This article was originally published on RightLivin
The Most Colorful Set of Eyes
Talk about rare eye colors; this guy has three different colors in one eye. We're not sure what the chances of this are, but it's probably pretty low. He has green, blue, and brown all in one, and it's really cool to look at. He probably also gets asked about it quite often, as it's the first thing you notice about him when you first see his face. It just sticks out.
However, that's a good thing, as who wouldn't want to have multiple eye colors? You'd be something like one in a million. Okay, we're not sure about the chances, but it's got to be something like that.
Their Fingers Don't Have a Middle Joint
This might just be the opposite of having double-jointed fingers. Someone posted this photo of their hand and said that they were missing joints. It's not hard to tell what joint they're missing as you can clearly see there aren't any joint marks in the middle of their fingers. By the looks of this photo they posted online, It also appears as if they can only bend the tips of their fingers. How unique!
It's definitely really cool to look at. We've seen double jointed fingers before, but single-jointed fingers are a new one for us.
This Guy Was Born With an Off-Center Pupil
The eyes are often one of the first places we look (no pun intended) when we meet someone. So, we're sure this guy's off-center pupil is one of the first things people notice when they first meet him. He posted this photo online and said that he was born with his pupil being off-center. It's really unique to see, and it makes us wonder if it affects his vision at all.
After all, the eye is a pretty delicate organ, and even the slightest abnormalities can affect it and impair vision. Hopefully, it just affects the way his eyes appear, though.
An Index Finger for a Thumb
This one is really cool to look at. This person is missing his thumb. Instead, he has his index finger, where a thumb would usually be. It looks pretty awesome, and we're sure he gets asked about it quite a bit. Plus, it appears his offset finger can probably be used the same way a thumb could be used, so it seems like a win-win for this unique person.
If his thumb index functions just like a thumb, then he really isn't missing out on too much, as that's all you really need. Plus, he has a pretty fascinating conversation starter wherever he goes. However, it might be a bit difficult to find gloves that actually fit.
Like Father Like Son: Webbed Toes Version
This one isn't too uncommon. This father posted a photo of his newborn son's feet next to his own. As you can see, his son inherited his webbed toes. The second and third toes are conjoined to make one large toe. This kid will have something cool to show off on the playground whenever he gets old enough to go to school one day. Until then, he'll just have to be content with showing off his toes online.
If you were curious, there is a surgery that's able to separate toes like this, but since they don't negatively affect how a person walks, runs, or swims, many people leave them as is.
Stomach Hair That Aligns With Your Bellybutton Is so Last Year
This one is really cool to look at. This guy's belly button hair doesn't actually line up with their bell button. Instead, it just passes off to the side. It's kind of messing with our brains since we're not used to seeing belly button hair that isn't perfectly lined up with a belly button. We're not exactly sure what caused this, but it's definitely a conversation starter at pool parties.
We also imagine that this guy was just as surprised as everyone else when they hit puberty, and their belly button hair was growing off to one side instead of straight down the middle.
Her Hair and Eyelashes Are Half Blonde-Half Brunette
While our bodies are usually pretty good at being symmetrical, sometimes they don't exactly get it all the way right. For example, this person has two different colored eyelashes. One set of lashes is dark, while the other set appears to be blonde. And this is also apparently the case with her hair. While she could easily dye her hair, dying her eyelashes would probably be a bit extreme. But why would she ever want to, anyway?
It just looks so unique and beautiful to have one set of lashes and half your hair a different color than the other set/half. Some people pay good money to get this look for their hair!
Hyperhidrosis Makes This Person's Hands and Feet Really Sweaty
Most of us have experienced sweaty palms before when we've been nervous or something. And we think it's safe to say it's not very comfortable. So, imagine having Hyperhidrosis, a condition in which your hands sweat (a lot) whether you're nervous or not. That's what this guy has, so he posted a photo of his hands online to show everyone how his hands look on an average day. Those droplets you see are sweat.
The condition also affects his feet. We have nothing but respect for the person who posted this photo online and embraced his condition.
