This article was originally published on DailyBee
It's Hard to Tell What's the Mannequin and What's the Woman
At first glance, it looks like the girl is showing off her midriff. But if you look closely, you will notice that it looks like plastic. Well, it is because that's not her body, she just did a great job at strategically placing herself behind it.

As most people's attention is going to be in the middle of the photo, they may not notice her real feet behind the mannequin.
This Lady Was Extremely Lucky
This image may look pretty ordinary at first glance, but what happens when you start zooming in? Well, the woman is dressed fashionably and she looks cute walking down the street. But if you look at her feet, you notice that she is actually standing in a strange position.

Her stilettos are right over the openings in the grate. Her heels are ready to get caught and we can only hope that she walked over it without tripping.
That's Not Decoration On The Wall
Most dog lovers almost had a mini heart attack looking at this photo and we don't blame them. After all, it looks like this poor pup is a decoration on a wall. Thankfully, it is just a super patient doggo that is sitting on a beige carpet while waiting for food.

He is showing no emotions as he knows that soon he'll be eating delicious food. He is indeed a good boy that deserves all the love in the world.
That's One Vase And Two Legs
This image is quite popular as it made many people think this woman has three legs. After all, there aren't actually people with three legs, right? Unless someone is an alien!

But just as you start looking at it more closely, you find that the third leg is an illusion. She is holding a vase that is quite similar in color to her tights. Maybe it was intentional but it is quite good.
A Hidden Message For Help
There's no denying that a wedding can be a wonderful time for the groom, the bride and also their families and friends. The wedding day can be made more special when there is some humor involved as well. So, it was lucky that the photographer was able to catch a magical moment that is quite hilarious.

Although this photo may seem like just another wedding picture, you will find how the groom added humor to the ceremony. On the bottom of the groom's shoes, you can see "help" painted on them. All we can hope is that the bride shares his sense of humor as well or he will be asking for some real help.
That's A Big Caterpillar
Ah, we got you! That's not a caterpillar, though most of you thought of it as one, right? We have to admit that we got scared looking at such a creepy caterpillar, but we were relieved to find a line of birds sitting side-by-side and getting some rest.

It is quite impressive and who knows, maybe they did it intentionally to scare off any potential threat. Animals do tend to make themselves appear bigger in the wild to scare off any predators.
There's No Way Drake Is in the Background
This family went to dinner and wanted a nice photo taken of them to remember their evening together. Little did they know one of the most successful and wealthiest musicians would photo-bomb them. They hardly noticed he was even in the background of their photo. Now that's a family photo to print out for the fridge, post all over social media, and send to your friends. They probably wouldn't have believed them without the photo proof.
Even worldwide famous A-listers can get in a silly-goofy mood and photobomb too!
That's Not Her Hair
If you are afraid of spiders, don't look closely at this picture. This woman seems relaxed, but there is something that is making the others uncomfortable. The people in the background look surprised because they know what's on her head.

A tarantula has easily blended into her hair and it can make a lot of people panic. The only good thing is that the woman is not worried about it.
A Video Game or Real Photo
If you love video games, you must have seen times when the visuals didn't render correctly. Well, it seems like our world is like a video game as well, but this is not a scene from any of the video games that you play.

It is outside a store in Hawaii. The effect is caused by the sun beating down at exactly the right angle so that there are no shadows, and we have to admit that it looks cool.
That's Not A Reflection
Most of you may think that these two lovely women are sitting next to a mirror. But that is not the case. The "reflection" is of two different people.

However, there are small differences. It is because the women on the left are wearing the same sweater and have similar hair color.
That's One Crazy-Looking Ear
Here is a shot of one of the smartest creatures on earth. Did you know that elephants have quite a lot of human-like traits? They even live in complex family structures like humans.

Now if you look closely at the ear of this beauty, you will notice that it is quite similar to a woman's face. This is so strange and yet so fascinating.
Where's Waldo? Never Mind There He Is!
Here is another wedding photo that shows a wedding couple outside with their friends. They are posing and smiling for a perfect wedding photo, but they didn't know that someone else made the picture more memorable and special.

Behind the tree on the right side, there's Waldo. It seems like someone went through the extra effort to dress in a familiar striped shirt and hat.
Purr-Fect Cross-Stitched Work
It may seem like a straightforward photo as first. Most people may think that it is a bag cross-stitched in a way that a pair of cats is cuddling. But that is not the case.

