This article was originally published on ParentMood
We're A Normal Human Family, We Promise
If a scientist were to know nothing else about biology and just go off of this one photo, then they might think that weirdness simply runs in the family. We're not sure what is going on here or what this family is wearing on their heads but it certainly makes for an interesting photo. It even gives us alien vibes, but like cool, harmless aliens and not like horror movie vibes.

And like in most family photos, there is always the one child that absolutely does not want to be there and shows it. In this case, it's the little boy on the left, but his brother seems to be enjoying himself.
Dad Decides It's The Perfect Time To Flex
Then, there are the photos when timing seemingly has nothing to do with how weird a picture turns out. This photo leaves us with more questions than answers. The background doesn't appear to be at a house or even on a photo set. Why is the man in the photo oiled up and flexing? And why do these people seem oblivious to the bodybuilder right next to them? Better yet, are these people even a family?

Apart from all of that, good on dad for getting in shape. We just think there was probably a better time to show off all the hard work put in at the gym.
Ride Or Die
Usually, family photos involving guns include family members dressed up in their Sunday best, with a field of trees or farmland adorning the background. However, this photo has none of that. Instead, we get tie-dye shirts and a blue backdrop that makes the photo look like it was taken in a pharmacy or the back of a grocery store. This is all very weird, but perhaps it's weirder that the M-16 rifle is only one bizarre part of an overall perplexing image.

The people in the photo also have a dead-serious (no pun intended) look in their eyes, making us think this photo wasn't taken as a joke or even as a typical happy family photograph.
Unfortunate Timing
Sometimes the best thing about a photo is its timing. But, the opposite is also true and this Christmas family photo certainly fits in that category. There's nothing particularly weird about the way the people are dressed in this one, but it would seem the dogs are getting a bit too friendly for a PG-13 Christmas photo. However, the funniest part of this photo might just be the family's reactions.

Everyone here, including the kids, seems to know these two dogs aren't just wrestling because they're excited about the family photo. The woman in the back even has to turn her head.
A Handful
Only the second child on this list to seriously mess up a photo, this little kid thought he'd grab a handful right as the photographer was taking the picture. Luckily, nobody had time to react, which is probably what makes this photo so funny. The rest of the family doesn't know what's going on while Billy number two is reaching over. We're sure there were plenty of laughs right after this photo was taken.

The kid, on the other hand, is laughing ear-to-ear mid grab. As far as family photos go, this is probably one of the more embarrassing to look back on for the children.
Awkward Christmas Cards
The Christmas photo we saw earlier is nothing compared to this gem. We're not sure why the entire family dressed down for the occasion or who managed to convince everyone to get on board, but it's certainly a photo to remember. Apart from being a bit awkward because of the whole being naked in front of your family thing, everyone using Christmas ornaments and presents to cover up add to the cringe.

The hand gestures don't really help either. But, at least everyone in the photo appears to be having a good time, which is all you can really ask for in a family portrait.
A Little Too Personal
If you thought the last photo was a little too intimate, then take a look at this one. The happy family appears to have just welcomed a new member to their family in what looks like an at-home birth. Which is great. But, they probably didn't have to make the kids get in the pool with them. The little boy's face on the bottom left kind of says it all.

His brother, on the other hand, just seems happy they have a new family member. And good for him, but we identify more with his brother after looking at this photo.
Awkward 70s Throwback
The 1970s brought some monumental cultural achievements, but this style of family portrait is not one of them. However, perhaps we're being too harsh on this classic. This photo's biggest issue seems to be the dad. We're not sure what the photographer was saying to him, but for some reason, there is a huge disparity between his family's smiles and his thousand-yard stare. It actually makes for a rather funny, if slightly awkward, family photo.

The son's nervous look really does not help matters. But, it does make for a more entertaining and ultimately hilarious look back at life and family photos in the 1970s.
Family Photos Are All About Positioning
When it comes to positioning people to take a family photo, there is usually some thought put into who goes where. A photographer usually wants to balance out the proportions of their photo so it looks pleasing to the eye. Which makes this picture all the more puzzling. For some reason, the photographer thought it was a good idea to place lucky backed up against dad's lap in this photo.

The poor pooch also has the proud distinction of having the most "what is going on" look on his face, while the rest of the family just seems to be smiling awkwardly.
A Portrait Of A Portrait
While most parents might opt for getting their family's name in ink when thinking about getting a tattoo, this father decided to go all out and get three portraits of his family members, in addition to their names on his back. While it's certainly unique, it might just be a tad bit too much. However, it does make for an interesting family photo. We just wonder what his family members' thought about his idea.