The Result of a Severed Achilles Tendon
Here's one that happened after a dramatic injury. This person's Achilles tendon was severed, resulting in their calve muscle looking like this. Even the idea of having our Achilles tendon severed makes us wince. We're not sure why the doctors weren't able to link his muscle back up, but for whatever reason, he was left with one leg that looks quite a bit different from the other.

Fortunately, this is a pretty interesting conversation starter, and we'd be the first to ask to hear that story if we saw this guy at the pool or beach somewhere.
A Baby Tooth That Won't Go Away
Most of us were born with a set of baby teeth, but people usually lose these as they grow older, and a new set takes its place. Not so for this woman, who still has one of her baby teeth that refuses to fall out. She probably wouldn't be able to grow a replacement even if it did fall out for some reason. So, she's just stuck with one small tooth.
She seems to be perfectly okay with her one small tooth, and we're happy for her. It just means that her smile is a bit more unique than most.
His Ring Finger Gets Like This Whenever He's Cold
This guy's finger isn't always this color. Instead, it only turns this ghostly white color when he's cold. Most of the time, it's the same color as the rest of his hand. We're sure this has led to plenty of questions over the years, but thankfully, he isn't trying to hide it and doesn't appear to be ashamed of it. This might be happening due to something called Raynaud's phenomenon, but he didn't specify the condition in his photo.
We're not sure if there's any physical discomfort from this, but it looks pretty cool, kind of like he rubbed his finger in some chalk or something. Oh, and this also happens to the same finger on both of his hands.
A Grey Eyelash That's Longer Than the Rest
This one certainly is one of a kind. For whatever reason, this person grows a singular grey eyelash on the right side of his face. Not only that, but it grows incredibly long if they let it. This isn't a bad thing to have, but we do imagine that it probably could hurt a bit to pull it out, considering where it's located. Or they could just cut and trim it like they would any hair.
We also imagine that it might mess up or get stuck in their eye if they let it grow too long, meaning it does have the potential to become a nuisance. But we're sure this person knows just how to take care of it.
An Uvula That's Split in Two
This one is usually inherited, and it's called a split uvula. It's basically exactly what it sounds like and means that your uvula in the back of your mouth is split right down the middle to look something like this. It's not harmful or anything, and it'd probably actually be pretty hard to notice even if you did have one. It'd take a lot of staring into the mirror.
And if you were curious, around 2% of the population have one, meaning it's pretty rare. We just wonder if this has any effect on their voice or how loud they can yell.
Doesn't Matter How Long Bath Time Is, Half Their Finger Doesn't Prune
Here's another abnormality that occurred after an incident. This person severed a nerve in one of their fingers. Among other things, it led to this particular finger no longer being able to prune. So, it doesn't matter how long they stay in the water this finger will never start pruning like the others on his hand. It probably doesn't affect his hands negatively, as pruning is just the result of shrinking blood vessels.
It'd also be pretty hard to tell the difference unless you were looking closely at their fingers after getting out of the water. The severed nerve also probably means that they have less feeling in this finger compared to the other.
Here's What a Scar in Your Eye Can Look Like
Injuries can be pretty scary. However, injuries to your eyes are just on another level. We can't even properly put Visine in our eyes without flinching. So, we're sure this person was frightened when they had what appears to have been a pretty serious eye injury. It was so serious that it left a scar on their eye, which we didn't even know was possible. But the mark is there.
And it's really extraordinary looking. We're sure it was frightening for them, but at least they got a really gorgeous effect out of it.
Only 1/4 Redhead (or Should We Say Redbeard)
No, this guy didn't go and have his beard dyed in different colors; he posted this photo online and said that his hair just grows that way. It's a pretty cool-looking pattern, too, since it basically just runs down one side of his beard. It also appears that he's decided to grow his beard to show it off, and why not? Who else can say they have a multicolored beard?
That is a multicolored beard without the help of dye. We just wonder if it would change colors if he did decide to dye it eventually or if it'd just retain its orange hue.
