An Icelanic Hotel Telphone
Pictured here is a telephone handset found in an Icelandic hotel. Of course, you have all the buttons you might expect - reception, room service, wake-up, emergency, mute, volume, hold, in use, and northern lights wake-up. Waaaaaittt...what was that last one? Yes, you read that correctly; in this hotel, there is a button where you can request a wake-up call when the Northern Lights are in view. How awesome is that?
Of course, it isn't a given that you'll see the northern lights when you travel to Iceland, so a service like this is pretty neat. We would definitely want a wake-up call to this phenomenon!
A Table With a Secret Spiral Staircase
When you glance to the left of this picture, it seems like you're looking at a regular dining room table. It's a standard spherical shape and made out of beautiful wooden paneling, complete with a vase of flowers in the center. However, when you slide your eyes to the right... you see that this table conceals a secret spiral staircase! Not in a month of Sundays would we have guessed there was a staircase within this table!
We can't help but wonder, what's down the staircase? Does it lead to a basement? A wine cellar? A whole other floor? Also, why the secrecy? The mind boggles with questions!
When Goats Double up as Lawnmowers
You would be forgiven for mistaking this scene for a picture of the goat pen at your local petting zoo. But, no. Oddly, what you're actually looking at is the back of someone's apartment complex. The original poster said this image captures the moment when their landlord rented 200 goats to eat the vegetation along the overgrown path and riverbed. We won't lie; we were speechless when we first looked at this photo.
However, after a few minutes, we had lots of questions. Was it effective? How much did it cost to rent 200 goats? Where did the landlord manage to source 200 goats from? The list continues.
Missing Cat Follow-Up Flyer
Have you ever walked along your local street to sadly see 'missing cat' flyers plastered on your local lamp posts, noticeboards, walls, etc.? You then make a mental note to keep an eye out for the missing feline to help the search effort. Then, a week or so goes by, and the flyers are still up. You can't help but wonder, is the cat still missing? How did the story end?
Well, in this instance, you'll be pleased to hear that the missing cat owner posted follow-up flyers where the 'missing' posters had been so that everyone knew the happy outcome!
A Lizard Using a Sponge as a Raft
Have you ever seen a lizard using a sponge as a raft in a kitchen sink? Well, if you haven't, now you have! We think it's safe to say that a lizard might be one of the last things you expect to see in your washing up! However, it might be worth highlighting that the original poster was from Mexico, and we can't help but wonder, is this a common occurrence over there?
We're genuinely intrigued, so please reach out if you know the answer! Let's hope the original poster wasn't scared of lizards...otherwise, who knows how long this little guy might have enjoyed his sail?
Lego Flowers
Pictured here is a bouquet of flowers made out of Lego. The original poster was a husband. He lovingly built these flowers for his wife's birthday. How cute is that? Although Lego flowers are unconventional, we have to admit they probably offer better value for money because they won't die. The recipient could enjoy this bouquet for literally a lifetime. What's not to love about that? They're also weirdly pretty - win-win!
This would also be an excellent gift for someone with a pollen allergy. That aside, we reckon the husband had a fab time constructing his wife's gift, making it as much of a present for him as it was for her - another win-win!
A Detailed Photo Of A Bonfire
Now we wouldn't necessarily class this as random or odd, but it is, indeed, interesting. So, it's made it onto the list. Pictured here is a pretty detailed photograph of a bonfire. We love that you can virtually see all the individual flames, the twigs fuelling the fire, and the molten sparks flicking off the blaze. From some angles, it looks as though the flecks of ash are actually stars!
What a bonfire this must have been to behold! We don't know about you, but we now have a craving for melted marshmallows and hot cocoa. Is there anything better than being around a campfire on a clear night?
When Your Doppelganger Is a Statue
Have you ever come across the theory that we all have someone that looks near-on identical to us living somewhere in the world? But what if it turns out that your doppelganger is a statue? That's exactly what happened to this original poster, and this picture memorializes that moment! When the woman in this image went on vacation in Switzerland, she found a random wooden statue that looked exactly like her!
We love how the color of this lady's leggings almost matches the color of the wood, which makes for an even more compelling match! She's also copied the folded arm stance to a tee!
