This article was originally published on Travlerz
You Get To Lay On The Floor With Us Now
One of the best ways to be greeted once you get home is to see the wagging tails of your dogs.

However, they can be so excited for your return that they can’t contain themselves - oftentimes messing up the couch! Or maybe they’ve been waiting for the perfect time to make you go buy a new one that they’d prefer.
You Have Returned, Sir
We know that stormtroopers are Vader’s version of trusty soldiers and would only take orders from him.

This has got to be a fun scene to witness at the airport because this doesn’t happen too often! We just love the commitment.
Cheers For Your Arrival
It’s pretty much a norm for celebrations to take place when someone gets home from a trip or just when a relative comes for a visit.

But it looks like this man was too excited to even wait for the celebration to start at home that he decided to get started at the airport instead! We hope that they have a designated driver with them to drive them home safely!
Yes, Ma’am!
Soldiers benefit most on airport reunions and this sign has got to be one of the punniest signs out there.

Looks like Officer Neal isn’t done taking orders from a commander. But we can see from the kiss that it’s an order he’s been waiting to take.
That Sign Is Going On The Fridge
Kiddies can join in the fun of making signs too, just like what this little girl made - and the sign is so sweet.

You didn’t understand it? Neither did we, but we are sure that she was happy to show her excitement for the arrival of a family member.
How’s Life Behind Bars?
It will always be good to finally be back in the arms of your family. And aside from the headaches they give you, you probably missed the laughs you share with them too.

We have no idea if she was actually in prison or what she may have gone there for. Either way, the totality of the signs will surely catch her attention.
I Am Your Father
Fan or not, everyone knows this legendary scene that knocked the world off their seats at the movie theater! The scene where Darth Vader reveals his relationship to Luke Skywalker will always be a part of history.

And this dad probably didn’t want to miss the opportunity of wearing his Vader costume and using the same line to his daughter!
Let’s Buy Groceries Right Away
Being left at home, alone, is not easy, especially when you run out of cereal. So when your parents finally get home, you make sure to meet them at the airport and show your love by welcoming them with a hint that you miss having food at home.

Dressing up like a kid will surely make them feel the urgency given that they will always do anything for their “little” baby.
Sugar Sugar, Oh Honey Honey
They probably already get judged a lot of times when they’re together and got so used to it that they decided to just turn it into a joke! Thus the creation of this sign.

We gotta love pairs who love each other not because of their looks but because of what they can clearly offer in the relationship - such as being mature enough to make a joke out of what people think.
I Accept You No Matter What
Well, this is really a touchy subject but we know that when you are really close with the recipient, this sign is all good.

Parents are so lucky to have such understanding and supportive kids! It’s never too late to do what makes you happy. Such as receiving a sign like this from your child - regardless of the message being true or not.
Airports - especially international airports - can be very crowded, resulting in difficulties finding the person you were meant to pick up

This group was very lucky to have clever mates who made sure to make a big sign with their most hilarious photos. Who wouldn’t rush to them? Even if only to make them hide the sign.
I Don’t Mean This - Or Do I?
Airport arrival scenes can be very overwhelming. And a way to actually handle such emotions is through reverse psychology.

Just like this guy did. He clearly didn’t want to make his sister think that he missed her decided on this sign instead.
Did He Say Yes?
Airport proposals can be a very embarrassing event. How else can you show your love to your friend when they get home?

Well, this fella thought of doing a proposal instead! We wonder if Tom said yes and if they did some mock-up prenup after.
‘Welcome Home, Mokie’
This is another way to easily spot the person you were supposed to pick up at the airport. With your hilarious face printed out and your embarrassing family nickname on a banner, you would definitely run to them and take those down!

We surely hope that Mokie didn’t meet a potential love interest during their flight so he could still save face.
I Still Love You Either Way
This man is probably one of the most committed men we have heard of out there. He is willing to accept the baby even though he knows it isn't his because he loves Anna too much. Aw!

But we are pretty sure that this man is off to meet his wife and just wanted to take the chance of embarrassing her at the airport. He does look like he’s ready to make dad jokes though.
All About The Ladies
I guess this is how some guys get the girls then - straight to the point and no more going around the bush.