Don't Mess With This Guy - He Has No Fingerprints
There's a crime novel somewhere here just waiting to be written. This guy posted a photo of himself pressing his finger against a piece of paper. He's trying to show that, unlike almost everyone else in the world, he doesn't actually have fingerprints or toeprints. So, if he ever gets booked into a police station, they're going to have a bit of trouble trying to process and get him into the system.
This is actually a genetic mutation that's called adermatoglyphia, and no, we do not know how to properly pronounce that word. But only a handful of families worldwide are thought to have the mutation, meaning it's an extremely rare mutation that makes them perfectly suited for pulling off a heist. (We're just kidding.)
An Unbendable Right Thumb Thanks to a Missing Joint
There are a couple of photos on this list with people missing their middle joints entirely. However, this might be the only one with a person missing a singular joint. For whatever reason, one of her thumb's joints didn't develop, so one of her thumbs is perfectly average, while the other one is missing a joint. That means the one missing the joint can't be bent at all, which is kind of fascinating, considering thumbs only have one joint to begin with.
We're not sure if that means it has to stay straight all of the time or not, but it seems as though it's not that uncomfortable if they're willing to share and talk about it.
Extra Bone Growth in the Mouth
This person has something called torus mandibular, which basically means they have extra (and mostly harmless) bone growth in their mouth. It actually looks like there's an extra row of teeth behind their first set, but that's not really the case. It probably isn't too uncomfortable when it comes to things like eating, and if he was born with this, then we're sure he's used to having it by now.
People would also be completely unaware of it unless this guy was to open his mouth and show them. Luckily, he has a great set of teeth if he ever wants to do just that.
Can You Spot the Extra Toe? Hint: It's Miniature
Okay, so this one is really mind-boggling to look at. This guy has an extra toe on his big toe, and it even grows its own nail. That's kind of cool and kind of fascinating all at the same time. However, it seems as though he's used to it since he's casually posting about it online. This one might be hard to break out at parties, but we're sure he gets lots of questions at pools and beaches.
The shape is pretty neat, too, since it looks exactly like a toe, only smaller, but we guess that makes sense. Our brains are just having a hard time accepting it.
Wisdom Teeth With a (striped) Twist
You might be forgiven for thinking that these are teeth with cavities the first time you look at them. Instead, they're completely healthy, and the only reason they were removed was that they were wisdom teeth. However, when the dentist got them out, they discovered that the teeth were stripped for some reason. It might just be a unique mutation, and we're sure it doesn't really affect the teeth' quality.

Still, they are pretty neat to look at. It's almost hard to tell that they're actually teeth the first time you glance at them. We wonder if she ended up keeping them.
His Fingers Started Growing Hair After a Skin Graft He Got 16 Years Ago
Sure, most men grow a small amount of hair on their fingers. However, this guy shared a photo of his fingers growing more than just a small amount. And it wasn't a condition that he was born with, unlike most of the other photos on this list. Instead, this started happening after he received a skin graft on his fingers. We imagine that the areas they took the skin from probably have something to do with this.
Those areas probably grew hair and just continued to do so after the skin was grafted onto his fingers. All in all, it just seems like it'd be a minor annoyance.
Small Big Toes
It's not super uncommon to have big toes that are a bit smaller than most, which is what this guy has. However, his big toes are a bit smaller than most. They're actually a bit smaller than his third toe. Of course, he looks to be okay with it, and we imagine that it probably doesn't really affect his day-to-day life too much. It'd also be really hard to tell unless he wasn't wearing socks.

The only place someone would be able to tell would be at, like, a pool or beach, and even then, you'd have to be paying a lot of attention to see any difference.
That's Not Nail Polish, That's a Birthmark
Birthmarks are pretty common, but we've never seen one that's underneath someone's nail. This person has a birthmark that leaves a pinstripe underneath their fingernail, and our brains are just working overtime thinking about all of the nail art possibilities. We suppose they could also just have it painted over, but it'd probably be pretty difficult to cover up entirely. You'd probably have to use really dark colors to hide it.

Hopefully, though, they don't try to hide it when getting work done and instead just incorporate it in a cool way because it's pretty awesome and unique as far as birthmarks go.