A Traffic-Themed Playground
Pictured here is a traffic-themed playground in Copenhagen, Denmark. Here children can learn how to cycle on the roads safely. How cool is that? Although this image is on a list of odd and random things, we don't think that this photo should be out of the ordinary. This is such a fantastic idea! Apparently, other counties like Australia and Germany also have similar things. In fact, in Germany, traffic education is mandatory in some parts.
It's not uncommon for elementary schools to have mini-traffic playgrounds. But, back to this picture. We love how the kid in the foreground has just run a red light! It looks some more practice is needed, and they're in precisely the right place!
Air Cushions
Here the original poster has snapped a picture of the 'air cushions' that are now used by a supplier of theirs. This is an excellent alternative to the traditional plastic air fillers that we're so used to seeing to protect our fragile parcels. How cool is that? Usually, the majority of packaging goes straight into the bin, so if it's plastic, sadly, it just sits in a landfill for years.
In contrast, when packaging is made out of paper and sealed with wax, at least the recipient can recycle what they don't want to keep. What a fabulous eco-friendly alternative!
A World Map Drawn From Memory
Wow! We're not sure what we're more impressed by, this professor's incredible memory or artistic skill! The original poster was a student who captured the moment their college professor was mid-way drawing a map of the entire world based on memory alone - and from our limited expertise, it looks like he's nailed it! How cool is that? We're not sure we could even draw the outline of our own country!
We wonder what inspired this professor to start drawing a world map? We also want to know whether this skill translates to other scenes? City skylines, perhaps? Works of art? Family portraits? Either way, what an incredible talent!
Garbage Trucks Painted by Local Artists
Typically speaking, nothing about garbage is beautiful - garbage trucks included. However, this isn't always the case in New York City. Pictured here is an example of what happens when local artists are commissioned to paint garbage trucks. How cool is that? We're sure these quirky garbage trucks put a smile on the face of everyone they drive past! We also love there are cool words and phrases hidden in the art.
With a quick glance, we've spotted 'sanitation,' 'don't litter,' 'stay clean,' 'safe,' and 'composte.' Of course, there are likely more in plain sight, but our beedy eyes likely couldn't find them all!
The End of the Rainbow
Most people will never see the end of a rainbow in their lives, so this photo is quite something to behold. But, amazingly, the original poster actually got to witness the end of a rainbow first-hand - and sadly, there wasn't a pot of gold, a leprechaun, or any lucky charms to be seen. What a disappointment! Perhaps it's the wrong end? Or, maybe the gold is under the road?
That said, we're not suggesting digging up the tarmac on the off chance! On a different note, this scene is even more special because it's a double rainbow - aww!
A Plaque On A Church In Virginia Dedicated to the Enslaved People Who Built It
Like a few of the other items on this list, this picture should not be considered odd, random, misplaced, or unique. Instead, in our opinion, it should be standard practice. Pictured here is a plaque hung on the outside of a church in Alexandria, Virginia. It acknowledges, apologizes, and shows gratitude to the enslaved people who were forced to erect the church. More specifically, this is what the plaque says:
'With gratitude and repentance, we honor the enslaved people whose skills and labor were unjustly used to help build the old Presbyterian meeting house sanctuary, flounder house, and Elliot house.'
A Bird That Made a Wreath Its Nest
Upon first inspection, it looks as though the mother bird and her baby chick are part of the wreath. But, no, they're not fake! What we're actually looking at is a female bird that made her nest in the original poster's holiday wreath and had hatchlings! How cute is that? We can only imagine how carefully the household would have had to go in and out of their door not to disturb this little family.
Apparently, after a bit of Googling, the exact species of bird is a mourning dove. Fun fact: apparently, it got its name because of its cooing noises; they sound sad.
An Almost Perfect Star Shape Found in a Rock on the Beach
Wow! When does this ever happen? Picture this: you are walking along the beach, and you pick up a random rock and look at it, only to find an almost perfect star-shaped crystal embedded in it. That is apparently exactly what happened to this original poster at a beach in southern Wales, in the UK! Pretty neat, right? We would definitely be taking this gem back with us to keep!
Some commenters on the original post have identified this star shape as a 'fossilized segment of a crinoid stem.' We're not sure what that is...but, one thing's for sure, it still looks beautiful!