What you are seeing aren't actually two cats cuddling. This is just a photo captured at the right time. Even if it wasn't the case, it is super cute.
Once You See It, You Can't Undo It
It is such a beautiful sight when a person goes down on one knee to ask for their partner's hand in marriage. It makes you want to grab a tissue box and cry. It is such a beautiful moment that the couple gets to cherish for a long time. But there was a little problem with the photo.

As they zoomed in a little, they found something unexpected and scary as well. There's a creepy face peering through one of the windows and our recommendation is just never ever enter the ever.
Those Aren't Leaves
There are a few things that look normal from a distance, but they look completely different when you go near to take a second look. Similarly, this image is quite spectacular. It looked like a tree with leaves on it, but when the photographer went near it, they noticed it is full of little birds.

It is quite fascinating because all of them are positioned in such a way that there is no significant gap between them. We are also impressed by the photographer for not scaring off these nervous little birdies.
So Levitating Is Real
This woman standing outside a door in a hallway may look normal at first, but there is something that can scare a lot of people. The woman is missing her legs and a sight like this is not to be taken lightly.

Fortunately, she's just wearing leopard-print leggings that easily blended into the pattern of the floor. We just hope that no one saw her in the hallway that day.
Someone Must Be Hiding In There
It may seem like an ordinary photo at first, but there is something that you need to see.

Look closely at the rack of plain t-shirts and at the center of the image there is a face that has eye, a nose, mouth. There's even a complete jawline.
Friends Who Pee Together, Stay Together
Well, let's hope her friend doesn't get too mad after seeing this. This lady took a selfie and didn't bother to check if her friend, who was peeing, was visible in the mirror. Although it is quite hilarious, they're lucky the photo didn't capture anything else! Especially before she shared it online for so many people to see. Let this be a lesson learned; always examine your selfies before posting!
It's even more confusing when you realize the girl in the background has no pants on, maybe a dress paired with furry boots. Is it hot or cold outside?
This Appears to Be A Big Chocolate Donut
Who else feels that these two images are super depressing? After all, someone was trying to enjoy their big chocolate donut but ended up dropping it.

In reality, it is no chocolate donut. It is a mushroom with a brown cap that grew on the lawn of this photographer. All we can say here is that "they had us in the first half, not gonna lie."
Education Comes First
This photo is so hilarious. We can guarantee that most of you had to take a little bit of time to find out what's wrong with this photo. We just feel that it is the best picture of all and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is quite rare that you get to see a full-grown doggo trying to get an education in the class. But it seems like times are changing.

This Great Dane looks more attentive than any other student in the class. He must be like "I have to focus on getting good grades instead of answering that stupid question about who's a good boy."
Always Check Your Background
Here is the first and only rule of taking a selfie: always check your background. It is because there are so many selfies on the internet that have revealed way more than what people wanted to show. This selfie of a woman is about her new tattoos, but there's something more interesting happening behind her.

Her golden retriever is drinking water from the toilet. Wow, maybe this is how she figured out why her doggo's water bowl is always full.
Grilled Cheese or Cake, You Decide
If you take a look at it, there's a high chance that you will only see a tasty plate of grilled cheese. But if you look closely, you will notice that it is not the case. It is because this is an artfully crafted cake that looks like grilled cheese.

In fact, everything is carefully baked from the bread to the cheese. Impressive work but the only thing that gives away this image is the packaging box.
One Of Them Is Photogenic
Here, most of you can immediately notice the white owl in the center and may not notice the other one in the background.

The white owl has quite an expressive look on his face. In fact, it is quite a perfect close up photo. But what about the owl in the background that looks a bit spooked at seeing the camera.
Profile Picture Goes All Wrong
This photo raises many questions. Why was this guy wearing sunglasses in the bathroom, and why was he taking a selfie in there? He clearly didn't check the background because another man was fully peeing in a urinal, caught by the mirror. Maybe Joshua really loved how he looked and thought it was time to update his profile but next time, let's hope he at least takes it outside of the bathroom.
This selfie had so much potential but ultimately failed on many, many levels.
Not Going With The Universal Red Color
It is common to see a stop sign around us because it helps prevent accidents. After all, it is the most basic safety signs on the road. However, this sign may make some people pause and wonder what really prompted this creative decision.