His Veins Have Something to Say - Literally
We're not sure how common or not it is to have veins that form different patterns. However, we are pretty sure that it's uncommon to have veins that spell out words. This guy noticed that his veins spell out "yo" and "hi." The veins on his left hand spell out "yo," while "hi" can be seen on his right hand. Now, we're just curious as to how much staring it took to figure this out.
We're sure this isn't just something you casually notice while going about your day. It probably had to take quite a bit of time to notice the differences here.
This Person Grows Extra Teeth and Casually Pulls Them Out
Sometimes our bodies just do unexpected things. For example, for some reason, this guy's body just randomly decides to grow extra teeth every now and then. They're not proper teeth either and instead look like tiny bones. He posted this photo and said he pulled the tiny tooth in the photo from the roof in his mouth. He also worded his explanation in a way that suggests this happens quite often.

That's kind of a funny thing for his body to do, but we suppose as long as it's not too painful for him, then it's not really that big of a deal. Though, we couldn't imagine having to pull out teeth by ourselves every once in a while.
No Topmost Joints Makes for Perfect 90-Degree Angles
Unless you're double-jointed, odds are you probably have a little bit of trouble bending your fingers at perfect right angles. Well, that's not a problem for this guy, who posted a couple of photos of himself bending his fingers are near-perfect right angles. The reason he can do this is that his index fingers are missing their topmost joints. It probably doesn't come in handy for everyday tasks very much, but it does look kind of cool.
We're not sure if this guy was just born able to do this or if he spent some time practicing and perfecting his art before posting about it online.
Eye Color: 60% Brown, 40% Grey
Eye colors can be really fascinating, more so when you have a color that's not very common or a combination of colors. This person has grey in their eyes, but it only covers about a third of their eye. Grey is already the most uncommon eye color, with only about 3% of the population possessing it, but we imagine that having a partly grey eye is probably even rarer.
Having a combination of eye colors like this is usually a result of genetic mutation and doesn't actually affect a person's health. Sometimes it can be an indicator of an underlying condition, but that doesn't appear to be the case here.
A Bonus Tooth (and It's Not Wisdom Teeth)
Sometimes the body is just weird. However, those quirks usually serve a purpose. For example, wisdom teeth were a thing because early humans often lost their teeth at some point in life before dentists started showing up. That's not the case here. This person posted a photo of this random extra tooth in their mouth. It's not a part of their wisdom teeth, as it looks to be in the middle of the row.
It's just a random tooth that their body thought would be a good idea to produce. We're sure it probably had to be removed at some point before it started causing pain, though.
Pinky Finger With Extra Joint Crease, Extra Joint Not Included
Okay, so this one really has our brain trying to figure out what happened here. For some reason, this guy's pinky finger has an extra joint crease but no extra joint. It would actually probably be pretty hard to notice had he not mentioned it when he posted the photo. But how does that even happen? Was there a joint there at one point in time, and if so, what happened to it?
Was he just born with an extra crease there? We're not sure, but it's definitely a cool little unique marker that this guy can whip out at parties and start discussing.
A Pair of Asymmetrical Hands
As exemplified by many of the photos on this list, sometimes the human body just doesn't quite get it right. This guy posted a photo of his girlfriend's hands, and while it's hard to believe, they're actually from the same person. However, they look vastly different, and if there wasn't any context here, you'd probably think that this set of hands just belonged to two totally different people instead of one person.
The hand on the right is not only larger, but the middle finger is a lot longer than the rest of the fingers. Contrast that with the hand on the left, in which most of the fingers are around about the same length.
Dad and Daughter Both Have a Gap Between Their Middle and Ring Fingers
If you were born with a one-of-a-kind feature due to a genetic mutation, then that means there's a chance that mutation could be passed on to your children. This woman posted a photo of her hand next to her father's, and as you can see, they both share a small gap between their ring finger and their middle finger. It'd be hard to notice unless you were really paying attention, but it's there.
It's also just a really sweet reminder, in a way, and something that we're sure the two are glad to share. The gap is also apparent on both their left and right hands.
