling asleep absolutely everywhere and at any time may become a recurring situation. But there is nothing more rewarding than doing so together, since each parent will be exhausted.
In this picture, the young couple depicts the beauty of going through something so hard together. As the real-life portrait of the family shared here, they have clearly survived and thrived despite those sleepless nights.
You Have To Be Prepared At All Times
Just like any adult can have acid reflux, babies have what’s known as infant reflux. This means that most, if not all babies, do vomit from time to time, especially in the first weeks and months of their lives.
Anything from prolonged crying or regular indigestion may result in it. So brace yourselves new parents because the vomiting is about to begin.
Parenting Can Be Really Tough Sometimes
Times can get really tough when you're a first-time parent. Though the happy moments certainly make up for the hard times, anyone is susceptible to feeling like they're not doing a good job at being a dad or a mom.
This illustration painfully shows that sometimes all we need is to cry in our partner's arms and to be reminded that we are worth it, and despite the difficulties, we are wonderful parents.
Going Anywhere Becomes The Ultimate Mission
When you have a baby going anywhere, even to a short walk to the park, becomes the ultimate mission. You always want to be as prepared as possible, meaning that you may need tons of things to keep your baby clean, fed, and happy.
And of course, if the outing involves two people, there is always that one person that carries the entire thing.
Getting The Baby Dressed Is A Job For Two
Even though a baby is a tiny little thing in comparison to an adult, when they arrive, they rule the house. And sometimes simple jobs such as getting them dressed while they'rere constantly moving or throwing a tantrum can easily be a job for two.
Here, the illustrator shows the struggle that he and his wife sometimes go through to get the baby dressed.
The First Time You Leave The Baby Overnight
There are a number of milestones parents go through as the baby grows up that can feel like the end of the world. Parents are still people after all, and they need some time for themselves every once in a while.
In this image, the parents have just left their baby with the grandmother overnight for the first time, and the mother is not taking it so easily.
Couples Who Get Chubby Together, Stay Together
Many of us have seen the hashtag #couplegoals going around, showcasing "perfect" couples with the most ripped bodies we can imagine. Well, this illustrator decided to keep things real.
He shows that things do change over time, and our clothes may never look or fit the same. Yet, there is nothing more beautiful to go through this journey together, acknowledging that health and love are all that matters.
Those Aggressive Love Scratches
Babies have interesting ways of showing their love and affection. Just like grown-ups, some babies are very "independent". Other babies do certainly love to cuddle, and since they are babies, those hugs and kisses may come accompanied with some scratches and a lot of drool.
For parents though, those moments are cherished with so much love that the extra stuff doesn't matter.
The Baby Rules The Bed
Parents from all walks of life approach sleep training differently. While some try and have their babies sleep in their crib from the very beginnings, other parents are more flexible with sleeping with the baby on the bed with them.
But those who do will most certainly identify with this hilarious image. The couple clearly shows just how the child completely takes over the bed at night.
Everything Shuts Down When You're Putting The Baby To Sleep
Putting the baby to sleep is another arduous ritual that most parents will relate to. When they finally figure out what helps their baby fall asleep they do everything in their power to keep the moment as uninterrupted as possible.
Absolutely anything can disrupt the moment, so when the baby finally falls asleep, everyone is determined to make it last.
The First Time They Go To Daycare Is Just Painful
Now here's another milestone that breaks many parents. It takes a lot of strength and determination to keep ourselves together the first day we leave our children at daycare.
The baby cries, the parents cry, other kids start crying, and the entire experience is just chaotic and heartbreaking. Yet, like many other things that are hard in parenthood, it gets better.
It's A Food Fight Every Day
In many ways, raising a baby means experiencing simple things for the first time through the eyes of a tiny human being. One of these things includes introducing solid food and different flavors that the baby may or may not like.
Here, the parents not only show the daily reality of feeding a baby (which means food all over the place), but also the struggle that it can be sometimes.
Showing Affection Becomes A Little Bit Different
It's undeniable that things change in a relationship once a baby joins the family. Life does become about the well-being of that child, and parents often put their relationship second.
Simple moments like giving a small kiss, lying down on the couch or in bed watching a movie, or going for a romantic picnic, are altered a little bit to accommodate the cute and tiny human being.