We wonder if this man was really waiting for his Italian girlfriend or if he was trying to pick girls up like what Barney from How I Met Your Mother does.
It Was Supposed To Be A Secret!
Everyone loves potty jokes, and Sarah just happened to have someone in her life who would gladly take the opportunity to use one.

Or maybe Sarah did need an Imodium but she was just so lucky to have someone who would love to embarrass – we mean pick her up!
Please Adopt Us
With kids all grown up, parents usually go on long vacations as a way to enjoy their retirement.

However, it looks like these “kids” took the chance of pretending to be orphans at the airport instead. Well, parents do love seeing their kids as babies still.
Nice To Meet You, Where U Been?
This soldier-dad was probably gone most of the pregnancy and sadly missed the birth of his beautiful angel.

But fret not, it certainly looks like this baby was aware of their dad coming home and is excited to meet him for the first time! Glad they have captured the baby’s happy expression!
Proud Of You
We are seriously hoping that this was just a prank to have some laughs with the recipient of the sign.

If not, well what a great way of showing support towards their loved one who just came out of rehab. And what a way to show love ensuring that they are not afraid of their past.
Not Sure If He’s Welcome To The Family
A protective brother’s sign saying something so blunt has got to be one of the funniest approaches to making airport signs.

We wonder if they are actually on good terms since the sign can go both ways! Or else we think the baby-daddy should take a separate taxi or run.
A reunion between a military man and their family has got to be one of the most emotional reunions out there.

It really hits hard when a soldier leaves his pregnant wife for months of service and not being there when she gives birth. And what more, is he was able to go home safely! Give us our tissues!
All Hail Douglas
Douglas actually sounds like a name a Knight or a Royalty would have, and it looks like this man thought so too!

Mixing up a knightly way to introduce someone back in the days, he did make a great way to present a name!
I’m Bad With Names
Names are actually easy to forget but the memories spent with the person are unforgettable. And that is probably what happened when this lady was told to pick up a family relative or friend.

Maybe the recipient of the sign has to tone down her voice a bit and should probably wear some blush.
So Cheesy
Airport signs did start out as sign boards with sweet messages to their loved ones! And this right here probably decided to go old school.

Who wouldn’t be excited to go home to a sign with this cute message to make you feel extra loved?
Filed Under: Autocorrect
This lady was probably sent to the airport by her boss at the last minute and wasn’t exactly sure who to meet. Being required to make a sign, she had to immediately have one printed.

However, it seems like she was in too much of a hurry that she wasn’t able to check if the autocorrect messed up her sign. Well, we have our fingers crossed that the person she was supposed to meet loves hot gravy.
Calendar Countdown
Oh, young love. Those times when you would be too excited to finally be together with your loved one again that you really have to count the days down on your calendar.

Well, you know who misses you while you're galavanting with your beau? Your parents and this dad clearly couldn't wait to see his kid and their partner back from a romantic getaway.
Hey, Hot Guys!
We are not exactly sure if this lady was really off to meet the two hottest guys at the airport.

But it sure looks like she is too proud of her guy friends and claims that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What a real plot twist though if two other really hot guys came to approach her.
2 Idiots
This is that feeling you get when you were off to the airport with a sign that would embarrass your friend, just to end up looking like the sign you were holding up! Karma really works fast, we can tell you that!

But we can still assume that she did that on purpose to show the world why they really are meant to best friends in the world!
Michael Jordan’s Dad
This man obviously loves Michael Jordan to the point of naming his son after one of the best basketball players in history!

It would probably be two gifts in one on that day at the airport if Michael Jordan really was on the same flight!
Are You Ready, Mister?
This man probably knows how to pick his women, seeing as he got himself a punny lady for him. And as a military man, there will likely be a lot of talks with the family once he gets home.

Or maybe this can also mean another different way? Something possibly suggestive...?
Supportive Dad
If earlier we had a supportive son, now we have a supportive dad. We don’t know if he really is part of the community or his dad was just playing around, but it really would be so nice to know that his dad is an ally.

To all those out there looking for their father’s acceptance, you may want to hit this man up and have him as your pseudo-dad! You deserve to be accepted.
Airport Oompa Loompa
We’re pretty sure you would take a second look around your surroundings if you saw this Oompa Loompa waiting for you at the airport, just to check if the plane didn’t mistakenly land at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

Or maybe this man was off to pick up a niece or nephew who loved the movie and especially loved the factory’s Oompa Loompas! Do you think he also did a short song number?
Mom’s A Lot Of Work
Having the head of the household gone for his service, it is natural for the next best thing to take over. And this case, it was this baby.