No Pinky, No Problem
For whatever reason, a lot of the abnormalities out there seem to affect mostly either the hands or the eyes. This person was born with only four fingers, and he's completely missing his pinky finger. However, this only affects one of his hands, and the other one has five fingers, including a thumb and a pinky. It's pretty wild how genetics can affect just one body part, even if we have another one that's usually exactly the same.
He also seems to be completely fine with it, which is good for him. We're sure, like many of the abnormalities on this list, this one is a good conversation starter at parties.
A Single Hand Crease That Goes Straight Across the Palm
Most people have slightly different creases on the palms of their hands, but we've never seen anyone with a single crease that runs straight across like this guy's crease. He probably wouldn't do well at a palm reading, or maybe he would. Either way, it's certainly unique and should probably get a pretty unique reading. That said, it's a completely harmless abnormality and one that you wouldn't ever notice right away.
We're actually a bit more concerned about his ring, which looks like it's pretty tight around his finger. It almost looks as though it's cutting off a bit of circulation.
This Person Has a Random Tooth on the Roof of Their Mouth
Here's another person with a random tooth in their mouth. However, unlike some of the other photos involving teeth, this one seems to be quite large. They posted a photo of their x-ray, and as you can see, it's just sitting there on the roof of their mouth. This makes us wonder if the dentist eventually had to remove it and, if so, how it was actually done. It probably wouldn't be an ordinary removal.
It's also pretty cylindrical for a tooth, but that might just be because of the angle that the x-ray was taken. Either way, we hope they held on to this as proof.
A Little Hole Under Their Tongue
Here's another surprising feature. Someone posted this photo of their mouth, and it's not hard to see why. They actually have a pretty large gap at the bottom of their mouth underneath their tongue. This is another one that'd be impossible for someone to spot, but it's a pretty unique abnormality. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be uncomfortable and probably just serves as a topic of conversation for whoever this is.
This person has probably also had some interesting conversations with their dentists whenever they go for a cleaning for the first time. We can't imagine this is too common.
Fingers Refilling After a Reynaud's Phenomenon Cycle
There are a couple of different photos on this list with people who have Reynaud's phenomenon, but non with people whose whole hands are affected. This guy was apparently outside in the cold, and when he got back in, he decided to snap a photo of his hand slowly starting to unchill. His whole hand was probably the same color as his fingertips were in this photo before he got warm.
Fortunately, Reynaud's phenomenon doesn't usually affect someone negatively; for the most part, it means that your hands or feet turn a different color whenever you are exceptionally cold. Some also turn purple instead of white when cold.
Their Right Index Finger Is Longer Than the Rest
Imagine this person's surprise one day when they suddenly looked down at their hands and noticed that they looked different from one another. The index finger on their right hand is longer than the one on the left, making it look like these are two entirely different sets of hands. Fortunately, this is just a cosmetic difference, but it probably was a bit unnerving the first time they noticed the difference.

We also imagine that things like this are genetic and were probably passed down from a family member. All in all, it's a pretty interesting mutation to pass down.
Missing Middle Knuckles
Unlike some of the other features on this list, not having middle knuckles on your fingers would probably be pretty easy for people to spot. That's what this person has or doesn't have, and they said that it's actually a hereditary condition. Hopefully, it doesn't affect their day-to-day too much, but we imagine that some things would probably be a bit more difficult to do without middle-knuckle joints.
This guy also said that his toes are also missing joints, although that would probably be less of an issue than missing joints on your fingers since most people don't use their feet to grab things.
One of These Fingers Is Not Like the Other
There are a couple of cases of Reynaud's phenomenon on this list, but we decided to include this one simply because of the humorous caption. Someone posted this photo of her sister and said that every time it gets cold, her sister's finger looks like it belongs to someone else. And we don't necessarily disagree. It really does look like the middle finger in this photo could belong to someone else.
We're also curious as to why only the middle finger seems to turn white and not this girl's other fingers. Reynaud's really is a rare condition that seems to affect people in different ways.