You Get To Create Masterpieces With Your Baby's Hair
Doing a child's hair is yet again another mission that may or may not take much longer than anyone would ever expect. To this father's satisfaction though, he seems to have just triumphed in making a cute hairstyle for his toddler.
As the real-life photo coming up shows, creating different hairstyles is one of the father-daughter duo's favorite ways to bond.
This Is What Father And Daughter Get Up To In Real Life
As Kobe Bryant reminded the world, being a "girl dad" comes with some awesome perks. Here, we finally get to see the dad and the baby girl that has inspired some of the most relatable illustrations any parent will ever see.
In this cute selfie, he shows just how much fun it is to do her hair while hilariously matching it with his. But if you think they look alike in this photo, wait until you see the entire family's real-life photo.
Nursing A Teething Baby
Not many things can describe the pain of breastfeeding a teething baby. While breastfeeding itself is already no easy task, when those little teeth start coming up the pain is inexpressible.
Needless to say that it's the kind of pain that one never gets used to, so it takes some teamwork to get through it. One thing that could help, as illustrated above, is squeezing your partner.
Your Life Become All About The Baby
It may take a while to grasp the full chaotic situation in this picture, so take your time. Perhaps there is no better illustration to show just how much goes on when raising a child.
The exhaustion is constant, toys can be found everywhere, and a nap may happen at any time, or depending on the baby's schedule. Here, the parents are all wrapped up in each other taking a much-needed snooze.
Documenting Every Milestone
Documenting every step and every moment of a child's development is crucial for any parent. With phones being an integral part of our lives these days, we get to capture and sometimes even over-capture every important moment in a child's life.
Here, the couple is witnessing the first time their baby starts crawling. Quickly, they grabbed their phone and snapped every part of it.
Mama For Everyone
This might be one of the most hilarious and relatable pictures of the series. As we said, when a child is born, the dynamics of a couple's relationship may change a little.
In this drawing though, the illustrator decided to make one thing very clear. He was as excited to see his wife undress for her much-deserved shower as their child was.
You May Never Get To Do Anything Alone Again
Parents-to-be may not know this, but once there is a child in the home, almost nothing can ever be done alone again.
That includes sleeping alone, walking around the house alone, and even the most private moment like using the toilet alone. Children require attention and if that means following a parent absolutely everywhere, they are ready to do it.
Intimate Time Also Looks A Bit Different
Continuing the argument that nothing will ever be the same again, here's another perfect example of it.
Yes, even the most intimate and necessary moments in a couple's life become completely different when there is a baby in the picture. In this case, the new parents were in a "bonding moment" when their kid started crying - who can't relate?
When You Find Out You Have Less Hair
Many of us unfortunately experience hair loss as we get older, especially if we live stressful lives. Now, having a baby can be stressful, though our bodies react differently.
In this illustration, the artist shares his desperation when he realizes he's losing tons of hair, while his wife's "Rapunzel" hair becomes stronger by the minute.
The First Time Your Baby Says "Mama"
Any parent cherishes the anticipation of hearing their child calling them "mama" or "papa" for the first time. In this hilarious drawing, the artist illustrated his wife's reaction to their daughter saying "mama" for the first time.
He humorously suggests that her happy tears were so many that he barely managed to walk without getting completely wet. What can you do, that's what a mother's love looks like!
You Realize That Baby Poop Is Lethal
One thing's for sure, no matter how cute and adorable a baby may be, when it comes to farting and pooping there is nothing cute about it. Those very natural occurrences can have the most lethal smell one can imagine.
In this illustration, the guy alludes to the many times our partners walk up with the baby just after they pooped, not taking into consideration the fact that we may be in the middle of a meal.
Going To The Beach Looks Different
"Bouncing back" after having a child is hard, and unfortunately not enough people talk about this. Women all over the world struggle to come to terms with the fact that bodies change after literally growing, carrying, and birthing a child.
Here, the artist decided to pinpoint that it may take some time for the mother to feel comfortable again to show off that beach body again.
Mission Accomplished
There is something so powerful about seeing our partners grow into wonderful mothers and fathers. How many parents have had that appreciation and admiration moment for the exhausted yet incredible partners they chose to raise a child with?
In this powerful documentation of their daily lives, the artist shares the moment his wife fell asleep putting their baby to bed while the baby instinctively clings to her mom's arms.