Apart from the tattoo and the ironic look on the middle sibling's face, there is something else peculiar about this photo. The dad's tan is all over the place as if he spent time specifically tanning his back in preparation for this moment.
Merry What?
Something seems to have happened to Santa whenever this photo was taken. To be honest, it might not even be Christmas here, it could very well be Halloween, because whoever is in the Santa costume looks like they got their mask at a Halloween store. Luckily none of the children seem to be too taken back. The daughter seems to be done with the entire scene, while the baby is just wondering what's going on.

This just goes to show what happens when you wait too long to buy your Santa costume. All of the fathers out there take note because you don't want to end up with a Christmas card like this.
What Is Going On Here
This might not be the weirdest photo on this list or even the most awkward, but it certainly makes us ask, "what is happening here?" more than many of the other photos you'll see here. There is just so much going on here. The mother is holding a chicken for some reason. The little boy is dressed up like a cowboy. The other son is holding what looks to be an accordion. And with all of that going on, the daughter's clothing still manages to not match with a single person in the photo.

With all of that said, the only normally dressed person in the photo appears to be the father. But, if this is a family portrait of themes, then dad might just be playing the part of a Baptist minister.
When Kids Won't Cooperate
So far, we've seen surprisingly few photos featuring kids that just straight up aren't having it. Well, now that changes. We don't know his real name, but we'll call him Billy and Billy pretty much personifies every kid who was ever dragged to a family photo event and didn't want to be there. He basically just goes deadweight as the photographer snaps the shutter and takes the picture, which turns out hilarious.

Billy is pretty much throwing a tantrum, while the rest of the family is going about their business like nothing is happening. He even looks like he is screaming down there.
A Christmas Card For The Cousins
Another example of kids clearly not wanting to be somewhere, the daughters in this photo all clearly share a couple of things in common. We're guessing their taste in music is only one of them. Apart from that, it's doubtful they want to be posing together for a family photo, much less a photo with Santa Clause. However, their apparent pain would make for a pretty hilarious Christmas card to send out to the family.

This photo even reminded us of an old sitcom called The Munsters. It basically followed a family that dressed in goth and their interactions with other normal everyday people. Wonder why we thought of that!
The Themed Family Photo
Sometimes photographers like to spice family photos up with a theme from time to time. While this might sound like a good idea, it can end up leading to some hilarious results. For some reason the father in this photo seems to be pausing in motion, ax in hand ready to defend his family from any would-be pillagers, while his family looks on in the background. But, we're thinking this theme is a bit too much for a family photo.

For example, why is the dad wearing a fox and why is he wearing it down there? There is also something weird going on with the lighting in this photo as if everything was shot separately and just photoshopped in place.
At Each Other's Throats
Another family portrait involving pets, this one just goes to show that as hard as it is to get kids to pose, adding a pet in the mix is sure to make things a lot more difficult. These two dogs seem to want to be sitting here even less than the kids do. While the two siblings are having a laugh, the brother in the middle is trying to put on a brave face.

But, to be quite honest, he looks terrified. Poor guy, there's not much worse than being forced to sit patiently in anticipation for a photo only to have two dogs trying to go at each other in close proximity.
The Camouflaged Family Photo
Dressing accordingly is a big part of taking a family portrait. Sometimes this means just dressing nice. Other times it means matching with your family members. Then there are the times when it means matching with not only your family members but your entire surrounding. That's what this family decided to do and we must say the photo turned out alright. This family matches so well, in fact, that is hard to tell them apart from their sofa.

Now, whether or not it's nice that those surroundings are shag and retro patterns is another discussion. But, at least everyone in this photo seems to be having fun with the whole thing.
We're Not Sure What Exactly Is Going On Here
If a photo is worth a thousand words, then sometimes those words just come at you in a random, bizarre mess. This photo is one such example of just that. There is no apparent rhyme or reason why these people are wearing plates on their heads or fake teeth in their mouths. It's just one weird, happy family that all decided to get together and for whatever reason dress up and take pictures together.

Everyone also seems to be wearing plastic cups over their eyes in case you missed it. But, we bet the guy taking a photo and pointing at the camera sure didn't.
Another Themed Photoshoot, Or Is It?
This is either another themed family photo or just a really weird collection of people and a parrot pictured together. If it is a themed photoshoot, then our best guess is that this couple is doing an impression of a discount Pablo Escobar. If it isn't, then we would really like to meet these people and hang out. However, perhaps without the gun, which for some reason has a bayonet attached to it.

Once again, leave it to the pets to be the voice of reason. Much like the dog we saw earlier, this parrot seems to be the only one in the photo with a perplexed look on its face.
Nothing Like A Family Photo At The Renaissance Fair
While not the traditional family photo, this picture certainly has some interesting parts to it. Setting aside the fact that the dad is dressed as a centaur for a moment, who is that person in the background and why is she not in the photo as well? Also, why is the dad dressed as a centaur? And we want to know how he is walking around in the costume that seems to require two people.