They didn't go with the universal red color and decided to use a bright blue color. There is a possibility that they did it to circumvent rules about placing stop signs on private property.
Once You Notice It, You Will Smile
At first glance, this may appear like a lady just out doing her shopping, rocking a bright yellow dress. But once you notice this, you can't ever look at the photo the same again. Her dress turned out to be quite sheer, revealing her underwear. But what makes this so funny? Her undergarment has a big smiley face on them! It almost looks like it this was done on purpose.
At least the dress is a great color, and smiley faces are always a great print. Otherwise, this might be a little embarrassing.
The Wrong Thing To Forget
Getting up in the morning to go to the office can become more challenging when the weather changes during the night. You have to make changes to your wardrobe because you don't want to wear something that can make the entire day uncomfortable for you.

It seems like one person was in such a hurry to go to the office that they forgot to wear their shoes. As the barefoot steps stopped abruptly, it seems like that person realized they'd forgotten something important.
A Mutated Lemon
There is one normal lemon in this photo and the other one seems like some other fruit. After all, some exotic fruits can look very different. There are many exotic fruits like red banana, Durian, and Jackfruit. And how can we forget to mention Buddha's Hand that looks like fingers and smells like a fragrant lemon.

But this one isn't an exotic fruit. It is just a mutated version of a regular lemon. We are quite sure that it tastes as sour as any other lemon.
A Lot More Than Road Rash
Apparently, this guy fell and completely scraped up his arm. It looks painful and pretty intense. He wanted to document it and show his friends and family his new wounds but didn't realize the big mirror behind him would catch on camera much more than he anticipated. Maybe from the fall, he wasn't feeling alright. And that meant perhaps he couldn't feel the breeze or that his pants were falling down.
You can almost see this photo and not even notice the little mooning that accompanies it. But don't worry; we're here to point it out.
It's Just a Rock Doggo
You know Dwayne Johnson, also known as The Rock, right? Well, a “rock-solid” fact about The Rock is that his name was inducted into Guinness World Records because he was paid $5.5 million for his first role in The Mummy Returns, making him the highest-paid actor in his debut film.

Here's Pup The Rock that is more powerful than the actor and it is way more attractive than that bald muscular celebrity (we're sorry Rock, we are just trying to make this lonely pup happy...we love you). So, where were we? Ah, you got the point.
An Extra Hand
We can understand that catalog ads require a lot of editing before they're launched. However, there are some mistakes so small that even the most experienced editors fail to notice them. Take an example of this seemingly average looking picture.

Most of you must be scratching your head wondering what's wrong with it. Well, if you look closely you will notice that the father figure has one arm on his wife's shoulder, one arm around his daughter, and another arm by his side.
This Is Plain Sorcery
It is relatively easy to assume that all things would cast a shadow when they are placed close to some surface, right? Then explain why there is no shadow of this matchstick. You don't need to provide any answer as we'll do it for you. It is because the flame is the source of light and there is no shadow of light.

Hence, there is no shadow of a flame. Here's an interesting part: if the light source behind the flame was brighter than the flame, the flame would cast a shadow. Now that’s pretty impressive.
A Healthy Surprise
We all know about the health benefits of eating garlic. It is used in a lot of dishes from pasta to chicken. And fresh garlic is used in many home remedies as well. So this person peeled this garlic for dinner only to find out that it didn't break into separate cloves.

To his surprise, the garlic bulb remained intact. It is a rare sight for anyone who cooks because it is undoubtedly an unusual appearance. We are wondering if they decided to keep the garlic in their collection of unique stuff or just ate it.
This Animal's Cover Is Blown
If you watch animal planet or documentaries on animals, you may already know that many animals use camouflage to survive. It makes a lot of sense because they cannot run all the time.

So, they depend on camouflage when hiding in plain sight. They can even become near invisible when they are living in native environments. Take for example this white rabbit that is almost invisible in the snow. All you can see is its pair of eyes and a nose.
Here Comes A Puzzling Situation
So a Reddit user decided to share a photo of the puzzle they were working on. And we have to admit that it is quite easy to miss the problem with it. We don't need any further information to deduce that the puzzle has two similar pieces. However, the Reddit user clarified it wasn't the case as there are two identical pieces in one puzzle.

To the user, it may have seemed like they have an extra copy of a piece, but it may mean that another person working on the same puzzle is scratching their head as they are missing the last important piece.
Now That's Called Progressive Packaging
So a family picked up this package for their newborn son and didn't notice at first that the skincare lotion has a really progressive packaging.