What Putting The Baby To Sleep In Real Life Looks Like
Now here's another incredibly cute picture that the illustrator himself graced his social media followers with - him as he holds his daughter. While the sacred moment of putting a baby to bed in the evening can come with its challenges, there are days where all the baby wants is a cuddle.
This picture is a clear example of one of those days, where holding that baby is a reminder that the challenges and the hard times mean little when we get to have our baby in our arms.
Desperately Baby Proofing The House
While each milestone may signify something enormous, there is something powerfully chaotic that happens once a child starts walking.
Not many parents realize how this completely changes things since the child can now reach and bump into places that she has never reached before. Here, both parents are quickly baby proofing the house as quickly as possible before the child destroys everything.
When You Swim As A Family
Needless to say that there is always that one person who loves peeing in the pool. But when you have a kid, you can basically blame all of these little things on the baby, especially when they can't talk yet.
Unfortunately for the dad though, he didn't realize that in some pools there is a little product that calls you out as soon as you pee underwater.
The Difference A Screen Makes
Introducing screens to small babies is one of the most debatable subjects in the parenting community everywhere in the world.
But for parents who do decide to introduce their kids to some screen time, the feeling of realizing that something can in fact keep them hypnotized for more than five minutes is humongous. In this picture, the artist shows just how fascinating that realization can be for parents.
Sometimes All You Need Is A Break
Another very relatable moment for a parent is that one (or two, or three) time that you simply can no longer deal with a crying baby.
Tantrums happen, and when they do, it can be extremely overwhelming. So if hiding in the closet or in a dark room for a bit while our partner deals with the situation are what is going to keep you going, then you do you!
It Takes A Team To Complete All Baby Tasks
It takes time to master the art of attending to all of our baby's needs. Parents worldwide will agree that in order to get things done, a support system is crucial.
Some jobs just need two pairs of hands to be done and this drawing emphasizes why. Both parents seem to be extremely concentrated as they do their best to follow through with a thousand baby tasks.
When You Just Need To Grow Up
Growing up has its perks, but it also comes with a bunch of responsibilities. Though the illustrator shared this one as a joke, it's a good wake-up call for those very supportive partners out there to step up in their home duties.
He jokingly shows the moment he was put on grocery shopping duty but had absolutely no idea what pasta to buy. Thankfully, his wife believes in him.
You Always Think You Know What's Best For The Baby
Now here's another one that really takes things home for any parent. Every single parent out there believes that they know exactly what is best for their child. An in some cases parents don't always agree, so the recurrent argument of "I know what's best for her" comes through every once in a while.
Yet, it's an important reminder that though it's tough, it all comes from love and wanting the wellbeing of their child.
When You Pass On To Another Stage
This illustration signifies so much for any parent. It highlights the different stages that every parent experiences with their children, be it the first time they walk, their first word, the first day of daycare, the first day of primary school, and the list goes on.
For the artist himself, he chose to share the day he and his wife had been parents for a year and a half, and despite the hardships, had been successfully raising a beautiful girl together.
When You Surrender To Tiredness Together
Having discipline is good and necessary, but seriously, which parents out there can't say that they haven't given in to the exhaustion every once in a while.
As much as it's important to keep eating healthy and exercising even when our routines completely change with a baby, we all need a break. So parents (and non-parents) will easily relate to choosing to eat snacks and lay on the couch instead of doing everything else.
"You Are Gonna Be A Big Sister"
Bringing a sibling to the world is a chapter that many parents dream of. Growing a family is a big thing, and one of the most magical and scariest moments for any parent.
This drawing, however, shares the joy and the hope that comes from the first ultrasound of a second baby in the family. It also shares the moment they get to tell their baby girl that she is about to become a big sister.
Here's The Actual Family!
In this family portrait, we finally get to see the entire family behind the incredible illustrations in this article. The pair began dating as students in college and since then, they have earned an avid following from all over the world, after going viral in 2017.
Since then, they have won several awards for their talented depiction of real-life scenarios, and perhaps, the next illustration couldn't be more accurate to real life.
Easing your Baby's Pain
And lastly, there is no better way to conclude this series of illustrations with one of the most relatable of all, doing everything in our power to ease our baby's pain.
Our hearts hurt when our babies hurt themselves, so although the tactics are different, any parent will relate to making a drawing on a bandage, "hitting" the object that hurt the child, or giving a kiss on the wound so that it eases the baby's pain.