There is also the matter of his height. Either he is standing on something or he is just incredibly tall. The daughter in the photo also seems about fed up with the whole thing and ready to leave.
Not The Best Look
A more recent family photo, this one was apparently taken at a Christmas tree farm during the holidays. And nothing screams equality during that special time of the year, quite like taking a Christmas card photo with all the female members of your family with tape over their mouths and Christmas lights tying their hands together. Jokes aside, the expression on the son's face and his thumbs up is actually pretty hilarious.

Honestly, everyone's expression in this photo just seems to be spot on, which is extremely hard to get in a family photo, much less one where the family is tied up.
Not The Best Look Number Two
Like the last photo on this list, this family picture is well, let's say problematic. It was clearly taken during a different time, but even then it's pretty weird to take a family photo dressed up as Native Americans. We're not sure if this was part of a theme, or if the family, (mom in particular) was part Native American, but either way, it makes for a cringe-worthy look into the past.

Apart from that, the dad in the photo looks strikingly similar to a character from Parks and Recreation. And if you know the show, this would absolutely be in character.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
What's harder than getting children to sit down and pose for a photo? Probably whatever is going on in this photo. This pair seems to have adopted six monkeys and taken them along with them to have their family photo done. While there is certainly nothing wrong with bringing pets to a family photo session, the clothes the monkeys are wearing might just be what puts this photo over the top.

Some of the monkeys are dressed in overalls while others sport Victorian-era dresses. It's honestly adorable. But, the monkey at the bottom center doesn't seem to want anything to do with it.
Before There Were Influencers
Before there were influencers, there was that weird couple that sent out the most outrageous Christmas cards. For some reason, dad is spread out on the rug in the background, while mom is blissfully smiling away in the foreground. Imagine getting this in the mail in the early to mid-2000s. It might make you rethink everything you knew about uncle Earl. Turns out, he really likes the way the carpet feels on his body.

Besides that, he is actually doing a pretty good job with his facial expression in this photo, it screams creepy yet sensual, kind of like a really weird shampoo or lotion commercial.
Family Hobbies
Family hobbies can be healthy and quite fun. We mean things like fishing or going out on hikes. However, it's probably best not to put these things out front and center for a family portrait, otherwise, you end up with a photo like this, which looks like it came off a movie poster from the 1980s. The best thing about this photo is possibly the glasses the dad is wearing.

They really sell the picture. The second best thing about this photo is that he is wearing a different color belt than the rest of the family. Although, we would like to know if it's a higher or lower degree belt than the rest.
Seeing Red
This is actually a pretty crazy family photo. Everyone in it appears to be red-headed except for maybe dad. However, we really like how the photographer just leaned into it and gave the whole photo a red hue. They even picked the perfect fall background to go along with it. The entire family just kind of blends in. However, dad doesn't seem to be too into the photo at all.

And who could blame him? If somebody made us wear an outfit like that we probably wouldn't be too happy either. But, the rest of the family seems to be enjoying their time.
There Are Fans, And Then There Is This
One of the most awkward photos on this list, this family thought it'd be cool to paint their faces like Gene Simmons for a family photo. It must've taken forever to prepare everyone's makeup, but at least the dog is the first one we've seen that isn't having any issues. The family also seems to be sporting their look pretty well. However, it would have been maybe ten times better if they'd managed to paint the dog as well.

If you were going to paint a dog up like Gene Simmons, then a rottweiler is probably the perfect dog to paint up. Instead, he just looks like he's wondering why he wasn't included.
Some Ideas Are Just Better In The Head
It might sound like a cool idea for every member of your family to represent the different colors of a rainbow in a photo, but as this picture shows, sometimes ideas are just better in your head. The family photo shown here came out looking a bit weird, to say the least. Also, all of that color coordination must have been difficult, the only thing that doesn't seem to be coordinated is their shoes.

But, at least the kids seem to be having a good time. We're just wondering what they think when looking back on this photo, or if they look back on it at all.
Be One With The Photo
Family photos taken in the late 1990s to mid-2000s are usually pretty boring. There's always the same boring background and the same color-coordinated dress the men and women wear. However, these guys found a way to spice things up a bit. For some reason, Darth Vader is just hanging out in the background of the photo. We can even kind of hear him breathing in our heads when we take a look at this.

But, there is one question this raises. Who exactly is in the Darth Vader costume? And if it's the son or daughter, how did they talk their parents into letting them wear it?
Another Throwback
Speaking of the 1990s, nothing quite says that era like huge cellphones, pagers, and bright-blue business suits. This is definitely a photo from another time before iPhones made most of the things in this photo obsolete. The expressions on the different family members' faces are also priceless. The little girl has the best smile we've seen so far, while the boy looks like he is really talking to someone on the other end of the phone.

