Why Not a Bar of Soap?
After being trapped in a coal mine for an inordinate length of time, you’ll probably be desperate to take a long hot shower, enjoy a good meal, and embrace your loved ones. It doesn't look like this man, covered in dirt from head to toe, is too excited to receive a bouquet of cheap flowers. We're sure that gift is way down the list of priorities, and we can't blame him.

Lesson learned: when you’re trying to cheer someone up after a near-death experience, go for more than just chrysanthemums or daisies. With florals, it’s both the thought and the arrangement that count.
The Public Transit Lottery
Jumping on a bus, train, or flight is always something of a crapshoot. You might end up sitting next to an insufferably loud talker, a messy eater, or someone with lower personal hygiene standards than your own. But a passenger with distractingly inappropriate clothing taking a deep nap (like the man below) can be just as bad as all of the above. We hope our bemused passenger is at least on a relatively short ride.
At least the fully dressed fellow sitting next to the inappropriate guy has a comrade in the woman behind him, who also seems all too aware of the odd spectacle napping through their ride.
She’s Just a Little Possessive
Custom t-shirt printing has been a go-to for many an Etsy shop owner and a pain in the butt for many a helpless boyfriend. While the shirt recipient may be mortified, it’s a welcome warning sign for any woman who might have otherwise made the unthinkable error of talking to this young man. No one wants to knock over a hornet’s nest wearing a t-shirt that says, "If you are reading this, you are too close. I have a girlfriend."
The final touch is the augmentation of the girlfriend’s eyes on the shirt. It really brings out that extra twinkle of jealousy, transforming what would usually be an ordinary young woman into a terrifying man-captor.
Scary Safari
In our age of technology, getting closer to the natural world becomes more and more tempting. But be careful what you wish for: even animals used to human contact still have ‘wild’ instincts. And while this drive-through safari animal below likely just wanted to say a friendly hello and sniff out some snacks, the little boy in the car is certainly not amused by the interaction and wants the furry friend out.
Wildlife safaris may seem like the perfect way to spend a Sunday, but this image has us second-guessing that idea. Maybe we'll just search videos of safaris on YouTube instead.
A Whole Other Kind of Surprise Party
This may be a warning to hesitant boyfriends everywhere: Wait too long to propose, and your partner might end up taking matters into their own hands. That's exactly what this gal did when she tricked her boyfriend into coming to their own wedding. First, she lyingly said it was her brother's wedding. Then, when her boyfriend arrived, she told him the truth: he was the groom, and she was the bride.
Apparently, he didn't mind. "It was proof of love," the groom said. But honestly, his face says something else entirely. That's not the face of someone excited to leave for their honeymoon...
A Spring Break Photo Like No Other
A beautiful day at the beach might very well be a beautiful day for a group photo with your gal pals, but nothing spoils a picture like a guy being led away in handcuffs. Should these girls receive kudos for their determination to let absolutely nothing stand in their way of a good time? Or should they be ashamed for being so completely unaware of their surroundings? Maybe both.
Patience is a virtue, particularly when waiting 10 seconds or so makes the difference between capturing you and your friends’ memories and capturing an awkward photobomb of someone getting arrested.
Bad Hairpiece Day
The alarmed woman to the right in this frame has probably had her share of rough hair days. Hasn’t everyone? But even her most frustrating hair battles probably pale next to this stranger at the drug store, whose hair extensions seem to be dangling by a thread. She seems understandably unsure if she should stop to help the poor soul or just walk away as quickly as possible. We don't blame her.
Where would she even start if she were to offer a helping hand? Best to let this woman be - considering she's buying hair dye, we have a feeling she's happy with her hair.
Wanna Fanta, Not a Juice
We've all been there or seen someone been there: a child wants to have what they know is "junk," and so parents find a creative way to get them to drink or eat something healthier. That seems to be exactly what went down in the photo below, where this little girl's parents replaced the contents of a Fanta can with some healthier apple juice. But, safe to say, this child was not falling for it.
She's too smart and familiar with the taste of Fanta to be tricked into thinking this Apple juice is the yummy soda. But her last look in the photo seems to be saying, "I'm impressed," to whoever tried to trick her.