Rolling Picnic Tables
Do you ever feel bad about taking up a table that's too big for your party, but it's the only one available, so you have no other option than to take the bigger table? That's where these picnic benches in Smale Riverfront Park in downtown Cincinnati come into their own! These tables are mounted on abandoned streetcar tracks. That way, users can easily roll the tables together or apart, depending on their needs.
It's also great if you want to move the tables into the shade or the sun! How awesome is that? Just make sure your fingers are out of the way when you push them together!
Basket Fungus
We don't know about you, but we can safely say that we have never encountered a mushroom comprising tiny hexagons/pentagons. It looks a bit like a small and weirdly shaped football! A quick Google tells us that the name of this fungus is Ileodictyon ciborium, which is also known as basket fungus. It's often found in Australia and New Zealand, and allegedly, this fungus (in its early stages) is edible!
Although we couldn't imagine this fungus being a tasty snack, we'd probably pass on this delicacy! But, interestingly, as the fungus gets older, it's described as 'foul smelling' - gross!
Lizard Footprints
Have you ever wondered what a lizard's footprints look like? If you haven't, don't feel bad, it hadn't dawned on us either until we started writing this listicle. That said, here's a snap of a lizard's footprints found on the original poster's laptop. Given the perspective of the prints against the keyboard's buttons, we can only assume that this lizard was pretty tiny! But we can't help but wonder, was this a pet lizard?
Or was this a wild lizard that broke into the original poster's office to tap dance on their laptop's keyboard? Either way, we think the tiny footprints are pretty cute!
The Trafficking Resource Hotline on Pizza Boxes
What a fabulous idea! The sad fact is that human trafficking is a prevalent issue worldwide, and victims often don't know where to turn. However, advertising the national human trafficking resource hotline on pizza boxes (as pictured here) and on other household items increases the likelihood of trafficking victims being able to ask for the help they need. There also seems to be a bible reference printed on the box:
John chapter 8 vs 36, which according to the NIV Bible reads as follows: 'So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.' Perhaps this is a Christian pizza company, looking to do some good?
Beach Baskets
What a wonderful idea! Here this beach has baskets for walkers to take to help them clean up the coastline. The idea behind this initiative is that beach-goers grab a basket, use it to collect litter, dispose of the garbage appropriately, and then bring the basket back to this signpost so that others can access a basket. Then the cycle continues. Despite multiple reverse image searches, we can't find the name of this beach!
Despite admiring this endeavor, not everyone shared this view in the original post's commenting section. Some expressed concerns that the baskets would get stolen, and others said that the baskets would end up strewn around the beach. So sad!
Kittens With Moustaches
It's rare to see just one kitten with a handlebar mustache to rival Poirot's facial furniture, but two? That's practically unheard of! These two black and white kitties are so cute. Their 'mustaches' make them look almost permanently surprised, which is nothing short of adorable. Not to mention, their fur's black and white pattern resembles a tuxedo! So dapper! Have you ever seen such handsome felines? We don't know the names of these cats, but we imagine they would be something formal.
For example, names like Mr. Emerson and Mr. Florian. We aren't entirely sure why these came to mind, but hopefully, you get the gist of what we are talking about!
65 Jenga Blocks Perched On One Block
Here, the original poster stacked 65 Jenga blocks supported by just one block! Who knew that this was even possible...without glue or tape? We would love to know what prompted the original poster to try this? Also, how long did it take them? We would never want to pack the Jenga blocks away if we were them! It would seem like such a waste to ruin all the effort that had gone into building such a tower!
We would struggle to feel comfortable even breathing around this tower for fear of knocking it over. Some commenters in the original post think it's photoshopped. We really hope it isn't!
A Floating Car (maybe Not! )
This photo is pretty trippy! The original poster said they 'Genuinely thought my car was hovering' - and we can see why! The positioning of the lights and shadows has created somewhat of an optical illusion, resulting in the car looking as though it's hovering just above the parking bay. On a different note, we couldn't help but notice one original commenter pointing out this car is also blocked in!
There's a truck parked directly behind this car and a fence in front, so how will they get out? We bet they wished their car was actually floating so they could fly out of the parking lot!