It is because most baby items usually show a child and mother on the package, but this brand decided to go with an unorthodox approach to go with a father with his baby. Impressive!
Nothing Wrong With This Picture?
At first glance, it looks like you're looking at a drawing. But this is no drawing at all. It is as real as it gets. But what has made this photo so interesting is that the pair of jeans is real even though they look like body paint.

In fact, jeans are creating a perfect illusion. They are carefully designed to create such an impressive image.
Good Brick Work
Although this wall is not too impressive to make people closely look at it, there is something that’s a bit unconventional. The pattern of the bricks look good, but the material can catch the eye. It is because one of the bricks is made of wood.

We have no idea why they replaced a brick with a wooden block. But it looks interesting and maybe that was the purpose behind it.
Cloud UFO
This photo looks deceptively idyllic, right? After all, it has everything from a forest, a mountain range, snow, a beautiful landscape and a cloud that looks a lot like a UFO.

There is no need to panic, but there are chances that some aliens start jumping out of it. Still, it is a beautiful shot that looks like something taken out of a sci-fi movie. This may excite fans of UFOs out there.
Now That's A Perfect Coincidence
In this photo, we can see someone's money clip and credit cards. It may look like just a stack of cards at first, but if you look closely you will notice the hole in the gym card that lines up with the person's driver's license.

And you can see their eyes through the hole as well. Most of you may have missed it, but it is actually quite funny.
Amazing Acoustics
What came to your mind when you first saw this photo? Most people may think that it came straight from a real estate website and maybe some even began considering the idea of buying it. After all, the open space looks like a cool apartment with an open-concept modern design that is made even more impressive with a skylight.

But in reality, this photo is an acoustic guitar's interior shot. Isn’t it mind-blowing? The hole is the "ceiling" and the black pegs poking down are the screws for the strings.
A Large Cemetery
As we are quite used to seeing cityscapes, an image such as this one may not surprise us so much. After all, we see so many images of cities taken from the sky or top of buildings. But this is special because someone in Tokyo took the photo of this cemetery from their hotel window.

What seem to be skyscrapers are actually mausoleums and headstones commemorating the people who passed. This is indeed a striking image.
It Shouldn't Be There, Right?
This toy cash register is fun to play with, but there is something a bit questionable. It may look like a regular cash register for children, but it has a questionable feature that is not quite right for the age range it's intended for.

There is a fake button on the top for an alcoholic beverage. We are quite sure that many parents would be unhappy with it.
There Is No Way This Is Real
This building plan looks so beautiful that it seems like there's nothing real about it. But you might be surprised to know that no one made it out of Lego blocks.

It is actually a real neighborhood in Mexico called the San Buenaventura Complex. It looks like a Lego paradise and we have to admit that it seems entirely made of Lego blocks. Interested in living there?
A Massive Cactus
How many of you ever saw a huge cactus like this one? To others, it may seem like just a tree photo, but it is a cactus tree that grew so tall that its base became thick and solid over time.

The most impressive thing about this photo is that the cactus has been alive for so many years that it grew to be so massive. We just hope humans don't cut it.
Look in Between The Vases
We knew that pottery is an absolutely fabulous craft, but we didn't realize that it can be this wonderful. Here, we are not focusing too much on the vases (they look amazing though).

Our focus is on the gaps between the vases as there are silhouettes of women standing between each pair. Wow!
When "Nature" Calls
Have you ever gone to the bathroom in the woods? Well, you have a lot of space to do your business when nature calls. It is not uncommon to see some plants (both fake and real) in a restroom, but it seems like someone tried to take the decor and ambiance of the restroom to the next level.

There are plants, dried leaves, a branch, and wait what is that? Never mind, it is just a snake in the enclosure.
That's A Long Thumb
You may look at many things in life without giving them a serious thought. For instance, take an example of the creases on your thumb.

But here you have a person who showed an image of his thumb without any wrinkles on his knuckles. He also mentioned that he can't fully bend his thumb. Moreover, his thumb looks a lot bigger without wrinkles.
Is That Bread Or A Rock?
Remember "The Dress" photograph that became a viral internet sensation in 2015? At that time, people disagreed over whether the dress was colored royal blue and black or white and gold.