We All Scream for Ice Cream
Soft serve ice cream is truly one of the crowning human achievements, and it’s very admirable that these ladies recognized the benefits of sharing a dessert with friends when it’s truly tasty. Some may interpret the onlooker’s gaze as having the hots for these women, but he was more likely wondering why the licking ladies went for vanilla when they could have brightened their lives up a bit more with chocolate or strawberry.
Or maybe he's disgusted by the thought that anyone would ever share one soft-serve ice cream on a cone rather than splurging on two. It's well worth the extra money.
When Sneaking Treats Out of the Kitchen Goes Wrong
There’s no mistaking this poor kid’s facial expression. It’s a mixture of pain, frustration, and embarrassment. But the circumstances that led to this situation are far more ambiguous. Did he climb onto the shelves of what appears to be a very large refrigerator? And just what was he trying to get his hands on? Whatever he was after, at one point, it probably looked more appetizing than the mess it became.
Traumatizing though this experience may have been, it’s a good introduction to the concept that some lids are better left unopened; some doors are better kept shut. And some ice cream is better handled by adults.
Look But Don’t Touch
Why should men be the only clients of exotic dancers? Ladies deserve to appreciate a good striptease, too! And an element of surprise apparently only adds to the fun, as this birthday girl can vouch. According to the Reddit post shared by the birthday girl's friend, she got surprised by this stripper in honor of her 21st birthday. And while we can't tell whether or not she's happy, one thing's for sure...
She was shocked as heck by the surprise. And we love to see her respecting the "no-touch" rule while (potentially) enjoying the lap dance from her surprise birthday guest.
Skip Breakfast Next Time
There are a great number of concerns to wrack your nerves during any form of parachute descent. Rapidly changing wind conditions can throw you off course; equipment malfunctions, though rare, are hardly unheard of; and there’s always the risk of colliding with another canopy. And, of course, the intense drop is nothing to take lightly, so for some, it might not be best to go on a completely full stomach.
Those embarking on skydiving, parasailing, or similar adventures in the sky are also recommended to void their bowels prior. Luckily this photo is cropped from above the waist.
Fashion Police Hits the Club
A first assumption could be that this teenage boy is mesmerized by the dancer performing in front of him. But there might be more to the story than that. Maybe he’s staring in disbelief that she turned an activewear t-shirt into a crop top and paired it with fishnets, fingerless gloves, and a choker necklace. Someone didn't impress the fashion police with their club attire tonight, that's for sure.
And why buy a Puma shirt if you’re just going to cut it up? An off-brand top would have saved this dancer substantial coinage and still gotten the same result.
Not Everyone’s Idea of a Good Time
While a roller coaster may be a perfectly giddy experience for teenagers, it’s understandably terrifying for those under the age of, say, six. These unwise babysitters may have quite a bit of explaining to do once they return their traumatized charges to their parents. That or they’ll need to invest all their pay into buying enough cotton candy and caramel corn to stop the rush of these boys’ uncontrollable tears.
Compromise is the foundation of maturity. When you go to an amusement park with young kids, you might take a turn on the teacups rather than the ‘Drop of Doom.’
Congratulations…Sort Of
Pregnancy test symbology varies from one test to the next. But judging by the mixed reactions captured here, a knee-jerk interpretation is that this young couple is expecting, and one half of said couple is less than thrilled about that. The expectant mother likely didn’t anticipate that her casual photo could be used by high schools worldwide as the opening frame of a PowerPoint presentation about safe intimacy among teens.
Maybe he’s misunderstood. Perhaps he’s the permanently stoic type, and he’s actually super excited to be a father. Could it be that this is ‘just his face’ all the time?
He Doesn't Wanna See Her Back That up
Some dance moves might be better saved for the club and spared for the County Fair. At least, that’s what the man in the background of this photo seems to think. But these two dancing divas couldn’t be bothered to suppress their dance moves. We can't blame them; everybody knows the knees and hips don’t last forever, so you might as well enjoy them while you can, don't you think?
Our innocent bystander is either mortified by the impromptu twerk or just mad that he's not the one in the middle of this whole situation. Either way, he's not happy.