Shrubs in the Shape of Teeth
Toperary is pretty popular! But have you ever seen bushes trimmed into teeth? Well, if you haven't, there's a first for everything! Pictured here are a few shrubs outside a dental office that have been pruned to look like molars. How brilliant is that? We love that the management of this dental surgery has an excellent sense of humor. Speaking of jokes, a few comments on the original post thought these 'teeth' were actually 'butts'!
That certainly gave us a laugh! Many of us feel nervous going to the dentist; it's not something any of us particularly enjoy, so these bushes bring some much-needed levity.
A Drawing on Velvet
Pictured here is an incredibly intricate drawing that the original poster managed to create using just their finger on a piece of velvet furniture. The artist must have had a lot of patience - this must have taken hours to achieve! We just hope no one accidentally sits on their work; that would be such a waste! We can't help but wonder, is there a way you could preserve this work?
Perhaps there is an adhesive that you could spray onto the art that wouldn't damage the velvet? If that would be possible, we would definitely try to preserve this masterpiece!
A Tag That Can Be Planted To Grow Thyme
When you first look at this picture, you would think it was just a regular tag. But, upon further inspection, when you actually read the label that came with the original poster's frying pan, we discover it can be planted to grow thyme! How awesome is that? Until now, we didn't even know that such tags existed! This is what the smaller text says toward the bottom of the label:
'This tag was printed on eco-friendly, plantable paper. Rip up the tag, place in soil, keep moist, and place in the sun to grow.' We wonder how the thyme turned out?
Dew on the Trampoline
Although misplaced, you might have thought that these square/rectangular shapes on this trampoline were tiny shards of glass or mirrors. Or, perhaps special foot grips that had been adhered onto the trampoline (do they even exist?!). However, it's actually just the morning dew that's been squared out by the grain lines indented into the trampoline's fabric. How neat is that? It doesn't look real! But apparently, this definitely isn't photoshopped!
A quick Google search shows that other people have experienced the same phenomena on their trampolines. Who knew? This certainly didn't happen on our trampolines as kids, and now we feel robbed!
Crosswalk Projected On A Dirty Road
Have you ever been out driving when the roads get so dirty during the winter months that you can't see the road markings, including the pedestrian crossings? It feels dangerous to drive on them. You know the situation, slush, sleet, dirt, ice, masks what's underneath the filth. But, here in the city of Krasnoyarsk in Siberia, crosswalks are projected onto roads for all to see! How cool is that?
We're not sure where the crosswalk is being projected from, but what we do know is that it's an excellent idea! Let's just hope that drivers can stop in such icy conditions!
The Old Library Inside the New One
Pictured here is some of the exterior of the old library inside the new one. We weren't sure where this library was located, so we looked at the comments on the original post. There seems to be a fair amount of speculation as to the name of the building. However, although we couldn't determine the name of the building, we did see that more and more architects are building upon old buildings.
What a lovely way to mix the old and the new while utilizing the materials from old buildings. Not only is this better for the environment, but we think it gives the structures some character - a win-win!
Social Distancing Escalator
As the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, the need for social distancing isn't quite as prevalent. However, a couple of years ago, this escalator would have been handy when we were all trying our best to keep a safe distance from one another. But we must admit that it might be tricky to try and get the timing right! You wouldn't want to miss your opportunity to stand on the 'Go' step!
We could well imagine queues of people forming behind us as we try to ensure we step on the 'Go' step- the anxiety! Wasn't the pandemic a weird and scary time? Good riddance to COVID-19!
Partial Heterochromia In Both Eyes
Have you ever seen such beautiful eyes? One commenter on the original post described them like a 'beach' - and we couldn't agree more; they're absolutely mesmerizing! What a wonderfully unique facial feature to have! The lady pictured here has partial heterochromia, which is the technical term for two different colored eyes. Apparently, this is relatively uncommon. In fact, less than 1% of the population is blessed with this condition.
Fun fact: Humans aren’t the only creatures that can have partial heterochromia — dogs, cats, and other species can also have it! We saw comments on the original post saying that they knew huskies with partial heterochromia; cute, right?