So, here some people mistakenly thought of it as a loaf of bread. But in reality, it is a rock which a Reddit user found on the beach. The salt and pepper on it can easily be mistaken as home-baked bread.
Military Camouflage
At first, it may seem like just an image of an old couch with a couple of pillows and nothing else. But when you look closely, you will notice that there is an army man lying face down on the couch. It seems like he is exhausted and decided to take some rest.

It won't be a big surprise if someone accidentally sits on him. The two things that expose his camouflage are his neck and the boots.
No Freaking Way
This image is not from an art museum. It may look like a minimalist painting that is a proud work of an artist, but that is not the case. Amazingly, it is a photographed image. The photographer took it at the Naimb-Naukluft National Park in Namibia.

The most unbelievable thing about the photo is the sky and it's hard believing it that someone didn't make it with brushstrokes.
A Near-Perfect Frame Job
We have to admit that this frame looks picture-perfect. It even looks like a go-to-frame to hang on the wall and amaze anyone who comes to your home. After all, it is a little piece of nature that can attract so many people who have lived far from nature for many years.

But in reality, it is not a frame at all. It is an image of the Australian outback. The photographer took it through a window and it is just amazing. The dull wall and the frame make it perfect.
Walk In The Park
To most people it may seem like a normal image. After all, there is nothing wrong with it as the trail in the park is simply covered in leaves. But don't make the mistake of walking over this particular walkway.

It is because there is no trail, it is a river that's been covered by autumn falling leaves. As there are so many leaves on the ground, it is almost impossible to distinguish water from the ground.
Is That A Piece of Tiramisu
At first, it seems like someone poked a few holes in a piece of tiramisu, but it is not the case. It is actually an image from the Algerian Desert, a far less mundane thing.

Some heavy snowfall caused this effect and once the snowstorm was over, the sand was like "your time is up and now it is my time to take the top position." And then someone walked across it.
A Space Photo?
There is no denying that telescopic and satellite images of planets are so beautiful. After all, the beauty of the endless darkness of space is beyond our imagination. But this is not a picture of any planet.

Instead, it is a photo of the waves taken by one creative beachgoer. He took the images through a pair of binoculars and it is quite impressive.
All foodies out there can become excited looking at these mouthwatering pieces of bread. After all, it is fluffy and perfectly baked without any imperfections.

But what if we tell you that taking a bite of this bread lookalike will make you regret your decision? It is because this is not fresh bread at all. It is a bar of soap that some intelligent guy put in the microwave. Wow!
Optical Illusion
At first, it may seem like this image is out of focus. But that is not the case. It is actually a case of an optical illusion, and not from the movie The Illusionist.

This piece of ham is sliced so thin that it has become see-through. Now you can see each layer of the ham. It is quite impressive.
Two In One Feature
This frog keychain looks cute, right? But if you look closely, you will notice that the design of this keychain is not exactly what it seems to be. Why does it seem like it wasn't always a frog keychain?

Well, it seems like someone added the mouth and eyes on the keychain. It is because this adorable doll was once a beautiful bear and now it has been converted into a frog with an addition of a mouth and eyes. Cool!
No Way!!!!
This fairly normal-looking picture holds a big secret. It is amazing how something can look so obvious and yet it is not what it seems to be.

It looks like six purple glass figures, but in reality there are just three pieces of glass and the other three are shadows colored by the reflection of the glass. You have to admit that it is a convincing illusion.
Surreal Sink
At first glance, this photo looks so surreal, right? It can even make some people think that it is some adventure painting of a kitchen sink. But this neon image wasn't created with any paint. The color is due to an LED faucet light installed by this Reddit user.

It is reflecting so much because the image was caught at the right moment and the changing light between green and red helped create such a stunning photo.
Domestic Fluffballs
It looks a cute photo at first, but this litter of adorable kittens is not as domesticated as it looks. If you take a closer look, you will notice that these are not your average house cats.

The wild cats are roaming near the swimming pool without any worry in the world. It seems like their mom isn't around and it would be best if they leave before she finds out.
Not A Scene From The Shining
Many fans of horror movies love The Shining and there is a possibility that they quickly noticed the unusual thing in it. After all, it is hard to find a beautifully decorated wreath like this in a doorway.

If you look closely at the middle window, you will see a man smiling. Although it seems like that man didn't intend to look so scary, it sure looks a lot creepy. Imagine you coming to knock on the door and find this man smiling at you.