His Face Is Saying What They're All Thinking
You’ve got to hand it to kids: unlike adults, they really can’t be bothered to put on fake smiles when they’re bored or tired. And while kids do love cake, weddings and other formal events can feel endless for them, particularly when they are dressed in uncomfortably stuffy clothes, and there’s no one under the age of 35 to play with. His glance has ‘Did I really put down my legos for this wedding?’ written all over it.
The adults’ forced, half-hearted smiles are telling. It seems like either no one wants to be there, or they’re peeved that they arrived on time and everyone else is late.
Anything Is Better Than This Top
Either she’s deeply upset over the mannequin’s styling and finds the layered necklaces to be far too obvious an accessory choice, or she’s justifiably horrified by the tank top’s disturbing message: "Boys are better than books." The good news is that the shirt is at least still resting comfortably on the mannequin, rather than resting comfortably in some teenage girl’s shopping bag. Let's hope it stays that way forever.
We can see what followed this photo being snapped: this young woman probably wrote a strongly-worded letter to whatever store was selling this nonsense. Or maybe she just asked for a manager.
He Was Only Hoping for One
New parents may feel pressure to express only joy and excitement for their upcoming journey of raising children and never apprehension. But let’s forgive this poor guy for his apparent misery. Considering ultrasounds exist, it’s unlikely that he just now found out that he’ll be a parent to four, but holding them all at the same time might have suddenly given him a glimpse of a very tired, sleep-deprived future.
Either he’s concerned about the investment of time and money it will take to raise quadruplets, or a producer just called him to pitch a reality show about his new life.
The More, the Merrier... Or Not
This guy looks freaked out as he holds his newborn babies. And honestly, we don't blame him. Can you imagine raising twins and then welcoming a set of quadruplets like him? Say bye, bye to sleep. Props to the mom, who seems totally unfazed. But her partner may need some time to adjust if the completely dazed look in his eyes is any indication of how he's feeling at the moment.
If this pattern persists, they’re in for octuplets the next time they conceive. It seems likely that before heading home, they pulled their doctor aside for a quick chat about family planning.
The Worst "Before and After"
While the photo subjects on the left seem to be genuinely excited by their meeting, the young lady on the right has that ‘This is way more than I bargained for’ expression in her eyes. Clearly, Little Ms. Flint was way more excited to meet former President Barack Obama than she was to meet former President Donald Trump. Her facial expression in either picture says more than we ever could.
Side note: What’s with the thumb’s up guy in the background? His body language and facial expression are odd even by (apparent) Secret Service standards. Maybe he's the real reason why Ms. Flint looked terrified.
This Is Why Brunch Is Dead
They ordered a table for four, but they forgot a chair for their fifth guest, Instagram. What should have been a fun, social meal appears to have quickly turned into a "phone eats first" kind of situation. And that guy sitting there grumpily does not look happy about it. That or he's deep in regret over his meal choice, which looks like it included too many veggies for a fun brunch.

Another possibility is that the lonesome guy is thinking about snatching up some extra food while these ladies are distracted. Don’t let opportunities slip by! But be careful not to ruin their pictures of the food...
Nothing to Be Ashamed Of
It’s difficult to read the expression of the little winner below, but she seems to have mixed emotions despite winning the wrestling match against her boy opponent. Maybe she's just in shock and didn't expect to win? Judging by the referee's face, that might be how he felt. But he also looks pretty proud and impressed - as he should. And while we can't see the little boy's face, his body language doesn't scream joy.
Hopefully, the referee of this wrestling match wasn’t giving a condescending glance to the boy for his loss. Just give the winner her due praise and move on to the next match.
She Wants to Be Anywhere But Here
Conga lines are meant to be joyous, musical affairs. But this Conga queen appears to have missed the message, as her expression indicates that she’s: A. Completely against line dances; B. Suffering from indigestion; or C. Deeply uncomfortable with the all-smiles man whose arms are wrapped around her waist. Really, you should never volunteer to lead the dance if any of those apply. But then again, that man's grip on her is a little too tight.
Honestly, he should watch his back. It looks like the Game of Throne's starlet isn't too fond of him. And we've heard she's quite the powerful gal with friends in high places.