After reading the sign, we are not so sure anymore if the baby was really excited to see their dad because they missed him, or if the baby was happy that someone else can take care of their mom now.
We Are Done
Did we say that airport reunions are always happy? Oops, guess we were wrong.

But we are fairly certain this breakup sign was just a joke! Because who would break up because of a selfie stick? Right? …… right?
Smelly Belly
Would you still be okay after seeing the person you sat next to the plane and enjoyed a nice conversation with making their way to the girl with this sign at the airport?

Well, we hope that this is another potty joke people just love to make and that you share the humor in it too! Or you know, you can just pretend you never met them in the first place.
People who have watched and finished Friends will get the reference on the sign this man is holding up.

The woman he was about to pick up probably informed him in advance that she had decided to change her name after the unforgettable Phoebe. We wonder if he changed his to “Crap Bag” too.
We Got Some News, Brother!
We hope Matt was hoping to have a niece or nephew soon or else this could be bad news to break at the airport.

Well, the two men holding up the sign are giving different reactions so Matt’s feelings towards the news can be like any of those two. Time for a baby shower.
Celebrity Comedians Are The Best
Celebrities have got to be so used to going around the world as part of their job. And certainly, Eric Stonestreet loves his fans so much that he was such a good sport to take some photos.

This fan probably had this sign framed up on a wall with this picture of them after this fortunate event! We just love down-to-earth celebrities.
Disappointed But Not Surprised
Don’t you just love it when your boyfriend picks you up at the airport and shows how excited he is to be reunited with you?

Well, we are not quite sure if that is the case here. But it does look like it is a joke since the girl found the sign funny.
What Are You Waiting For?
Yes, being alone at home and far from your partner can be very sad and lonely. Days or weeks or even months of being apart can just make you miss everything about them so much!

And clearly the one who made this sign didn’t want a single moment wasted and wrote what they really want. Time to get straight to business!
Great, A Pile Of Laundry Is Waiting For You!
All parents need time away from their kids to recharge for the next months of battle. And it does feel nice to experience a moment of relaxation while you are away.
Unfortunately, the mom of these kids won’t have any extended rest days at home seeing as she actually has tons of laundry to do!
Mom, Be Proud Of Us!
The bigger the sign, the better! And it looks like these kids knew that logic when it comes to picking someone up at the airport

Based on the sign they made, it looks like they were really hoping that their mom would be proud of the fact that only they could make such a sign! We bet she is though, but she’d probably be prouder if they did some proofreading first.
Are We Supportive Enough?
Prank or not, we are hoping that they were really able to let their dad know that they’d support whatever their dad wants in life - even if it was having a mail-order bride.

They even showed him support in spite of this being his fifth time giving marriage a shot. We assume it would've worked out, but we are sticking on the prank idea.
Let’s Get Straight To Business
Signs were made to easily spot the people who were meant to pick us up at the airport since faces can be too hard to discern when in crowds.

Although this sign didn’t exactly mention who “Sweet Thang” is, we sure hope no one just grabbed them for the sake of puckering up.
Perfect Eyebrowes
This is a pretty weird sign, but I guess the person that came back, must have had the most stylish eyebrows ever.

We're trying to figure out if it's offensive or not but you can be the judge.
Grandma Love
This is so adorable, these kids love their grandma and they can't wait to see her,

That Grandma must be spoiling them a lot.
Enough Is Enough
When Mom's are stuck with their kids for so long, it can be very frustrating. It's not easy looking after a bunch of kids for so long and raising them on her own.

I am pretty sure the dad wanted to turn around and go back to where he came from after seeing this.
I am not sure if this is another typo or the driver might have been bored when he wrote this but "random citizen" is a very odd thing to write on a sign.

I wonder what people thought when they saw this.
This Is A Joke
This boy thought it would be fun to embarrass his mom in front of everyone at the airport. With that naughty smile on his face, you can tell that this is a prank.

If we were her, we would pretend not to see him and keep on walking until we left the airport.