Meanwhile, the dad looks like he forgot he was about to have his picture taken and is midway through saying something, while the mom is the only one who looks perfectly normal.
Positioning Again
Once again, bad positioning strikes and turns what would be an otherwise nice family photo into something else. However, this time it's not the animal's fault, well kind of not. Dad's head in this photo is unfortunately in the way of some of the key letters in the sign behind him. It still makes for a nice photo, but it's likely to get a few more laughs than it would have otherwise.

To be honest, the mistake probably made the photo better. Sure, it was a nice photo before, but who wants the same boring photo taken at Disneyland like everyone else?
Cat's Got Your Photo
Here is another family photo featuring pets, this time kittens. However, they not just roaming around aimlessly, the family thought they'd stuff them in their pockets. And as far as weird family photos go, this one is not that bizarre, just absurd in the best way. But, some of the family members definitely look like they'd rather not be there. The daughter for one looks like she is ready to go.

The woman in the back is staring off at something else. But, the boy to the far right seems to be the only one giving anything away and holding in his laughter.
About To Blast Off
Family photo outfits strike again in this photo. We're not sure what is happening but we can take some guesses. The family members pictured here are about to blast off into space but stop to take one last group photo. Alternatively, they hired Wes Anderson as their photographer and he added his own unique style to the image. Either way, it's certainly a weird outfit to wear to a family portrait.

What's even weirder though, is the family member on the far rights facial expression. They look like they just woke up and are currently wondering how they got there and what they're wearing.
A Little Beer Never Hurt
Yes, truly times used to be different. However, ask enough people and one of them is sure to have an old photo lying around similar to this one. In it, a father appears to be giving his daughter a sip of his beer, while he continues to smoke a cigarette. Today, both of these things are frowned upon, while back then only one of them was. But, it does make for an interesting picture nonetheless.

Some of the photos on this list are only partially interesting for the weird, and bizarre things they show. Others, like this photo, are interesting for the time periods they explore.
Can You Guess The Year
Speaking of eras, this family photo is straight out of the 1980s. The big hair, mustache, and extreme vignette are sights to behold. But, if you're laughing then you probably shouldn't be. Odds are that twenty years from now we're going to look back on photos taken today in the same light. But, oh well at least we never thought mustaches were very cool unless, of course, you work in law enforcement.

Jokes aside, everyone in this photo appears to be pretty happy and smiling, which makes it a better family photo than half of the pictures on this list.
When You Can't Be Bothered
Sometimes you don't ask for a photo and when the time comes you really can't be bothered to do anything but sit there and smile. This appears to be what happened to this guy pictured here. Instead of dropping his Turkey leg, he just rolled with it and kept on enjoying his meal. He also looks as though he was midway through taking another bite when someone decided to take a photo with the flash.

But, to be fair he managed to pull it off. The food and beer combination look pretty appetizing as well. All in all, this looks like a fun group and occasion to be around.
When This Was A Thing
There was a time when parents thought it was cute to dress their kids up as cartoon characters for family photos. Lucky for kids nowadays this is mostly a thing of the past. Unlucky for some of us here, there might be a few photos similar to this one floating around out there somewhere. In this particular case, the children are dressed up as characters from Winnie the Pooh. Even Eeyore is featured.

However, if we're being completely honest. The kid dressed up as Eeyore looks a bit too old to be dressing up as a character from Winnie the Pooh. He also looks too old to be enjoying it so much.
When You Check The Traps On The Way
Probably the most unusual photo of a pet on this list, this family decided to bring their possum with them to the family portrait. And while we're sure possums make great pets, it is still a bit weird to look at. It honestly looks like a scene out of a sitcom. The overalls, the cowboy hat, and the glasses make us want to know more about this particular family.

We also want to know more about that possum. Is it really a pet? Where did they get it? And why is it acting calmer than most of the dogs pictured on this list?
Happy Birthday
Speaking of photos that make us want to know more, this one is quite intriguing. It seems to be a photo of a birthday, but there's only one person in the photo that like they're smiling and it's not the birthday boy. Everyone else looks like they just got some really bad news. Even the little girl holding the balloon looks like she's getting bad vibes from taking this photo.

However, setting all of that aside, the aesthetic of this photo actually looks pretty cool, almost like it could have been in a Bill Murray movie. The man in the center even kind of looks like Murray.
We're Happy, We Promise We're Happy
This photo has a lot going for it. You have the corny costumes, the pets of different types, and the obviously fake smiles. It's as if all of the chaotic parts of this photo, for just a shining second, coalesced into this gem of a family portrait. The pets do not seem to know what's going on, which is why we think the boy is having to hold the duck by the neck.

Something off camera appears to have caught the dog's attention. And all of the people in the photo look like they are holding their breaths waiting for the picture to be taken, except maybe the dad who looks a bit more normal than the rest of the family.