We Really Hope the Car Is Parked
It’s difficult to spot if the car was in motion from this angle. But considering the couple in this photo is not wearing seatbelts, and he's holding a bottle of liquor, we really, really, hope they were parked. Even if the car wasn't in motion and their behavior was entirely legal, it was probably not very smart to share this one on social media. And her boyfriend seems to agree with us...

Not to rain on their anniversary parade, but he looks much less thrilled about the relationship milestone than she does. Maybe that's why he's holding a large bottle... Just saying.
She Will Not Be Swiping Right on Him
Some might find this cowboy’s choice of chaps to be inappropriate for a department store shopping trip, but photos only provide so much context. Maybe he had regular pants, and then a dog smelled bacon bits in his pocket and ripped off huge chunks of the denim. Okay, fine, this man definitely wore those cut-out jeans intentionally exactly the way they are. And honestly, seeing the lady's facial expression next to him is priceless.

It’s worth noting that the blonde shopper appears to be wearing denim shorts as well, though, of course, not quite as short as Cowboy. Proportion truly is everything.
He's Just Gonna Walk by and Mind His Business
On the far left, we have some kind of a wizard; next to her, there appears to be a punk-rock chick; then an Antarctic jester being bothered by a boy in a disheveled cape. A motley crew if ever there was, and such a strange sight that it’s surprising the security guard didn’t stop to join the photo. He must have been in quite a hurry. Or freaked out by these kids.
The gentleman walking by gives the impression that this is his go-to reaction for odd public behavior and respect to him for minding his own business among all the nonsense.
Not the Right Panties for a Pyramid
Cheer stunts may look easy, but even basic pyramids require an enormous amount of strength, concentration, and coordination. Maintaining a perfectly composed facial expression on top (or on bottom) of all that is a big ask. It’s unclear why the young ladies serving as the base of this stunt appear to be so concerned, but hopefully, all was well, and the camera simply caught their faces in an Edvard Munch-esque moment.
Perhaps their grips are actually just fine, and they’re simply appalled by the flyers’ choice of undergarments? Consider options more carefully next time before blindly pulling panties out of the drawer.
A Child Is as Good as a Chair, Right?
Pets can provide children with a sense of physical safety and emotional support and can also help kids develop feelings of compassion and responsibility. But it’s, of course, important for kids to be sensitive to an animal’s pain points and never treat the animal as furniture. On the other side of the coin, successfully communicating this same lesson to a dog can be futile, mainly when said dog is much excited to go for a ride.
While this pup is leashed, it appears to have relatively free range of movement inside the car, for better or worse. Maybe there’s a market to develop special car seats for dogs inspired by the seats we have for children?
Shoulders Aren’t a Free for All
Respectful touch can be a wonderful way for two people who care about one another to bond, including family members, romantic partners, friends, or even colleagues. But when the sense of affection between the two parties turns out to be one-sided, even a well-intended, over-the-shoulder, ‘we’re pals’ type of embrace can quickly go awry. This guy may have benefitted from reassessing the level of intimacy he shared with this young lady before putting his arm around her.
Because while we don't know the status of their relationship, it certainly doesn't look like she's very happy to be a part of this embrace or photo-op. Just stating the facts.
Scarred for Life
Comfort levels with nudity vary from one culture to the next. But facial expressions are often universal. The poor boy pictured here doesn’t like what he sees and may blame his parents for taking him to this parade/march/etc. for the rest of his life. Just be thankful that the photo was taken from behind. For better or worse, our vantage point here makes our imagination do all the work.
Just why exactly is this character unclothed? Was it an exceptionally hot day? Did he wander in from a nearby nudist colony?
A Round of Kitty Applause
Cats and dogs spend a substantial amount of time chasing small bugs, rodents, and squirrels. It’s relatively rare when said chase results in a successful capture, so it’s not surprising that this feisty feline seemingly had no idea what to do with its prey. Fred now has two options: Down the tiny critter for some extra protein, or release it back into the air and come back for round two tomorrow. It seems likely that Fred chose the latter.
Of course, the photo may simply have been miscaptioned. Perhaps Fred was clapping for a super performance of his favorite symphony or a cliffhanger ending to an episode of The Young and the Restless?