A Dog Shampoo That's Tested On Humans First
Although animal testing for cosmetics doesn't seem as prevalent as it used to be a decade ago, sadly, it still happens. Since March 2013, selling cosmetics newly tested on animals in the EU has been prohibited. But this isn't yet the case in the USA or China. That's why we loved the humor and irony of this dog shampoo. Right at the bottom of this bottle, you can see that it says 'Tested On Humans First.'
Take that, humans! All jokes aside, we must admit that oatmeal shampoo sounds nice, so these must be some pampered pooches! One commenter on the original post said they accidentally used this on their hair and didn't notice the difference!
An Elevator With Buttons You Can Push With Your Feet
Why aren't elevator foot buttons common practice? Now we wouldn't class ourselves as germophobes, but there is something icky about thinking about the number of fingers that have touched elevator buttons. Perhaps we're more bacteria-conscious since the pandemic? But in any event, a better solution? Pressing a giant elevator button with your feet! That is what's pictured here! We're unsure where this elevator is located, but we'd love to know!
We can't help but think some users might be tempted to vent their frustrations on the buttons. For example, kicking something after a bad day at the office, etc. How much of a booting can they withstand?
Christmas Lights Buried Underneath the Snow
Although we are writing this listicle in May, we think it's never too early to get inspiration for this year's Christmas decorations. Have you ever seen such a cool-looking outdoor display of festive lights? You would be forgiven for mistaking these colorful lights as a hologram or projection. However, this multi-color pathway is thanks to LED lights buried beneath the snow. How neat is that? These days, LED lights don't get very hot.
As a result, the lights can sit safely beneath the snow without melting it, and pictured here is the glorious result! So, if you live somewhere where snow is rife, this might be decor worth considering!
This Bread-Brand That Put A Mask On Their Mascot
This original post was published three years ago, in 2020, during the height of the pandemic. So as you may have already guessed, the alteration to this bread company's mascot (as pictured here) was a hat tilt to the extra safety precautions we were all taking to help combat COVID-19. It seems like a while ago that mask-wearing was mandatory, but pictures like this are a stark reminder of just how different things were!
Changing their logo so their mascot wore a mask was a fun way to spread awareness of COVID safety measures while cementing a feeling of solidarity, i.e., 'we're all in this together' - cute, right?
This Window Looks Like a Painting
Wow! Without the wider context of the rest of the room, it would be easy to mistake this bathroom window for a painting. It's such a picturesque view. It would be the perfect scene to stare at while having a bath to relax and unwind. Absolute bliss, right? We would love to see how this backdrop changes with the seasons. We imagine that this would be a gorgeous viewpoint, no matter the time of year!
This picture was taken in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on the east coast of Canada. As this is just a tiny snapshot of the view, we would love to see the broader surroundings - they must be gorgeous!
There Are Actually Two Dogs Here
This is one of those photos that really looks like an optical illusion. With just a quick glance, it appears as though the black dog is the brown one's shadow. However, it isn't! Take a closer look. It is only when you really stare at the image that you realize that this black dog is not a shadow, but rather, it is actually another dog! There are two dogs in this picture!
How trippy is that? On another note, we love that these two dogs look like they're the best of friends and appear to be the best of boys. So cute!
Noise Description Instructions
Has your appliance ever made an 'odd' noise, and you have no idea why? Consequently, you're too scared to do anything about it. As a result, the appliance eventually meets its demise. There is nothing worse. That's why we love that this original poster's new fridge came with a set of 'noise instructions.' Although we have to admit, we're not 100% sure what all these noise descriptors are and what they correlate with.
So, we spent some time scrolling through the original comments to get some clarity. One commenter said that the crack noise occurred because of 'the contraction and expansion of materials comprising the entire fridge.' Who knew?
This YOLO Button on the Drink Dispenser
We've all been there. Turned up at a restaurant, cafe, or vending machine, you know you're hungry and/or thirsty, but you're not 100% sure what you're in the mood for. Well, this vending machine has a YOLO button that dispenses a random drink for you. We love this! We did some digging and learned that you can find this specific vending machine in the Faculty of Engineering of Ghent University.
We wish that more vending machines had a button like this! But, the thought of being lumped with a caffeine-free, more niche-flavored soda might be enough to make us think twice about hitting YOLO.