Thinking Too Far Ahead
Some conversations are bound to have awkwardly uncertain outcomes no matter when or where you initiate them, but the ‘let’s have kids’ talk can be especially daunting. In this case, the couple appears to be making interior decor choices, so one might think that they’re far enough along in their relationship to bring up the ‘B-word. But the man’s hesitant facial expression indicates he might not be ready for that topic, at least not publicly.
There’s rarely a pure motivation for bringing up a sensitive subject in front of a television audience, and no matter how open your communication may be, your partner will likely thank you for keeping some subjects private.
The Queen of All Faces
You have to hand it to her; Michelle was never one to hide her emotions, no matter how many cameras were afoot. And given what must have been a world of disappointment for her at this moment, it’s actually surprising that there weren’t more shots of Mrs. Obama looking upset at the 2017 inauguration. But, as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. And this one's worth millions.

Kudos to Mrs. Obama for keeping it real in the world of politics, where everyone is polite smiles and handshakes before stabbing each other in the back. More power to her.
Can’t This Package Wait?
It’s easy to understand the confusion etched on this elegant gentleman’s face. Why is his date wearing makeup designed to make her look like the lovechild of Guy Fawkes and Salvador Dali? Why would anyone spoil an elegant black cocktail dress with what appears to be a penciled-in unibrow? How urgent can a package possibly be that it needs to be delivered at night, in the middle of a date?
Then again, perhaps he’s oblivious to all of the above and simply drifting back to whether or not he adequately tipped his waiter, or if he should wear slacks with this look instead of jeans?
Panda Can’t Have Some Holiday Cheer?
It’s anyone’s guess why the two plain-clothes photo subjects appear so dejected. Still, one possibility is that their dog-costumed friend just came out to them as a member of the furry fandom community, a revelation that put a damper on their festivities. At least that's what the Reddit community seems to think is happening in this shot. And according to them, we can learn a very valuable lesson from this unhappy moment.
The lesson? Think twice before telling your family you're part of the furry fandom community. Not everyone is as open-minded as we'd like them to be, and, well, maybe some things are better left unsaid.
Definitely Not a Fan of Bathtime
This baby’s parent indicates that the infant is skeptical of the bubbles, but it could be any number of bathtime factors throwing the poor thing off. Perhaps a favorite rubber ducky has gone mysteriously missing? Or maybe a new soap is being used, inferior to the usual? Is the photographer simply singing off-key? If none of the above are spoiling the mood, it may be time to incorporate a bath pillow or wash with a washcloth.
Is it just the lighting, or is the baby’s skin particularly pink, even for an infant? Perhaps the water really is uncomfortably hot. Regardless, this is a shot to be remembered.
Watch Your Step
Nothing about this group of five friends seems particularly offensive, so what exactly is causing this woman’s super sour face? Did she take a sip of a new spirit only to find its aftertaste to be particularly revolting? Did she suddenly slip on a hazardous banana peel, resulting in overwhelming surprise, panic, and instability? Is the photographer an ex-boyfriend whom she had no desire to run into at the local pub?

Another possibility is that one of these partygoers has a particularly offensive message on the back of his t-shirt. That or this woman has a particular hatred against pilgrim hats.
She Saw Straight to Florida
Achieving a proper fit is one of the foremost concerns of dressing well, and it’s a tricky art to determine if pants are too tight or just tight enough. But some leggings are unmistakably inappropriate for public display. If strangers can easily see what you got going on, it may be a key sign that it’s time to find looser trousers. Another indication is when everyone runs away from you with a horrified expression.
Given that this man elected not to zip his jacket and thus avoid the exposure simply, he just might be a bit of an exhibitionist. That or he desperately needs a full-length mirror next to this closet.
Unexpected Donkey Show
Performance art can be among the most moving and memorable of the artistic disciplines. But more risque performances have also edged toward the boundaries of vulgarity—and the police officer pictured here might argue this performance crossed that boundary entirely. That said, it’s worth noting that both observers seem transfixed and not exactly in a hurry to put a stop to the display. So in some ways, the performance appears to have been successful.
It may be difficult to prosecute this performance under obscenity laws. The performers can, after all, claim that they were making a public health statement about America’s overdependence on corn.